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Rand Paul Supporters Rough Up MoveOn Activist (1 Viewer)


Rule of Two
DP Veteran
Oct 17, 2006
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Rand Paul Supporters Rough Up MoveOn Activist - CBS News

Supporters of a Republican U.S. Senate candidate wrestled a woman to the ground and one stepped on her head after she tried to confront the candidate in Kentucky.

The incident happened Monday night in Lexington right before a debate between Rand Paul and Democratic opponent Jack Conway. (See video below).


More on the story:

Rand Paul supporters attack MoveOn activist before debate | The Upshot Yahoo! News

The altercation happened just minutes before Monday night's debate in Lexington. Activist Lauren Valle, wearing a blond wig in her sendup as a representative of the fictitious "RepubliCorp," approached Paul to give him an "employee of the month" award, the Louisville Courier-Journal reported. Paul supporters crowded in on her; one man pulled off her wig, and another man pushed her to the ground and stepped hard on her head and shoulder area.

Valle apparently sustained no serious injury. She has filed assault charges with the Lexington police, who say they are reviewing video and photographic evidence from the debate to establish the identities of Valle's assailants.

News cameras on the scene captured the confrontation, which reportedly led Monday night's newscasts in Kentucky, ahead of the actual Paul-Conway debate footage.

What an interesting case of a radical mob mentality. I think it's interesting that even though somebody told the guy to stop, there was still a crowd chanting in the background. It's also interesting that somebody kept saying 'get the police'. For what?
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What an interesting case of a radical mob mentality. I think it's interesting that even though somebody told the guy to stop, there was still a crowd chanting in the background. It's also interesting that somebody kept saying 'get the police'. For what?

First off let me say that the people involved in physically assaulting the woman, should have charges leveled against them. In the report the woman has filed charges so good for that. No one should be assaulted physically unless it is the police restraining them from a possible attack on the candidate.

Which begs the question, how were these people that acted wrongly to be sure that this wasn't the woman's intent? And what kind of juvenile attempt at making a point was she doing in the first place?

This attention grabbing stunt based campaign that liberal groups like MoveOn attempt are what makes politics into circus environments. Surely that is a tactic of the Soro's based group.

First off let me say that the people involved in physically assaulting the woman, should have charges leveled against them. In the report the woman has filed charges so good for that. No one should be assaulted physically unless it is the police restraining them from a possible attack on the candidate.

Which begs the question, how were these people that acted wrongly to be sure that this wasn't the woman's intent? And what kind of juvenile attempt at making a point was she doing in the first place?

This attention grabbing stunt based campaign that liberal groups like MoveOn attempt are what makes politics into circus environments. Surely that is a tactic of the Soro's based group.


In one part of your post you claim what these people did was wrong. In the other you imply that they aren't all at fault because this could have been done on purpose to get a reaction. So what is this was done to get a reaction? Are we supposed to cower in fear because some USA t-shirt wearing redneck may attack us whenever we legally mock them? Welcome to the 21st century, you don't get to beat up people simply because you don't like what their sign is saying. Doesn't matter if their intent was to piss you off. It doesn't even matter if their sign says 'kill all (insert your race of preference here)'. You simply don't get to attack them.
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In one part of your post you claim what these people did was wrong. In the other you imply that they aren't all at fault because this could have been done on purpose to get a reaction. So what is this was done to get a reaction? Are we supposed to cower in fear because some USA t-shirt wearing redneck may attack us whenever we legally mock them? Welcome to the 21st century, you don't get to beat up people simply because you don't like what their sign is saying. Doesn't matter if their intent was to piss you off. It doesn't even matter if their sign says 'kill all (insert your race of preference here)'. You simply don't get to attack them.

No, and as usual in your feigned outrage you get it totally wrong. I'll try and make it simpler for you to fully understand.

1. The people at the gathering that assaulted the woman from MoveOn, should have charges against them for attacking this woman.

2. The woman from MoveOn was wrong for approaching the candidate and expecting to get to him unfettered.

3. The woman from MoveOn was not only trying to mock Dr. Paul, but our process as a whole.

Now, do you think this was a productive activity? And, do you think that people wearing some kind of costume to mask their identity should be allowed to reach our public officials unfettered?

those two nutjobs tackling and stepping on her head ought to have some kind of criminal charges pressed on them. As you can clearly see though through the video the supporters nearby all intervened or said something to these two idiots. Politics can get feisty but this is way over the top.
those two nutjobs tackling and stepping on her head ought to have some kind of criminal charges pressed on them. As you can clearly see though through the video the supporters nearby all intervened or said something to these two idiots. Politics can get feisty but this is way over the top.

I agree with you....And surely you can agree that the SEIU attacks earlier this year should also result in criminal prosecutions right?

The man who curb stomped the victim is being investigated, and most likely will face felony charges over his behavior. What I want to know is how does this reflect on Rand Paul, who was clearly appalled at the thuggery here? It doesn't. Yes, the man who did this is pure scum, but Rand Paul did not commit the act, did he?
The man who curb stomped the victim is being investigated, and most likely will face felony charges over his behavior. What I want to know is how does this reflect on Rand Paul, who was clearly appalled at the thuggery here? It doesn't. Yes, the man who did this is pure scum, but Rand Paul did not commit the act, did he?

The way that it reflects on Paul is that it is not good when one's campaign seems to attract mindless thugs. Paul could not have prevented this and I don't believe that anyone holds him to be responsible.

BTW, I assume that you will have the same attitude when the next incident is some liberal loony with a Pelosi button getting in the face of a Qtip Palin supporter. It won't be Pelosi's fault. (maybe "Qtip" isn't a familiar term? It's a little white-/blue-haired lady usually found stretching her neck trying to look over the steering wheel to see the road).
Very up to date news. Did you also hear they made cell phones with cameras in them?

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