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Rand Paul Introducing 'Fauci Amendment' To Prevent "Health Dictatorship" (1 Viewer)


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Sep 12, 2019
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I heard a little about this last night.

Abolish Fauci's position ( tool used by FED managers to cut dead weight) to be replaced by (3) separate positions. I have suggested in the past that was indeed one of the problems with the covid team. It lacked diversity of opinion.


Senator Rand Paul has announced that he intends to introduce an amendment in the Senate to prevent anyone from ever again becoming a health ‘dictator in chief’.

In an op-ed for Fox News, Paul noted that the action “would eliminate Dr. Fauci’s position as NIAID director,” as well as “divide his power into 3 separate institutes.”

Paul explained that “Each of these three institutes will be led by a director who is appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate for a five-year term.”

The Senator added that “This will create accountability and oversight into a taxpayer-funded position that has largely abused its power and has been responsible for many failures and misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“No one person should have unilateral authority to make decisions for millions of Americans,” Paul urged, adding that his amendment could “ensure that ineffective, unscientific lockdowns and mandates are never foisted on the American people ever again.”

“No one person should have the sole authority to dictate science, especially when that one person wasn’t ever following the science,” Paul asserted, emphasising that “For two years our lives were held captive by petty tyrants and power-hungry bureaucrats.”

Paul pointed to the recent Johns Hopkins study that found global lockdowns have had a much more detrimental impact on society than they have produced any benefit, with researchers urging that they “are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”

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An excellent path to getting nothing done. What could be more Republican?
I heard a little about this last night.

Abolish Fauci's position ( tool used by FED managers to cut dead weight) to be replacved by (3) separate positions. I have suggested in the past that was indeed one of the problems with the covid team. It lacked diversity of opinion.


Senator Rand Paul has announced that he intends to introduce an amendment in the Senate to prevent anyone from ever again becoming a health ‘dictator in chief’.

In an op-ed for Fox News, Paul noted that the action “would eliminate Dr. Fauci’s position as NIAID director,” as well as “divide his power into 3 separate institutes.”

Paul explained that “Each of these three institutes will be led by a director who is appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate for a five-year term.”

The Senator added that “This will create accountability and oversight into a taxpayer-funded position that has largely abused its power and has been responsible for many failures and misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“No one person should have unilateral authority to make decisions for millions of Americans,” Paul urged, adding that his amendment could “ensure that ineffective, unscientific lockdowns and mandates are never foisted on the American people ever again.”

“No one person should have the sole authority to dictate science, especially when that one person wasn’t ever following the science,” Paul asserted, emphasising that “For two years our lives were held captive by petty tyrants and power-hungry bureaucrats.”

Paul pointed to the recent Johns Hopkins study that found global lockdowns have had a much more detrimental impact on society than they have produced any benefit, with researchers urging that they “are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”

who is the "health ‘dictator in chief’" LMAO

So RandTard claims we need to remove a position and problem that has never existed and now wants to make medical science political . . .sounds like a fabulous idea 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
another waste
I heard a little about this last night.

Abolish Fauci's position ( tool used by FED managers to cut dead weight) to be replaced by (3) separate positions. I have suggested in the past that was indeed one of the problems with the covid team. It lacked diversity of opinion.


Senator Rand Paul has announced that he intends to introduce an amendment in the Senate to prevent anyone from ever again becoming a health ‘dictator in chief’.

In an op-ed for Fox News, Paul noted that the action “would eliminate Dr. Fauci’s position as NIAID director,” as well as “divide his power into 3 separate institutes.”

Paul explained that “Each of these three institutes will be led by a director who is appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate for a five-year term.”

The Senator added that “This will create accountability and oversight into a taxpayer-funded position that has largely abused its power and has been responsible for many failures and misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“No one person should have unilateral authority to make decisions for millions of Americans,” Paul urged, adding that his amendment could “ensure that ineffective, unscientific lockdowns and mandates are never foisted on the American people ever again.”

“No one person should have the sole authority to dictate science, especially when that one person wasn’t ever following the science,” Paul asserted, emphasising that “For two years our lives were held captive by petty tyrants and power-hungry bureaucrats.”

Paul pointed to the recent Johns Hopkins study that found global lockdowns have had a much more detrimental impact on society than they have produced any benefit, with researchers urging that they “are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”

Is this an example of "small government"? Replacing one director with three directors.... :ROFLMAO:

Rand Paul loves pissing away time instead of actually doing something....
who is the "health ‘dictator in chief’" LMAO

So RandTard claims we need to remove a position and problem that has never existed and now wants to make medical science political . . .sounds like a fabulous idea 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
another waste
He is right. Facui had to much control for a Civil Servant.
I heard a little about this last night.

Abolish Fauci's position ( tool used by FED managers to cut dead weight) to be replacved by (3) separate positions. I have suggested in the past that was indeed one of the problems with the covid team. It lacked diversity of opinion.


Senator Rand Paul has announced that he intends to introduce an amendment in the Senate to prevent anyone from ever again becoming a health ‘dictator in chief’.

In an op-ed for Fox News, Paul noted that the action “would eliminate Dr. Fauci’s position as NIAID director,” as well as “divide his power into 3 separate institutes.”

Paul explained that “Each of these three institutes will be led by a director who is appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate for a five-year term.”

The Senator added that “This will create accountability and oversight into a taxpayer-funded position that has largely abused its power and has been responsible for many failures and misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“No one person should have unilateral authority to make decisions for millions of Americans,” Paul urged, adding that his amendment could “ensure that ineffective, unscientific lockdowns and mandates are never foisted on the American people ever again.”

“No one person should have the sole authority to dictate science, especially when that one person wasn’t ever following the science,” Paul asserted, emphasising that “For two years our lives were held captive by petty tyrants and power-hungry bureaucrats.”

Paul pointed to the recent Johns Hopkins study that found global lockdowns have had a much more detrimental impact on society than they have produced any benefit, with researchers urging that they “are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”

I'm sure three new "Fauci's" instead of one will give you 3x more people to complain about.

It's pretty baffling why someone who thinks Covid was handled by "petty tyrants and power-hungry bureaucrats" wants to create three more institutes which will just create even more petty tyrants and power-hungry bureaucrats. Great solution, Rand.
Is this an example of "small government"? Replacing one director with three directors.... :ROFLMAO:

Rand Paul loves pissing away time instead of actually doing something....
Who said there would be additional cost?
He is right. Facui had to much control for a Civil Servant.
and the dodge train starts in roaring fashion!!!! LMAO

Ill ask you AGAIN . . .who is the "health ‘dictator in chief’"?
what factual "control" did "Dr Facui" have?

Who said there would be additional cost?

LMAO... The three new institutes he proposes are free? Who could be stupid enough to believe that? It doesn't matter.. His proposal will never become law... It's all just show for people who buy his bullshit...
Are you diminishing in some way the control Fauci has had relative to America's Covid posture?
What factual control?
what position was he in and what factual power did it have?
LMAO... The three new institutes he proposes are free? Who could be stupid enough to believe that?
You must not be familiar with how Government Organizational structures work. It is common for them to be 'Re-Organized' to meet new mission goals. Plus, through Lean Six Sigma practices, cost are driven down by using existing manpower and infrastructure.

So again, who said it's going to cost more?
Are you diminishing in some way the control Fauci has had relative to America's Covid posture?

What control? My governor and local county health director made all the mandates I had to deal with. I am sorry you feel so controlled by someone who literally has no power to make federal mandates.
You must not be familiar with how Government Organizational structures work. It is common for them to be 'Re-Organized' to meet new mission goals. Plus, through Lean Six Sigma practices, cost are driven down by using existing manpower and infrastructure.

So again, who said it's going to cost more?

LMAO.... On what planet would three directors of a government agency cost the same as one director? Good lord... Still believe in Santa too?
What factual control?
what position was he in and what factual power did it have?


Bold for emphasis

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday morning that if he were President he would tell governors to “listen to Dr. [Anthony] Fauci,” the United States’ top infectious disease expert who testified before the Senate on Tuesday that reopening states prematurely risks creating new outbreaks of the virus.

“Do you believe states are opening up too quickly or too slowly?” George Stephanopoulos asked the Democratic presidential nominee Tuesday on Good Morning America. “If you were President right now, what would you be telling governors to do?”

I would be telling governors to listen to Dr. Fauci,” Biden responded.

What control? My governor and local county health director made all the mandates I had to deal with. I am sorry you feel so controlled by someone who literally has no power to make federal mandates.
See #17

Bold for emphasis

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday morning that if he were President he would tell governors to “listen to Dr. [Anthony] Fauci,” the United States’ top infectious disease expert who testified before the Senate on Tuesday that reopening states prematurely risks creating new outbreaks of the virus.

“Do you believe states are opening up too quickly or too slowly?” George Stephanopoulos asked the Democratic presidential nominee Tuesday on Good Morning America. “If you were President right now, what would you be telling governors to do?”

I would be telling governors to listen to Dr. Fauci,” Biden responded.

OMG this is great. You think advising people to listen to someone equals that person controlling the entire nation.
OMG this is great. You think advising people to listen to someone equals that person controlling the entire nation.
Biden said it. Not me

He is right. Facui had to much control for a Civil Servant.

You would prefer he show fealty to the political leader than to the the facts.
Biden said it. Not me


No - that's just your "evidence" of someone controlling the federal Covid response as a tyrannical leader - Biden telling, not ordering, governors to listen to a health director during a global pandemic.

Bold for emphasis

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday morning that if he were President he would tell governors to “listen to Dr. [Anthony] Fauci,” the United States’ top infectious disease expert who testified before the Senate on Tuesday that reopening states prematurely risks creating new outbreaks of the virus.

“Do you believe states are opening up too quickly or too slowly?” George Stephanopoulos asked the Democratic presidential nominee Tuesday on Good Morning America. “If you were President right now, what would you be telling governors to do?”

I would be telling governors to listen to Dr. Fauci,” Biden responded.

dodge noted LMAO the bold is meaningless to my question, so much fun destroying your failed claims
So ill ask you AGAIN

What factual control?
what position was he in and what factual power did it have?

anybody wanna bet my questions are dodged and run from gain because they expose what a stupid and retarded claim it is to say there was a dictator and factual power/control

The eye doctor is hilarious.
What has he done in Congress besides claim he's a COVID expert and then willingly accept federal monies when his state was hit by natural disasters?

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