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Rapper Killer Mike pleads to CNN: 'Stop feeding fear and anger every day' (1 Viewer)

Any black guy who doesnt support Biden isnt black, right?

You lose the bet. And KM wasnt race baiting, but youre the one who is doing that very thing. Well done on proving what you truly are.

LOL wrapper? You so excel at making yourself look bad. Herp derp. :lol:
Not what I said at all.
Stop lying.
Its piece of **** Trumpers that are the reason we will never have a progressive in any meaningful power in this country. We will continue to radicalize right due to bipartisan distrust and/or outright hatred of lefties. I'm not even left-wing (anymore) but it would have been nice to see a legitimately left-wing party. Uptower put it best of anyone in this thread: Michael Render wants people to go home so they can plan for the future, he's not blaming anyone rioting or protesting, he - like every other sane American - blames the right-wing white supremacy that has taken over our legal system.

But of course, the piece of **** Trumpers will twist it and idiotically think he's on THEIR side.

****ing MORONS.

Not what I said at all.
Stop lying.

Thats exactly what you said.
Stop projecting.

So PoS dishonestly cherry-picked the one line he thought he could spin to fit his narrative, but all the other stuff generally undercuts his "this rapper is with my side" routine?

Figures. It seems most of us don't need to go any further than entertainer has opinion, but it is nice to know that PoS lost even on his own terms.

LOL the self-proclaimed expert who cant tell the difference between a wrapper and a rapper thinks he knows what others are about? Keep derping.
This is one of the most tone deaf takes on the web.

CNN didn't create this problem, years and years, and years, and years, and years of police abuse of citizens - particularly minorities and those poverty - created this.

Conservatives gutted police oversight because it was said to "hamstring" them, then we were told to just deal with whatever tyranny become normalized, because the job is inherently dangerous, and we shouldn't question whether the issues within the police culture were more than just a few "bad apples".

Gutting police oversight and demanding their methods never be judged was a neon sign that attracted sociopaths, racists, and violent sickos to police work. It really isn't hard to understand when you take off the blue glasses and see it for what it is.

People tried to file complaints against cops, those were trashed. They tried to vote in politicians to change the departments, that failed. They tried to vote in judges that would treat corrupt cops with the same lawful punishments we would face, and they got bought by the police unions. Then they tried to peaceful kneel in sporting games to bring attention to the lives being destroyed by rogue police, and that was stifled.

Conservatives led the way on all of those brick walls being built to protect police from accountability, and so now the people are resorting to the last option, angry rioting, a byproduct of which are the anarchists coming out of the wood work to take advantage of the situation.

The whole tough on crime mindset has led us to this point too. Nobody in power should ever be immune to being held accountable for their crimes.
Thats exactly what you said.
Stop projecting.

LOL the self-proclaimed expert who cant tell the difference between a wrapper and a rapper thinks he knows what others are about? Keep derping.
You are lying like a snake.
Yet you still lose.
No one cares about black people except the white nationalists, right?

I don't recognize leftist newspeak. I reject your neologisms and misrepresentations.
It is so weird watching people not know how to handle a rapper with both liberal and conservative views. They either reject him because he isn't a political figure head or they make a snap judgment on his beliefs.

Also if you don't know him you aren't invited to my birthday party you oldy pants. :naughty
You are lying like a snake.
Yet you still lose.

Again, you need to stop projecting your own falsehoods and partisanship onto others. Derp.
Again, you need to stop projecting your own falsehoods and partisanship onto others. Derp.
The derp here is your constant posting stupidity.
Everybody can see.
The derp here is your constant posting stupidity.
Everybody can see.

You cant even figure out that youre looking at a mirror.
Rapper Killer Mike pleads to CNN: '''Stop feeding fear and anger every day''' | Fox News

Truer words were never spoken. CNN along with the rest of the lefty MSM have been stoking hatred against Trump, and also telling people that the world is doomed due to climate change, and many other things. It was karma that drove the riots to finally smash their HQ up.

What he said has absolutely nothing to do with CNN's reporting on Trump or climate change. CNN does not control the culture, it only reflects on it. Why didn't he blame rap lyrics, movies, and violent video games? Our society is shaped by forces far greater than what comes to us on our TV and computer screens.
This is one of the most tone deaf takes on the web.

CNN didn't create this problem, years and years, and years, and years, and years of police abuse of citizens - particularly minorities and those poverty - created this.

Conservatives gutted police oversight because it was said to "hamstring" them, then we were told to just deal with whatever tyranny become normalized, because the job is inherently dangerous, and we shouldn't question whether the issues within the police culture were more than just a few "bad apples".

Gutting police oversight and demanding their methods never be judged was a neon sign that attracted sociopaths, racists, and violent sickos to police work. It really isn't hard to understand when you take off the blue glasses and see it for what it is.

People tried to file complaints against cops, those were trashed. They tried to vote in politicians to change the departments, that failed. They tried to vote in judges that would treat corrupt cops with the same lawful punishments we would face, and they got bought by the police unions. Then they tried to peaceful kneel in sporting games to bring attention to the lives being destroyed by rogue police, and that was stifled.

Conservatives led the way on all of those brick walls being built to protect police from accountability, and so now the people are resorting to the last option, angry rioting, a byproduct of which are the anarchists coming out of the wood work to take advantage of the situation.

The media absolutely created this. Police oversight in this country is very good, the problem is, the left created a narrative that every time a black felon is shot then the black felon was actually innocent and didn’t do nothin’ and blah blah blah.

That plus the unionized public education system reinforces this by teaching children useless gender theory instead of logic and philosophy, in fact you can’t event teach philosophy anymore because Plato and Aristotle are too white.
The media absolutely created this. Police oversight in this country is very good, the problem is, the left created a narrative that every time a black felon is shot then the black felon was actually innocent and didn’t do nothin’ and blah blah blah.

That plus the unionized public education system reinforces this by teaching children useless gender theory instead of logic and philosophy, in fact you can’t event teach philosophy anymore because Plato and Aristotle are too white.

The media did not create the culture. Your comment about not teaching philosophy is unsubstantiated nonsense.
The media did not create the culture. Your comment about not teaching philosophy is unsubstantiated nonsense.

Oh yes they did.

You think the constant glorification of violent felons as “victims of police” has no impact on anyone?

Are you willing to say hands up don’t shoot was a bunch of crap?
You cant even figure out that youre looking at a mirror.
Snort. Not bloody likely.
Not a fake author, either.
Snort. Not bloody likely.
Not a fake author, either.

A blind windbag more like it.

What he said has absolutely nothing to do with CNN's reporting on Trump or climate change. CNN does not control the culture, it only reflects on it. Why didn't he blame rap lyrics, movies, and violent video games? Our society is shaped by forces far greater than what comes to us on our TV and computer screens.

Wrong. CNN produces slanted news towards hate and fear, which is why he spoke out against it. And he is right.
Rapper Killer Mike, spokesperson for Trumpers.

You are assuming that he is white.... Killer Mike is actually a black man.
You are assuming that he is white.... Killer Mike is actually a black man.

I'm so disappointed it's not Mike Pence, I just don't care anymore.
Dude, who are you? I'm supposedly the white supremacist guy here, and I know that Mike is black.

That would be a great nick name... "the White Supremacist Guy". :lol:

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