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Quit calling me Trojan! (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
We can't stop here this is bat country!
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
It's Trajan, the greatest emperor in Roman history, Octavian is the first true Roman emperor after Julius's short reign, Octavian was later renamed Augustus Orelias Caesar, and Titus was the last great emperor of Rome, Trojan is the name for the peoples of Troy and a condom brand ok.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
It's Trajan, the greatest emperor in Roman history, Octavian is the first true Roman emperor after Julius's short reign, Octavian was later renamed Augustus Orelias Caesar, and Titus was the last great emperor of Rome, Trojan is the name for the peoples of Troy and a condom brand ok.

Thanks Fred!:2wave:
Does it really matter what they call you? It ain't like people are pushing you in a locker and taking your milk money. Show them your intelligence in the debates.

Oh, and meet me at the flagpole at 3:30, Trojan. :rofl
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Oh ya well bite me na, na.

You bastards voted for Hubert Humphrey and you killed Jesus!

Now that's funny.

Should it have been the other way around?
Trojan Man, I need a condom.

Can you help me out?:mrgreen:

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