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R.I.P.Ken Norton ,Semper Fidelis (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2013
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Ken Norton, was a Marine,and the Heavyweight Champion,beating M.Ali. breaking his jaw.

Born 8/9/43 - Died 9/18/2013...


G.L.H. Marine,1968 - 1970
Wow! Didn't know he had died.

The guy was a great fighter in an era of legends.
Yeah I threw it up in here yesterday.....I figured of having all kinds of different threads on the passing of Stars and Celebs we could keep a thread going on those we lose this year. Our own Lil Book of the Dead.....so to Speak.


Also I have up in there Tommy Morrison the other heavyweight Champ that just passed recently.

Btw.....if people know of any. Please throw them up in there for the End of the Year. As I am sure ABC will due their Tribute piece at the end of the year.
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RIP Ken and Semper Fi.

Ken Norton had a big influence on a couple of generations and especially the gang culture in America.

Ken would always enter the ring with the Marine Corps Hymn playing and the USMC flag. And he always kept his Marine Corps "white walls" haircut today known as "high and tight."

It would be the Crips and Bloods who would follow suit of Ken Norton with the shaved sides of their heads eventually leading to all of the hair being shaved.
The Mexican gangs would soon follow suit, no longer long black hair combed straight back.

Soon the young white wannabe gang bangers / wannabe rappers would soon follow suit.

But it all started with Ken Norton.

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