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Quoting in Signatures. (1 Viewer)

Should quotes in signatures give the original author?

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Legend in my own mind!
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
Reaction score
Midland, MI
Political Leaning
If you are quoting somebody in your signature, I would say that it is both right and appropriate to attribute the quote to the person who made the statement. Otherwise, it could be considered plagarism.
MrFungus420 said:
If you are quoting somebody in your signature, I would say that it is both right and appropriate to attribute the quote to the person who made the statement. Otherwise, it could be considered plagarism.

Absolutely you should provide the person's name who made the quote.
I agree...

I would also like to add that the signature should NOT include taking a shot at other members by using what they've written out of context or in a demeaning manner...

Not only is it childish, but also against Forum Rules...
Can anyone tell me how to quickly link to other posts while responding to a post?

I must be missing something here. The only way I can figure it out is to open up 2 windows of DP.

"A witty saying proves nothing." - Voltaire
The #'s at the top right provide a link to the post itself.

There is an addon available that will allow one to quote mulitple threads (with links) but it seems more confusing to use.
MrFungus420 said:
If you are quoting somebody in your signature, I would say that it is both right and appropriate to attribute the quote to the person who made the statement. Otherwise, it could be considered plagarism.
Moderators have given a dislike to this idea, however. They seem to not like having people be reminded of what they actually posted.
steen said:
Moderators have given a dislike to this idea, however. They seem to not like having people be reminded of what they actually posted.

[Moderator Mode]

Signature space has a valid and traditional usage. Despite what you may imagine, your petty manipulations violate the spirit of this time-honored tradition. I strongly advise you to keep your urge to criticize Moderators a private matter.

[/Moderator Mode]

Huh? Perhaps you could explain in a pm?
steen said:
Huh? Perhaps you could explain in a pm?
Per your request, a pm has been sent.

Tashah said:
[Moderator Mode]

Signature space has a valid and traditional usage. Despite what you may imagine, your petty manipulations violate the spirit of this time-honored tradition. I strongly advise you to keep your urge to criticize Moderators a private matter.

[/Moderator Mode]

What if a poster is saying something about me personally-wrong to quote them in my signature? Or even in any other scenario, this rule doesn't make sense.

The criticism threat doesn't make sense to me either. Any explanation?

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