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Putin's parasites (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 13, 2012
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Former President Trump and his allies pushing his America First movement are either totally ignorant of history or are incapable of grasping the concept of irony. Since the Russians started their invasion of Ukraine, Trump has praised Vladimir Putin's “genius” while expressing little concern about the Ukrainians caught up in a manufactured and unjustified war.

The many right-wing politicians defending and even praising Putin while ignoring Ukraine's plight are acting exactly like the leaders of the infamous America First movement of the late 1930s. Like Trump, they seemed to prefer despots like Hitler and Mussolini over the European democracies that opposed them.

Charles Lindbergh openly supported the Nazis, traveling to Germany, where he was given a medal while he reported back to the United States on the “invincible” Luftwaffe. Lindebergh's anti-semitism and white supremacist views reinforced his opinion that Nazism was an irresistible force destined to sweep over Europe, one that the United States dared not oppose.

This earlier America First quickly collapsed after Pearl Harbor brought the U.S. into a war that would have soon enveloped it anyway. The America Firsters, having been shown up as the cowards and collaborationists they were, slunk quietly into oblivion.

But I'm sure they would be proud of the new crop of appeasers and boot-lickers that have sprung up in the era of Trump. Much like that America First movment, this has the unanimous support of white supremacists and anti-semites, like the repulsive Nazi Nick Fuentes and the other monstrosities of the AFPAC crowd.

From some of the Trump cultists, we learn that the current war is the fault of the U.S. And Western Europe. This is because we angered Putin by admitting former Warsaw Pact members and Soviet states into the NATO alliance. If you didn't realize that the prime goal of our foreign policy should have been to please the Russian tyrant, then you don't have the stuff to be a true appeaser.

Of course, these nations sought NATO membership for an obvious reason: to avoid being a victim of Russian aggression like Ukraine. It's certain that the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, for instance, would not have escaped the Russian claws without NATO protection.

But never mind. In Trump world, Putin is never wrong, and the European democracies should always bow down to the Russian “genius.” For our American Quislings, his ruthlessness is a virtue we should strive to emulate.

Over all, it's amazing how much this America First movement resembles the pre-World War II version. Both are composed of isolationists, appeasers and cowards. Both have received the unanimous support of white supremacists and anti-semites. And both have admiration for the perceived strength of tyrants and contempt for democracy. What a crowd.
Former President Trump...
Trump has praised...
Like Trump, they...
in the era of Trump....
the Trump cultists....
In Trump world...
I have to say, that was quite the tirade for one's thirteenth post in nearly 10 years - and a full year AFTER Trump left office.
13 messages by this poster…

Looks like a psyop post
Former President Trump and his allies pushing his America First movement are either totally ignorant of history or are incapable of grasping the concept of irony. Since the Russians started their invasion of Ukraine, Trump has praised Vladimir Putin's “genius” while expressing little concern about the Ukrainians caught up in a manufactured and unjustified war.

The many right-wing politicians defending and even praising Putin while ignoring Ukraine's plight are acting exactly like the leaders of the infamous America First movement of the late 1930s. Like Trump, they seemed to prefer despots like Hitler and Mussolini over the European democracies that opposed them.

Charles Lindbergh openly supported the Nazis, traveling to Germany, where he was given a medal while he reported back to the United States on the “invincible” Luftwaffe. Lindebergh's anti-semitism and white supremacist views reinforced his opinion that Nazism was an irresistible force destined to sweep over Europe, one that the United States dared not oppose.

This earlier America First quickly collapsed after Pearl Harbor brought the U.S. into a war that would have soon enveloped it anyway. The America Firsters, having been shown up as the cowards and collaborationists they were, slunk quietly into oblivion.

But I'm sure they would be proud of the new crop of appeasers and boot-lickers that have sprung up in the era of Trump. Much like that America First movment, this has the unanimous support of white supremacists and anti-semites, like the repulsive Nazi Nick Fuentes and the other monstrosities of the AFPAC crowd.

From some of the Trump cultists, we learn that the current war is the fault of the U.S. And Western Europe. This is because we angered Putin by admitting former Warsaw Pact members and Soviet states into the NATO alliance. If you didn't realize that the prime goal of our foreign policy should have been to please the Russian tyrant, then you don't have the stuff to be a true appeaser.

Of course, these nations sought NATO membership for an obvious reason: to avoid being a victim of Russian aggression like Ukraine. It's certain that the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, for instance, would not have escaped the Russian claws without NATO protection.

But never mind. In Trump world, Putin is never wrong, and the European democracies should always bow down to the Russian “genius.” For our American Quislings, his ruthlessness is a virtue we should strive to emulate.

Over all, it's amazing how much this America First movement resembles the pre-World War II version. Both are composed of isolationists, appeasers and cowards. Both have received the unanimous support of white supremacists and anti-semites. And both have admiration for the perceived strength of tyrants and contempt for democracy. What a crowd.

I think they are well aware of history. They love Putins white nationalism and his attacks on the LGBTQ community. They no longer trust democracy and it inefficiencies.

Charles Linberg might have run for president, but political parties were stronger then and could block him.

People say they hate political parties today, but they are very weak. This has allowed a corrupt demagogue to take over the GOP.
Neither Trump nor Lindberg could ever do or have done as much damage as Biden did capitulating to Putin. He as much as told Putin a little incursion into Ukraine would be acceptable. Putin saw this as a greenlight.
Neither Trump nor Lindberg could ever do or have done as much damage as Biden did capitulating to Putin. He as much as told Putin a little incursion into Ukraine would be acceptable. Putin saw this as a greenlight.
You should update your narrative, Russia is not in good shape

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