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Questions I would like to ask Clarence Thomas? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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Political Leaning

I would like to ask him if he knew about his wife's involvement in what happened on January 6th when you were the lone vote to stop congress from getting the documents requested by the committee looking into January 6th? I would further want to know if he and his wife discussed the matter prior to his vote? Finally, does he know if any further information concerning his wife are in the documents requested by the committee?
I sincerely believe he would answer the same as Trump would answer. I do like the questions though.

I would like to ask him if he knew about his wife's involvement in what happened on January 6th when you were the lone vote to stop congress from getting the documents requested by the committee looking into January 6th? I would further want to know if he and his wife discussed the matter prior to his vote? Finally, does he know if any further information concerning his wife are in the documents requested by the committee?
Are you suggesting that his wife doesn't have a right to political decisions of her own? You assume that Thomas must tell his wife what to think and do?
Are you suggesting that his wife doesn't have a right to political decisions of her own? You assume that Thomas must tell his wife what to think and do?
Are you suggesting that you aren't smart enough to connect two dots? Eight Supreme Court Justices - 5 of them conservative Republican appointees - voted to not keep records from the January 6th Committee. Justice Thomas was the lone dissenter, essentially voting to protect the interests of his wife and her cabal. No one has to assume that Thomas tells his wife what to think and do to conclude that Thomas is using his seat on the bench to obstruct investigations into the January 6th insurrection. His lone unexplained vote tells us that.

I would like to ask him if he knew about his wife's involvement in what happened on January 6th when you were the lone vote to stop congress from getting the documents requested by the committee looking into January 6th? I would further want to know if he and his wife discussed the matter prior to his vote? Finally, does he know if any further information concerning his wife are in the documents requested by the committee?

how could he not know it. ?

I would like to ask him if he knew about his wife's involvement in what happened on January 6th when you were the lone vote to stop congress from getting the documents requested by the committee looking into January 6th? I would further want to know if he and his wife discussed the matter prior to his vote? Finally, does he know if any further information concerning his wife are in the documents requested by the committee?
SNL did a pretty good skit about those two last night :)

The joke, basically, is that the Supreme Court is immune from any accountability, whatsoever. The Republicans have packed the courts with sociopathic idiologues.

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