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[R.I.P] Kimbo Slice dies at age 42 (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
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San Antonio Texas
Political Leaning
Kimbo Slice dies at age 42

confirmed."We are all shocked and saddened by the devastating and untimely loss of Kimbo Slice, a beloved member of the Bellator family," Bellator president Scott Coker said in a statement, calling Slice "a charismatic, larger-than-life personality that transcended the sport."
"Outside of the cage he was a friendly, gentle giant and a devoted family man," Coker said. "His loss leaves us all with extremely heavy hearts, and our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Ferguson family and all of Kimbo's friends, fans, and teammates."

I heard his public and personal persona's were 180 different. I liked watching him fight, prayers to his family.
Dang; Prince, Muhammed Ali, now Kimbo Slice. If I was prone to conspiracy theories....
Sadly, I had never heard of Kimbo Slice before...but now hearing his story I wish I had. His life story is the stuff legacy's are made of.

RIP Kimbo Slice.
I am sorry to hear he died, he was a remarkable man. But maybe he stayed in the MMA circus too long, people of that age, especially people like Ken Shamrock who really have no place in a professional MMA ring.
Kimbo Slice was a really interesting character, very charismatic - although he was a fairly terrible MMA fighter. I remember watching a fight of his, I believe it was when he was with ShoXC, where every time he was taken to the ground, he basically relied on brute force and zero technique to try and reverse the position. As you can imagine, this wears you out and he was starting to falter by the second round. At the same time; however, his opponent (who came into the fight with a cauliflower ear) had been punched in the ear so many times that it was starting to balloon.

Kimbo saw his opening and essentially punched the ear until it exploded and then the Doctors called the fight. Of course that whole card was ****ed.

One fight got called because a guy got severely poked in the eye and the doctor called it without even allowing the fighter more than one minute to recover. Another fight got called because they brought in a ****ing Muy Thai fighter and didn't explain the whole, "You can't elbow a guy in the base of his skull with a 12-6 motion," rule. So when the wrestler tried to take the Muy Thai fighter down, the dude just straight slammed about 4 elbows into the base of the skull and probably woulda paralyzed the wrestler had the ref not intervened.

Anyways, sorry for the tangent. I really enjoyed watching Kimbo Slice back in his amateur days, and I followed his career. I am sad to see him go.
Kimbo Slice was a really interesting character, very charismatic - although he was a fairly terrible MMA fighter. I remember watching a fight of his, I believe it was when he was with ShoXC, where every time he was taken to the ground, he basically relied on brute force and zero technique to try and reverse the position. As you can imagine, this wears you out and he was starting to falter by the second round. At the same time; however, his opponent (who came into the fight with a cauliflower ear) had been punched in the ear so many times that it was starting to balloon.

Kimbo saw his opening and essentially punched the ear until it exploded and then the Doctors called the fight. Of course that whole card was ****ed.

One fight got called because a guy got severely poked in the eye and the doctor called it without even allowing the fighter more than one minute to recover. Another fight got called because they brought in a ****ing Muy Thai fighter and didn't explain the whole, "You can't elbow a guy in the base of his skull with a 12-6 motion," rule. So when the wrestler tried to take the Muy Thai fighter down, the dude just straight slammed about 4 elbows into the base of the skull and probably woulda paralyzed the wrestler had the ref not intervened.

Anyways, sorry for the tangent. I really enjoyed watching Kimbo Slice back in his amateur days, and I followed his career. I am sad to see him go.

His back yard fights are legendary
Rest in peace.

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