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Putin Had Biden Steppin & Fetchin Before Invasion Ever Began, And Still Does. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 19, 2020
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White House freezes Ukraine military package that includes lethal weapons​

Officials prepped $100 million worth of arms as Russia massed troops on the border, then put it on pause as the Biden-Putin summit approached.

Of course Putin knows he can play the old feeble man like a fiddle.
He did the same thing with Biden's infamous Red Line Dithering Hero Obama in Crimea .
Sliced different but all Baloney and Putin knows it .
No excuse for Biden not correcting and giving the weapons that Ukraine is begging for .
Otherwise the coming tsunami of Blood that Russia is preparing to create will be on the hands of this corrupt . compromised , criminal Biden organization.

White House freezes Ukraine military package that includes lethal weapons​

Officials prepped $100 million worth of arms as Russia massed troops on the border, then put it on pause as the Biden-Putin summit approached.

Of course Putin knows he can play the old feeble man like a fiddle.
He did the same thing with Biden's infamous Red Line Dithering Hero Obama in Crimea .
Sliced different but all Baloney and Putin knows it .
No excuse for Biden not correcting and giving the weapons that Ukraine is begging for .
Otherwise the coming tsunami of Blood that Russia is preparing to create will be on the hands of this corrupt . compromised , criminal Biden organization.

Whether Trump's approach(es) was the factor that restrained Putin or not, Putin was restrained during the Trump years.

Whether Biden's approach(es) was the factor that encouraged Putin or not, Putin felt encouraged during the Biden years and before that, during the Obama and the Bush years.

Whatever it was that Trump did needs to be examined and duplicated so that the invasions and annexations are prevented, not responded to.

White House freezes Ukraine military package that includes lethal weapons​

Officials prepped $100 million worth of arms as Russia massed troops on the border, then put it on pause as the Biden-Putin summit approached.

Of course Putin knows he can play the old feeble man like a fiddle.
He did the same thing with Biden's infamous Red Line Dithering Hero Obama in Crimea .
Sliced different but all Baloney and Putin knows it .
No excuse for Biden not correcting and giving the weapons that Ukraine is begging for .
Otherwise the coming tsunami of Blood that Russia is preparing to create will be on the hands of this corrupt . compromised , criminal Biden organization.
"Steppin & Fetchin", Why the divisive racist imagery?
Well we haven't been nuked yet so that's at least a passing grade as far as I'm concerned (y)
The attached article appears to e from June 2021 and relates to what was at the time a specific upcoming summit between Biden and Putin. Can we go back to the American Revolution. I am sure we could find some Biden malfeasance there that has contributed negatively to the Ukraine war effort.
Whether Trump's approach(es) was the factor that restrained Putin or not, Putin was restrained during the Trump years.

Whether Biden's approach(es) was the factor that encouraged Putin or not, Putin felt encouraged during the Biden years and before that, during the Obama and the Bush years.

Whatever it was that Trump did needs to be examined and duplicated so that the invasions and annexations are prevented, not responded to.
Putin considers Biden completely predictable and enfeebled and not really even in charge of anything.

"I want to go to Kiev , but THEY WON'T LET ME " ( President Biden )
biden watch checking.jpg

Putin considered Trump completely unpredictable AND completely pro-military
It is no more complicated that
No answer? Doubling down.
No answer? Doubling down.
It's not my fault , I'm just not as smart as some of the white kids.

" Poor kids are just as smart as some white kids " ( President Biden )

White House freezes Ukraine military package that includes lethal weapons​

Officials prepped $100 million worth of arms as Russia massed troops on the border, then put it on pause as the Biden-Putin summit approached.

Of course Putin knows he can play the old feeble man like a fiddle.
He did the same thing with Biden's infamous Red Line Dithering Hero Obama in Crimea .
Sliced different but all Baloney and Putin knows it .
No excuse for Biden not correcting and giving the weapons that Ukraine is begging for .
Otherwise the coming tsunami of Blood that Russia is preparing to create will be on the hands of this corrupt . compromised , criminal Biden organization.
That was like 10 months ago.
More Taliban Traitor Trolling. biden is doing just fine dealing with russia without starting WWIII
Yeah, once the Ukrainians are all slaughtered due to Biden's bloody hands withholding weapons they are begging for , there will be peace and quiet throughout the land .
It's getting more quiet there everyday .
The peace will be achieved once the Ukrainian genocide is complete, everyone is murdered , and there is no one left to fight back.
Biden's bloody foreign policy strategy for Ukraine .
" You can't underestimate Joe's ability to screw up " ( President Obama )

March 31, 2022

Putin will win unless the West sends Ukraine offensive weapons​

By Alyona Getmanchuk


Robert Gates Thinks Joe Biden Hasn't Stopped Being Wrong for 40 Years​

"I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” former Defense Secretary Robert Gates says of Vice President Joe Biden in his new book coming out later this month.

get off my lawn.jpg
Biden's strategic delay, dithering , and denial of the desperately needed weapons policy will win the peace for Ukraine
Look how peaceful and quiet things are getting there already .

White House freezes Ukraine military package that includes lethal weapons​

Officials prepped $100 million worth of arms as Russia massed troops on the border, then put it on pause as the Biden-Putin summit approached.

This didn't happen.

The United States has never decided to hold back security assistance to Ukraine, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in response to media reports that the Joe Biden administration held back 100 million dollars worth of arms for Ukraine.

"The idea that we have held back security assistance to Ukraine is nonsense. Just last week - in the run-up to the US-Russia Summit - we provided a $150-million package of security assistance, including lethal assistance. We have now provided the entire amount appropriated by Congress through the Ukraine security assistance initiative," Psaki said in a White House statement on Friday (local time).

"We have also prepared contingency funds in the event of a further Russian incursion into Ukraine. As President Biden told President Putin directly, we will stand unwavering in support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, it added.

See what happens when you cherry pick your news?

Of course Putin knows he can play the old feeble man like a fiddle.
He did the same thing with Biden's infamous Red Line Dithering Hero Obama in Crimea .
Sliced different but all Baloney and Putin knows it .
No excuse for Biden not correcting and giving the weapons that Ukraine is begging for .
Otherwise the coming tsunami of Blood that Russia is preparing to create will be on the hands of this corrupt . compromised , criminal Biden organization.
:ROFLMAO:....funny criticism, coming from the crowd who was solidly pro-Putin only 6 weeks ago.

You people aren't fooling anyone.
The attached article appears to e from June 2021 and relates to what was at the time a specific upcoming summit between Biden and Putin.
that's too funny
More Taliban Traitor Trolling. biden is doing just fine dealing with russia without starting WWIII
they know it too.

they're using the ole Roger Stone tactic. ATTACK the strengths.

White House freezes Ukraine military package that includes lethal weapons​

Officials prepped $100 million worth of arms as Russia massed troops on the border, then put it on pause as the Biden-Putin summit approached.

Of course Putin knows he can play the old feeble man like a fiddle.
He did the same thing with Biden's infamous Red Line Dithering Hero Obama in Crimea .
Sliced different but all Baloney and Putin knows it .
No excuse for Biden not correcting and giving the weapons that Ukraine is begging for .
Otherwise the coming tsunami of Blood that Russia is preparing to create will be on the hands of this corrupt . compromised , criminal Biden organization.
Another @Eatomus idiotic blame Biden threads.
Whether Trump's approach(es) was the factor that restrained Putin or not, Putin was restrained during the Trump years.

Whether Biden's approach(es) was the factor that encouraged Putin or not, Putin felt encouraged during the Biden years and before that, during the Obama and the Bush years.

Whatever it was that Trump did needs to be examined and duplicated so that the invasions and annexations are prevented, not responded to.
You assert a connection where zero evidence of one exists.

You probably believe windmills cause cancer too. 🙄

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