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Rand Paul's Media Blitz: (1 Viewer)

You’d think after thirteen hours of talking about random nonsense Senator Rand Paul would be tired. Heck no! Republicans and Conservatives are kidding themselves if they think that Rand Paul’s filibuster will be the wakeup call that they think it is. From the brainless, anti-obama, party of no losers that have praised Rand Paul’s “courage” to “Stand up for liberty,” comes a shocking restart of the Revolution Movement that was last seen during Ron Paul’s dismal 2012 campaign. Unfortunately, “Stand With Rand” was trending worldwide on twitter last night! People, this won’t be the restart of the Republican Party. This will be the end of it, as paultards now have a new found respect among the most social conservatives.

At Antipaulbot.com, I have catalogued various instances where paultards are damaging to the Republican Party and have proven that they no place among us. Apparently, Ron Paul’s son, doesn’t factor into this equation? The reason I have used the liberal attacks like “party of no,” and, “Brainless,” is because happening now, in all conservative camps across the nation Rand Paul is revered as a hero, for standing up against the “regime.” This all occurred as Republicans tried to have a cooperative dinner with President Obama for the first time. Anybody see a problem with loud mouths calling the Obama Administration a regime?

Yesterday as news of Rand’s Stand spread throughout conservative blogs and media channels, I couldn’t do anything but shake my head at the craziness that the Modern Day Republican Party has become. Despite efforts from some of us to make our party more sane and moderate, Rand Paul undid this single handedly as thousands tuned into the Rand Paul hour on C-Span and YouTube. What makes it worse is that now, everybody is talking about or to Rand Paul. Within hours of ending his filibuster to go to the bathroom, Rand Paul was at it again. Talking about how it felt to stand up to Obama and the regime on various far right talk shows (like Hannity, Rush etc…) and to anybody at Fox News who would take him. All that was missing was his buddy Alex Jones. If you didn’t know already, Rand Paul is now “seriously considering,” a run for President in 2016!

Remember, these are the same people who firmly believe that “establishment” Republicans, stole the election from his father and that they picked Romney so that even other social conservatives didn’t stand a chance. Senator John McCain seems to get the picture. He called Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Justin Amash, “Wacko Birds.” He doesn’t like that these freshmen wackos get all the media attention. I guess John “Benghazi” McCain seems to miss his time in the spotlight, or it seeped out of his memory, which is a high possibly. McCain is quite old.

There are many sane members of the Republican Party (Me included) that do believe that this filibuster will hurt us in the end. Imagine how a Democratic campaign can use this in an election? The left has always been critical of the drone policy and they aren't going to turn on Obama just because of Rand Paul. Just you watch, by next week this will be forgotten and Rand Paul will be attacked just like all the others, especially after he headlines CPAC: The conservative conference.

Anti-Ron Paul Bot: Rand Pauls Media Blitz:
It is the establishment GOP in DC that has been beaten to death by Obama, not the Tea Party, not Rand Paul, and not the rest of the country. But you go right ahead and hang with the establishement. They are losing national elections while the outside DC, the GOP is winning in the states.
If you think that Rand was talking "random nonsense" then I doubt that you were listening at all.

It all boils down to this, which, oddly enough, was restated by a Democratic Senator:

American citizens have the right to know under what conditions their government is justified in killing them.

Is that such an unreasonable bit of knowledge to request? Does that sound like random nonsense to you?
From Libertarians to the ACLU and Amnesty International agreed with Rand Paul. So do I - and I openly despised his father as much as anyone could.

The radical militarization of federal police against Americans within America is alarming and should be rolled back, not expanded. As Eisenhower noted, the safest place is in prison and that is the direction the federal government is going in which we all are considered criminals to be watched and controlled continuously in everything.
That you see McCain as representing true Republicanism is quite revealing of you.
joko104;bt2291 said:
That you see McCain as representing true Republicanism is quite revealing of you.

quote me where ever did I say that McCain represents true republicanism? I said he seems to get the picture. That's all then I made fun of his age. This is the only time in his career that I even agreed with McCain. I'm usually calling him the crazy wacko.
joko104;bt2290 said:
From Libertarians to the ACLU and Amnesty International agreed with Rand Paul. So do I.

Ok, as this is my blog I have a right to disagree with Rand Paul right? I don't want anybody from the Paul lineage in the Oval Office!!! Not because they are Paul's but because they believe in crazy conspiracy theories!
LowDown;bt2285 said:
1. If you think that Rand was talking "random nonsense" then I doubt that you were listening at all.

2. American citizens have the right to know under what conditions their government is justified in killing them.
Is that such an unreasonable bit of knowledge to request? Does that sound like random nonsense to you?

1. Oh believe me I was listening to the spawn of Ron Paul talk about nonsense for 13 hours. Can you add up all of the verifiable fact based points that Rand Paul brought up during those thirteen hours? If you can outweigh the facts with the nonsense then Rand wasn't talking nonsense for the majority of the time, but if you find that everything he talked about in his 13 hours wasn't based on reality and maybe 15 minutes of it kind of was, then he was talking about random nonsense. I look forward to your analysis.

2. The point is Rand didn't get answers to a lot of these questions, and he got a one word answer to a question that he made up in ADDITION to all these other questions. At the same time, it was all about the same topic. He said he was satisfied that holder only answered that one. He didn't seem to care much that Holder was answering his other questions. If he really only truly cared about that one question about drones killing non combatants, why wasn't that and only that in his original letter?

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