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Random Thoughts (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
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South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
All of these things I've written are random notes and ideas I wrote in my notebook.
Humans constantly evolve and take advantage of certain things. Conditions can constantly be improved if one is willing to progress. We are very unique in this as a specices. Thus the possiblity of war being abolished, poverty being abolished, and anything else being abolished is in our reach so long as we remain progressive. That, at least, is something that is proven.

Thinking on subjects of the question "Why were are here" is idiotic because there is no answer and never will there be one. Your life is your own and you have the right to live it. A government has no right to interfere in you living your own life. Your profession is yurors to choose and nobody has a say on it.

There are certain things in this world that need to be protected. Corporations may do as they will until it begins to affect the enviorment or the social structure in an overly negative way. We cannot stand by and simply let stuff like this continue but we also should not interfere if it is not neccesary. Factory workers in Bangledesh are no exception to this. The United States of America shouldn't exploit those less fortunate in other countries simply because they can. It is immoral and no different then the factories were in the beginning of the industrial revolutionThose living in the slums of Beijing are the new "Child labor" They are cheap and expendable, just as children were considered back in those days. It is no more moral then child labor because both children and foreigners were considered worthless.

Communism and most forms of socialism, as originally envisoned, can never be realized because Karl Marx never took into the account that people can be greedy and will not follow the rules. The only way to make it the way they want is to excercise authoritarian control over the citizens. However, that is when socialism begins to defeat its original purpose. Fighting Authoritarianism in all its forms is the most important thing we must do. More important than any other issue. More important then world peace, more important then world hunger, poverty, protecting the enviroment etc. etc etc. Protecting literature comes at a close second but they really go hand and hand because if freedom of thought is repressed for long periods of time, eventually literature will be destroyed. Even if it takes a long time.

Corporations should have no say in government. Money has a strange way of influencing policies that could be benefical, perhaps not to corporations, but for all of us. That is perhaps the worst thing about capitalism. The corporations are primarily concerned with making money rather then the interests of humanity and social responsiblity. This, unfortunately, is human nature.Corporations cannot be beaten down in order to submit to the will. They should instead be enticed into doing the moral thing. This could working by giving them money. Bribing them. Replacing their profit with profit and keeping them satisifed.
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Thinking on subjects of the question "Why were are here" is idiotic because there is no answer and never will there be one. Your life is your own and you have the right to live it. A government has no right to interfere in you living your own life. Your profession is yurors to choose and nobody has a say on it.
It's ironic how you denounce philosophy as wasteful, and then put forth your own philosophical view of the world :D (not that I don't agree with parts of it).
FinnMacCool said:
Humans constantly evolve and take advantage of certain things. Conditions can constantly be improved if one is willing to progress. We are very unique in this as a specices. Thus the possiblity of war being abolished, poverty being abolished, and anything else being abolished is in our reach so long as we remain progressive. That, at least, is something that is proven.

All animals evolve and take advantages of certain things.
FinnMacCool said:
Factory workers in Bangledesh are no exception to this. The United States of America shouldn't exploit those less fortunate in other countries simply because they can.

I don't think it's exploiting a worker to hire them for a wage that they consider to be good, just because YOU might not consider it to be good. Hypothetically, if wealthy alien businessmen landed tomorrow and saw what a horrible third-world the United States is, would you be opposed to them "exploiting" American workers by paying them "only" $1,000 per hour, if the market wage on THEIR world was $10,000 per hour?

FinnMacCool said:
It is immoral and no different then the factories were in the beginning of the industrial revolutionThose living in the slums of Beijing are the new "Child labor" They are cheap and expendable, just as children were considered back in those days. It is no more moral then child labor because both children and foreigners were considered worthless.

But you forget the conclusion of that story. America had sweatshops and child labor at one point, but after 1-2 generations America was prosperous enough that we no longer needed them. Today, America is very wealthy. The same thing happened in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore in the last fifty years, and there is no reason to expect worse results in the areas of the world that are currently allowing Americans to "exploit" their workers.
These are things that I have written in my notebook:

Bill is a stupid doo-doo head.

Long live the almighty hippopotomaus.

Don't eat small rocks you find on the ground.

That last one has a special importance to me,
it is important that you all heed that advice...
really I am not even kidding!
Humans constantly evolve and take advantage of certain things. Conditions can constantly be improved if one is willing to progress. We are very unique in this as a specices. Thus the possiblity of war being abolished, poverty being abolished, and anything else being abolished is in our reach so long as we remain progressive. That, at least, is something that is proven.
Yes, human society can eliminate those things, unfortunatly, a far too great number somehow think that war leads to peace, and hoarding wealth leads to prosperity for all.

Thinking on subjects of the question "Why were are here" is idiotic because there is no answer and never will there be one. Your life is your own and you have the right to live it. A government has no right to interfere in you living your own life. Your profession is yurors to choose and nobody has a say on it.
Governments will always intrefere until the govt. doesn't exist anymore.

There are certain things in this world that need to be protected. Corporations may do as they will until it begins to affect the enviorment or the social structure in an overly negative way. We cannot stand by and simply let stuff like this continue but we also should not interfere if it is not neccesary. Factory workers in Bangledesh are no exception to this. The United States of America shouldn't exploit those less fortunate in other countries simply because they can. It is immoral and no different then the factories were in the beginning of the industrial revolutionThose living in the slums of Beijing are the new "Child labor" They are cheap and expendable, just as children were considered back in those days. It is no more moral then child labor because both children and foreigners were considered worthless.
Most would disagree because this child labor/cheap labor, doesn't happen to them and they get cheaper products out of it, but the most happiest is corporations, less labor cost=higher profit.

Communism and most forms of socialism, as originally envisoned, can never be realized because Karl Marx never took into the account that people can be greedy and will not follow the rules. The only way to make it the way they want is to excercise authoritarian control over the citizens. However, that is when socialism begins to defeat its original purpose. Fighting Authoritarianism in all its forms is the most important thing we must do. More important than any other issue. More important then world peace, more important then world hunger, poverty, protecting the enviroment etc. etc etc. Protecting literature comes at a close second but they really go hand and hand because if freedom of thought is repressed for long periods of time, eventually literature will be destroyed. Even if it takes a long time.
Fighting authoritians is quite important. But one day human society will probably have evolved to no longer even need a govt.

Corporations should have no say in government. Money has a strange way of influencing policies that could be benefical, perhaps not to corporations, but for all of us. That is perhaps the worst thing about capitalism. The corporations are primarily concerned with making money rather then the interests of humanity and social responsiblity. This, unfortunately, is human nature.Corporations cannot be beaten down in order to submit to the will. They should instead be enticed into doing the moral thing. This could working by giving them money. Bribing them. Replacing their profit with profit and keeping them satisifed.

But you forget the conclusion of that story. America had sweatshops and child labor at one point, but after 1-2 generations America was prosperous enough that we no longer needed them. Today, America is very wealthy. The same thing happened in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore in the last fifty years, and there is no reason to expect worse results in the areas of the world that are currently allowing Americans to "exploit" their workers.
Capitalism never evolved because businesses decided to play nice. They always want the cheapest labor they can find, and Ameica just didn't magically grow out of it because corporations felt so. Child labor here is no longer here because if you take a look at history, you'll find wages going up and child labor down, when unions were forming and achieved they're greatest significance, when workers were on strike the most. Unions are a form of class warfare.
comradebrian said:
Fighting authoritians is quite important. But one day human society will probably have evolved to no longer even need a govt.

We will always need a govt. because we are never going to agree 100% on anything. We are simply going to evolve a better govt. just like we did from England-Greece-Indians. We took pieces from them to make a pretty good govt. but there are still a few flaws...I have no idea how to fix them but there are flaws...

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