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Prove it! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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Political Leaning
Anyone who has been on here for more than a month or two knows who ends their rants with the words prove it.

What I really enjoy is the fact that these same folks refuse to believe anything. No climate change, no racism and the only problems in america are caused by democrats.

So next time you see the words prove it by a republican, save your effort, they accept no facts but tell them hillary is running a sex ring out of a pizza parlor basement and they not only believe it but repeat it constantly and we all know how that ended.
Anyone who has been on here for more than a month or two knows who ends their rants with the words prove it.

What I really enjoy is the fact that these same folks refuse to believe anything. No climate change, no racism and the only problems in america are caused by democrats.

So next time you see the words prove it by a republican, save your effort, they accept no facts but tell them hillary is running a sex ring out of a pizza parlor basement and they not only believe it but repeat it constantly and we all know how that ended.

I know, right?!?

I quit bothering trying to "prove it" to those flat earther's a long time ago.

ANYTHING contrary to their alternate view of reality is "fake nooze."

If they were in the least bit interested in factual discourse they would have already done their homework. Why should I spend my time searching sources to prove water is wet when they have zero regard for any source contrary to their unique reality? It is a futile waste of time. Besides, it is not my job to school them in the first place.
Anyone who has been on here for more than a month or two knows who ends their rants with the words prove it.

What I really enjoy is the fact that these same folks refuse to believe anything. No climate change, no racism and the only problems in america are caused by democrats.

So next time you see the words prove it by a republican, save your effort, they accept no facts but tell them hillary is running a sex ring out of a pizza parlor basement and they not only believe it but repeat it constantly and we all know how that ended.
Yes in a debate the person making the accusation has the responsibility of proving their claim.
You wouldn't know about this because you never do.

You don't know what facts are because leftist avoid facts like a plague. it gets in the way of their faux outrage.
No most of the issues caused in america are by leftist. actual democrats are just fine.
I know, right?!?

I quit bothering trying to "prove it" to those flat earther's a long time ago.

ANYTHING contrary to their alternate view of reality is "fake nooze."

If they were in the least bit interested in factual discourse they would have already done their homework. Why should I spend my time searching sources to prove water is wet when they have zero regard for any source contrary to their unique reality? It is a futile waste of time. Besides, it is not my job to school them in the first place.
It's why I rarely provide a link. Why? So the bozos can deny it. Screw them. I'm like you, you have internet look it up yourself if you're really that interested.
Yes in a debate the person making the accusation has the responsibility of proving their claim.
You wouldn't know about this because you never do.

You don't know what facts are because leftist avoid facts like a plague. it gets in the way of their faux outrage.
No most of the issues caused in america are by leftist. actual democrats are just fine.
Does trump lie? A simple yes or no will suffice.
Does trump lie? A simple yes or no will suffice.
non sequitur.

have a nice day typical leftist red herring and strawman argument.

yep everyone lies. go figure on that one.
so if you hate lies so much why do you keep doing it?
I wonder if all present would approve of, and accept the results of, a real time fact check "truth-o-meter" during the Biden/Trump debate?
non sequitur.

have a nice day typical leftist red herring and strawman argument.

yep everyone lies. go figure on that one.
so if you hate lies so much why do you keep doing it?
Exactly why I don't provide links. You wouldn't even answer a question that required one word.
Can you please move to wherever it is your god lives and leave the earth to earthlings? It would be a much nicer place without your religious beliefs poisoning the atmosphere.

I'm an atheist and I think there are no gods. Science is not a god unless you in your infinite wisdom has made it one.

Religious rants accomplish nothing, prove me wrong.

Lol, yeah so corrupt that nobody was charged with anything and not a single soul from the obama administration is sitting in jail. How many folks surrounding trump have been indicted? How many went to jail already?

You and the rest of the foolish on the right are full of accusations so yes, I'm tired of hearing your accusations, prove it. Show me some charges, show my some indictments of anyone in the obama administration. Maybe it's the brains of the right that are corrupt.

Prove it's dems. You can't. Its just what the right tells each other.

? What city has been burned down? How do you know it's the left doing these things?

Prove it. So far I've seen a kid from out of state kill folks and he sure wasn't an antifa member.

First stone, glass houses and all that.
Yes in a debate the person making the accusation has the responsibility of proving their claim.
You wouldn't know about this because you never do.

You don't know what facts are because leftist avoid facts like a plague. it gets in the way of their faux outrage.
No most of the issues caused in america are by leftist. actual democrats are just fine.
You made several claims there

Prove it

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