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Reaping What They Sow (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2005
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Well, well, well, it would appear that there is justice in the world. Finally some of these nuts are going to see what the enemy looks like first hand, and I hate to say it, it's not going to be pretty. I don't hate these people, I pity them really, I just hope they keep their heads, literally!

Reaping What They Sow
By Ben Johnson
FrontPageMagazine.com | November 30, 2005

A CPT activist "gets in the way" in Israel.

IT’S AS IF RACHEL CORRIE WERE KILLED BY THE PLO, and her parents blamed Israel, anyway. Yesterday, the previously unknown jihadist group “The Swords of Righteousness Brigade” took hostage four Westerners – including American Tom Fox – for allegedly acting as “undercover spies.” However, all four men belonged to Christian Peacemaker Teams, a “peace” organization of human shields that blamed 9/11 on American foreign policy, ran an “Adopt-a-Detainee” campaign, regularly interfered with Israeli anti-terror operations, trespassed at a U.S. military base during wartime, has waged a relentless propaganda campaign against the American “occupation” of Iraq, has demonstrated against Americans and capitalists around the world – and blames the abduction of its members on President Bush.

In an official statement posted on its website at 1:00 a.m. this morning, CPT engages in the ultimate act of moral idiocy: blaming the kidnapping and potential murder of its own members on the Bush administration. “We are angry because what has happened to our teammates is the result of the actions of the U.S. and U.K. governments due to the illegal attack on Iraq and the continuing occupation and oppression of its people,” the statement reads. “CPT does not advocate the use of violent force to save lives of its workers should they be kidnapped, held hostage, or caught in the middle of a conflict situation.”

CPT could scarcely feel otherwise. Founded in 1986 by a collection of left-wing churches, the group greeted 9/11 with recriminations against the Great Satan. Channeling Ward Churchill, activist Jerry Levin – who literally wrote the book on CPT – classified 9/11 as “violent chickens coming home to roost,” citing “the complicit link between the September 11th tragedy and the U.S.’s decades long knee jerk support of Israel against Palestine.” “Why does the United States treat the Palestinians like its Native Americans?” he asks. “Because that’s what America does!” Al-Qaeda’s “freelance” terrorism, he claimed, hardly scratched the surface of “infinitely more pervasive” U.S., British, and Israeli “state sponsored or state directed terrorism.”

CPT quickly turned its attention to preventing Operation Iraqi Freedom, then to sabotaging the war itself. During the “Shock and Awe” campaign, CPT members acted as human shields, opting to “use their bodies to protect critical civilian infra-structure.” [sic.] They also disseminated anti-American news releases to “provide an alternative voice to the reporters ‘embedded’ with Coalition forces.”

Once major military operations ended, activists stayed on to “document abuse of detainees by Coalition forces.” There, they soaked up far-fetched atrocity tales circulated for the credulous. Such tales, like erroneous reports of Koran vandalism at Guantanamo Bay, are pulled from the al-Qaeda handbook, but CPT’s useful idiots circulated them without regard for the impact they would have on soldiers’ morale. In a 12-page litany of supposed abuses, CPT member (and raving moonbat) Peggy Gish wrote that Abu Ghraib prisoners slept “about a hundred men in each tent.” When these prisoners started shouting “Freedom,” evil Americans opened fire, killing four innocent terrorists. Others pretend the Geneva Conventions require the U.S. government “release all detainees in Iraq as of June 30, 2004.”

One of the four abductees, 41-year-old Canadian James Loney, spread exactly these tall tales. The CPT website states Loney “is currently the Program Coordinator for CPT Canada. On previous visits to Iraq, his work focused on taking testimonies from families of detainees for CPT's report on detainee abuse, and making recommendations for securing basic legal rights.”


This is sad, but I hate to say it....this is natural selection in action.

It reminds me of the story of the peace activist who was killed protecting the home of a Palestinian family from a bulldozer.

At what point does common sense and survival instinct take precedence over integrity?
Deegan said:
Well, well, well, it would appear that there is justice in the world. Finally some of these nuts are going to see what the enemy looks like first hand, and I hate to say it, it's not going to be pretty. I don't hate these people, I pity them really, I just hope they keep their heads, literally!

Reaping What They Sow
By Ben Johnson
FrontPageMagazine.com | November 30, 2005

A CPT activist "gets in the way" in Israel.

IT’S AS IF RACHEL CORRIE WERE KILLED BY THE PLO, and her parents blamed Israel, anyway. Yesterday, the previously unknown jihadist group “The Swords of Righteousness Brigade” took hostage four Westerners – including American Tom Fox – for allegedly acting as “undercover spies.” However, all four men belonged to Christian Peacemaker Teams, a “peace” organization of human shields that blamed 9/11 on American foreign policy, ran an “Adopt-a-Detainee” campaign, regularly interfered with Israeli anti-terror operations, trespassed at a U.S. military base during wartime, has waged a relentless propaganda campaign against the American “occupation” of Iraq, has demonstrated against Americans and capitalists around the world – and blames the abduction of its members on President Bush.

In an official statement posted on its website at 1:00 a.m. this morning, CPT engages in the ultimate act of moral idiocy: blaming the kidnapping and potential murder of its own members on the Bush administration. “We are angry because what has happened to our teammates is the result of the actions of the U.S. and U.K. governments due to the illegal attack on Iraq and the continuing occupation and oppression of its people,” the statement reads. “CPT does not advocate the use of violent force to save lives of its workers should they be kidnapped, held hostage, or caught in the middle of a conflict situation.”

CPT could scarcely feel otherwise. Founded in 1986 by a collection of left-wing churches, the group greeted 9/11 with recriminations against the Great Satan. Channeling Ward Churchill, activist Jerry Levin – who literally wrote the book on CPT – classified 9/11 as “violent chickens coming home to roost,” citing “the complicit link between the September 11th tragedy and the U.S.’s decades long knee jerk support of Israel against Palestine.” “Why does the United States treat the Palestinians like its Native Americans?” he asks. “Because that’s what America does!” Al-Qaeda’s “freelance” terrorism, he claimed, hardly scratched the surface of “infinitely more pervasive” U.S., British, and Israeli “state sponsored or state directed terrorism.”

CPT quickly turned its attention to preventing Operation Iraqi Freedom, then to sabotaging the war itself. During the “Shock and Awe” campaign, CPT members acted as human shields, opting to “use their bodies to protect critical civilian infra-structure.” [sic.] They also disseminated anti-American news releases to “provide an alternative voice to the reporters ‘embedded’ with Coalition forces.”

Once major military operations ended, activists stayed on to “document abuse of detainees by Coalition forces.” There, they soaked up far-fetched atrocity tales circulated for the credulous. Such tales, like erroneous reports of Koran vandalism at Guantanamo Bay, are pulled from the al-Qaeda handbook, but CPT’s useful idiots circulated them without regard for the impact they would have on soldiers’ morale. In a 12-page litany of supposed abuses, CPT member (and raving moonbat) Peggy Gish wrote that Abu Ghraib prisoners slept “about a hundred men in each tent.” When these prisoners started shouting “Freedom,” evil Americans opened fire, killing four innocent terrorists. Others pretend the Geneva Conventions require the U.S. government “release all detainees in Iraq as of June 30, 2004.”

One of the four abductees, 41-year-old Canadian James Loney, spread exactly these tall tales. The CPT website states Loney “is currently the Program Coordinator for CPT Canada. On previous visits to Iraq, his work focused on taking testimonies from families of detainees for CPT's report on detainee abuse, and making recommendations for securing basic legal rights.”



Nice article Deegan, it will be interesting to see if the hostages are freed due to negotiation, that would actually help the terrorists and the peacees.

On another note, I also learned something today. Reading this post and after receiving friendly warnings from certain mods, you can post half or two thirds of a copyrighted article and give the link but you can not post all of the article and provide the link. You learn something new everyday.
I thought it was interesting, I am glad to see you can appreciate the irony as well.;)
It's an interesting perspective on both of those sides. On the one hand we have a group of idiots blaming the U.S. government for their situation, nevermind the fact that they put themselves in the area of conflict and their own behavior got them in trouble. On the other hand we have terrorists capturing people who are basically on their side.:doh I say we cut out the middle man, find the location, and drop a precision bomb. Problem solved:mrgreen: .
Unfortunently, there are crazy people on both sides of the argument. Oh well, that's life.
Guess it's time to hope the nice ole terrorist don't go cutting there peacful heads off. I gotta hope we don't send any marines in there to attempt a rescue. Let cindy shehan in there to negotiate a release from her "Freedom Fighters"
Calm2Chaos said:
Guess it's time to hope the nice ole terrorist don't go cutting there peacful heads off. I gotta hope we don't send any marines in there to attempt a rescue. Let cindy shehan in there to negotiate a release from her "Freedom Fighters"
I feel no pity for those people, and honestly don't care too much about their safety. I share your sentiments in hoping we dont risk any military lives for those fools as well, and if we could get Cindy Sheehan in that situation as well, so much the better.
What they do is treasonous, and the majority of us "libs", "lefties" and "left-wingers" do not think like this. There are real wackos on both sides of the aisle, and we should thank God that relatively few of them ever see political office.
LaMidRighter said:
It's an interesting perspective on both of those sides. On the one hand we have a group of idiots blaming the U.S. government for their situation, nevermind the fact that they put themselves in the area of conflict and their own behavior got them in trouble. On the other hand we have terrorists capturing people who are basically on their side.:doh I say we cut out the middle man, find the location, and drop a precision bomb. Problem solved:mrgreen: .
Or the government pays the terrorist organization to release them? Which funds terrorism? Hmm....I can thank of many presidencies this has happened?
stsburns said:
Or the government pays the terrorist organization to release them? Which funds terrorism? Hmm....I can thank of many presidencies this has happened?
Cough Cough *Carter* Cough.
SixStringHero said:
It reminds me of the story of the peace activist who was killed protecting the home of a Palestinian family from a bulldozer.

At what point does common sense and survival instinct take precedence over integrity?

Her name was Rachel and I referenced her in a different thread once.


Lovely lady there.....:/

Rachel Corrie, 23, from Olympia, Wash., a member of the 'International Solidarity Movement,' burns a mock U.S. flag during a rally in the southern Gaza Strip (news - web sites) town of Rafah in this Feb. 15, 2003 file photo.

American Rachel Corrie was killed Sunday in Gaza when an Israeli army bulldozer ran over her.

Whats funny is she supposedly died to protect a tunnel that was being used to smuggle in weapons.

I guess she was past the point of common sense to begin with.
Deegan said:
blames the abduction of its members on President Bush.

Ok I got some drink up my nose when I read this part. Yow thats funny.
The terrorists should keep them awhile feeding them and using up their resources. I would not be surprised if they were not in on the whole "kidnapping" together anyway.
akyron said:
Her name was Rachel and I referenced her in a different thread once.


Lovely lady there.....:/

Rachel Corrie, 23, from Olympia, Wash., a member of the 'International Solidarity Movement,' burns a mock U.S. flag during a rally in the southern Gaza Strip (news - web sites) town of Rafah in this Feb. 15, 2003 file photo.

American Rachel Corrie was killed Sunday in Gaza when an Israeli army bulldozer ran over her.

Whats funny is she supposedly died to protect a tunnel that was being used to smuggle in weapons.

I guess she was past the point of common sense to begin with.

Guess it wasn't a mock bulldozer that ran her ass over
akyron said:
Her name was Rachel and I referenced her in a different thread once.


Lovely lady there.....:/

Rachel Corrie, 23, from Olympia, Wash., a member of the 'International Solidarity Movement,' burns a mock U.S. flag during a rally in the southern Gaza Strip (news - web sites) town of Rafah in this Feb. 15, 2003 file photo.

American Rachel Corrie was killed Sunday in Gaza when an Israeli army bulldozer ran over her.

Whats funny is she supposedly died to protect a tunnel that was being used to smuggle in weapons.

I guess she was past the point of common sense to begin with.

Thanks for the extra info.

I didn't know she was protecting a tunnel that was smuggling weapons.
I see we both come to the same conclusion...it's sad but it's Darwinism in action.

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