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Putin furiously fires his advicers (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 8, 2020
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Political Leaning

Putin is rumored to be purging the Kremlin of Russian officials he blames for the faltering invasion of Ukraine

The man is getting more and more paranoid, and now tries to find scapegoats on his staff to blame the whole fiasco on. One of Putin's main problems could be that he has promoted and put people in charge he knows he can trust, as in know they won't betray him, rather than the people best for the job. And thus they screw things up royally because they have no idea what they are doing. Or maybe it's just Putin himself that has incredibly bad ideas.
"The man is getting more and more paranoid, and now tries to find scapegoats on his staff to blame the whole fiasco on. One of _______ 's main problems could be that he has promoted and put people in charge he knows he can trust, as in know they won't betray him, rather than the people best for the job. And thus they screw things up royally because they have no idea what they are doing. Or maybe it's just ______ himself that has incredibly bad ideas."
Hmm. Who does this sound like?


Putin is rumored to be purging the Kremlin of Russian officials he blames for the faltering invasion of Ukraine

The man is getting more and more paranoid, and now tries to find scapegoats on his staff to blame the whole fiasco on. One of Putin's main problems could be that he has promoted and put people in charge he knows he can trust, as in know they won't betray him, rather than the people best for the job. And thus they screw things up royally because they have no idea what they are doing. Or maybe it's just Putin himself that has incredibly bad ideas.
Well, this sounds like incredibly great news.

Next step down the toilet for Pootin, count his swirlies, one,...
You live by the Novichok, you die by the Novichok.
I hear it's quite terrible.
So maybe instead, just don't touch anything Vlad, just sit down and have a nice glass of tea.

I wonder if he has a food taster?
Putin is non compos mentis.

Just like Trump.
All of Putin's aids and advisors are afraid to tell him anything that goes against his insular worldviews.
Fake news, zero evidence!

Putin is rumored to be purging the Kremlin of Russian officials he blames for the faltering invasion of Ukraine

The man is getting more and more paranoid, and now tries to find scapegoats on his staff to blame the whole fiasco on. One of Putin's main problems could be that he has promoted and put people in charge he knows he can trust, as in know they won't betray him, rather than the people best for the job. And thus they screw things up royally because they have no idea what they are doing. Or maybe it's just Putin himself that has incredibly bad ideas.

This is all so Trump lime.
Just An FYI

Its not paranoid to be protective of potential harm
I forecast some once powerful people "falling" out of high Moscow windows.

Putin is rumored to be purging the Kremlin of Russian officials he blames for the faltering invasion of Ukraine

The man is getting more and more paranoid, and now tries to find scapegoats on his staff to blame the whole fiasco on. One of Putin's main problems could be that he has promoted and put people in charge he knows he can trust, as in know they won't betray him, rather than the people best for the job. And thus they screw things up royally because they have no idea what they are doing. Or maybe it's just Putin himself that has incredibly bad ideas.
Do you think he learned this from Trump?
Nobody learns anything from trump, our ex-traitor learned from his master, Mr. Putin.
*Rump learned from the reviled Roy Cohn who was one of his important mentors and it explains *Rump's love affair with despots.


Putin is rumored to be purging the Kremlin of Russian officials he blames for the faltering invasion of Ukraine

The man is getting more and more paranoid, and now tries to find scapegoats on his staff to blame the whole fiasco on. One of Putin's main problems could be that he has promoted and put people in charge he knows he can trust, as in know they won't betray him, rather than the people best for the job. And thus they screw things up royally because they have no idea what they are doing. Or maybe it's just Putin himself that has incredibly bad ideas.

Sounds familiar.
*Rump learned from the reviled Roy Cohn who was one of his important mentors and it explains *Rump's love affair with despots.

Thank you for posting that information, very interesting, you are correct.

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