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Prostitution. (1 Viewer)

I've never understood the idea of making it illegal to accept money for an activity that is perfectly legal to engage in for free.

The transaction itself isn't my primary concern; the further mainstreaming of sex that it entails is.
The transaction itself isn't my primary concern; the further mainstreaming of sex that it entails is.

Sex has been "mainstream" since the first man and the first woman had the first sex.
You are 100% correct. However, if I may get more down to basics.

Once you have them where you want them, and are "getting busy", you can close your eyes and not tell the difference between a $40 - $60 hooker, or a $600 - $1,000 escort. So the kid prefers to stay in the $40 - $60 range.

but all of that foolishness is behind me now. Now I am married and just made her joint on my ENTIRE BANK ACCOUNT.

No, you don't need to say it......:3oops:

But my point was more toward the type of woman who does it for small amounts and the type doing it for larger prices. I crack head isn't likely to charge $600-$1000. Someone charging those prices isn't really desperate for money.

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But my point was more toward the type of woman who does it for small amounts and the type doing it for larger prices. I crack head isn't likely to charge $600-$1000. Someone charging those prices isn't really desperate for money.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Frankly, I think a lot of the ones that stick with it are single moms who simply happen to discover that "winning the genetic lottery" provides them with the easiest money they could possibly make. That's certainly the case with a lot of the higher-end strippers out there, who stay in the industry past their early 20s. They make salaries off of their bodies that are easily in the Middle Class range or above.

I really can't imagine that "high-class" escorts are much different.

Granted, a lot of them wind up being kind of "trapped" in the long-run, both romantically and professionally, because most guys don't want to get serious with a stripper or call girl, and few professions want to hire them if that history is well-known. They also find their value as a dancer or escort diminishes rapidly as they age. It's hardly a "desirable" lifestyle as such.

However, claiming that they're all "crackheads" is a bit of a stretch to say the least. Some are really just in it for the money, and that money is hardly bad.
In the UK, at least, that assumption holds mostly true. About 70% of prostitutes are mothers, or single mothers. One might posit that prostitutes who become single mothers (who choose to remain single prostitutes) also fail to attain new skills besides motherhood and prostitution. The same could be said about single mothers who become prostitutes. Having sex for money and relying on child support for income are two different matters entirely, because one is a consensual arrangement that is illegal and the other is a possible non-consensual (but totally justifiable, am I right, man-shamers?) yet legal arrangement.
This is one of the oldest jobs in the world. ever since the days of the cave men, women have been selling their bodies for the sake of the men to 'have at it,' and then they keep the dividends for themselves. then, the fathers of these women were selling their daughters since i can think of, and that was all fine and good. hell, even in the bible they quote people as selling their daughters to other people - saying that the religion is against prostitution is a fail, as it clearly supports it as 'just the way it was.'

Then, there is the legal aspect of it - women getting into drugs and then selling their bodies for the sake of getting drugs. this is quite common for hookers, but then so is selling drugs themselves.

Personally, i think some women want to be hookers to look cool or impress their friends. this activity starts in lower school, where girls will get gifts from boys to be their girlfriends. i know at some schools girls get rings from their boy friends and wear all of them after school, seeing it as a status symbol or so. this is not out and out sex, but it leads to dating, and, we know during dates men spend money on their women, or, buy their women. this is similar to escorts, where escorts accompany men in exchange for money and then maybe sex for more money.

So, can we get rid of prostitution? i don't think so. can we tax prostitutes for the sake of welfare? yes, i think so. this activity is unbeatable, and, if we accept it we can make other people's lives better from it, yes?

Next time you buy some woman a bouquet of flowers, are you trying to buy sex?

This has been discussed many times here and my answer is always the same because I haven't seen any logic to change it.

Legalize it, regulate and tax it making it safer and thats that. Keep improving it and take that tax from it and put into the healthcare, civil services and education. :shrug:
Keep improving it and take that tax from it and put into the healthcare, civil services and education. :shrug:

I would improve it by installing a pair of synthetic tits in every safe space.
I would improve it by installing a pair of synthetic tits in every safe space.

Sorry I dont get the joke, seems like it has potential to be funny though lol.
Have you never felt the warm caress of a female teat?

I have though I rank faces, asses and legs over them. But you mentioned "a pair of synthetic tits in every safe space"
Wheres the female in that scenario?
Not to mention many fake boobs look horrible, especially naked.
I have though I rank faces, asses and legs over them. But you mentioned "a pair of synthetic tits in every safe space"
Wheres the female in that scenario?
Not to mention many fake boobs look horrible, especially naked.

I don't know, I guess it depends on your definition of "prostitution."
Back in 1980, Rhode Island went though a bunch of redefinition of laws dealing with prostitution. They decided to more clearly define what is illegal. One thing they forgot to do in their redefinition is , well make the actual act of prostitution illegal. This was overlooked for more that 20 years,when the police found to their chargrin, they couldn't actually charge prostitutes and their clients with a crime.

For 6 years, Rhode Island had legal prostitution .. and during that time, according to one study gonorrhea among women dropped 39%, and the number of rapes reported to the police dropped 31%..

Now, I am sure that not all legalization laws are equal, but .. well, the unintended consequences in this particular case are interesting.

Back in 1980, Rhode Island went though a bunch of redefinition of laws dealing with prostitution. They decided to more clearly define what is illegal. One thing they forgot to do in their redefinition is , well make the actual act of prostitution illegal. This was overlooked for more that 20 years,when the police found to their chargrin, they couldn't actually charge prostitutes and their clients with a crime.

For 6 years, Rhode Island had legal prostitution .. and during that time, according to one study gonorrhea among women dropped 39%, and the number of rapes reported to the police dropped 31%..

Now, I am sure that not all legalization laws are equal, but .. well, the unintended consequences in this particular case are interesting.


You are saying that prostitution alone is not responsible for the spread of STD's, and therefore prostitutes are not necessarily as much at risk as we would like to pretend. Further proof that the risk is more biological (women are more at risk for contraction of an STD than men) than occupational.
At least the hooker is driven by need, or some sort of entrepreneurial intent, not simple bad judgement, and/or screwed up personal priorities.

While I am in agreement with your overall position I have to disagree with this point. Many are the hookers who are doing it for drugs or because they are forced into it. And while you may classify that as a need, it is also due to bad judgement and screwed up priorities.
Having sex with strangers can be dangerous to your health.

Joining the military can also be dangerous to your health, yet that is openly encouraged. Plenty of jobs are dangerous to your health.
I never understood the absurd notion of sanctioning something just because you can't eliminate it. Somehow, relativity eludes the defeatists.

I think the larger question is what good is being done by attempting to eliminate it. I've never been clear on the tangible benefits of making vice decisions illegal. In every case I know of it either makes things worse or it's just a waste of time and money.
I never understood the absurd notion of sanctioning something just because you can't eliminate it. Somehow, relativity eludes the defeatists.
What if it was sanctioned because the provider was engaging in a service trade that they were especially good at? For example...how is prostitution-money for a sexual act-any different than say massage therapy? Or tarot reading?
So? Something being a business doesn't make it one desirable for society.
The problem with discussions on legalized prostitution is that they are prefaced by the history of illegal prostitution.

If one were to take the position that prostitution as a business was not a business that was desirable for society, I would ask 'why not'? Every weekend literally millions of people dress up, take out large sums of cash, in the hopes of meeting someone for an evening of sex. We can be honest about that, right? We also know that across the country literally millions and millions of people cruise the streets looking for a quick hook-up. Is there anything wrong with that? Sex is obviously something people want. Sex is obviously something people are willing to pay for. And sex is something that some people are just downright good at. So there is absolutely a need and that product is absolutely desirable by society.

Making it illegal has turned it dirty. Making it illegal has created a market for black market exploitation. None of that needs to be the case. Even where it is 'legal' in some parts of Nevada it is seedy but that is also because it is still considered a dirty profession.

I believe legalizing prostitution could have MASSIVE positive gains. One...it would take the act (which IS occurring and WILL occur no matter how many laws you have against it) off of the streets and puts things in a far more healthy environment. Two...it De-stigmatizes the act which could lead to improved sense of self worth and self esteem for participants. Three...If sex for hire facilities were seen as positive environments it would likely reduce pornography markets which are often precursors to participation on prostitution. Four...it would reduce jail and police activity. Five...it would make women less susceptible to exploitation by pimps and less susceptible to violent acts by customers.

Many more positive gains...as opposed to...what exactly? Any perceived negative result from legalized prostitution is already occurring with illegal prostitution.
This is one of the oldest jobs in the world. ever since the days of the cave men, women have been selling their bodies for the sake of the men to 'have at it,' and then they keep the dividends for themselves. then, the fathers of these women were selling their daughters since i can think of, and that was all fine and good. hell, even in the bible they quote people as selling their daughters to other people - saying that the religion is against prostitution is a fail, as it clearly supports it as 'just the way it was.'

Then, there is the legal aspect of it - women getting into drugs and then selling their bodies for the sake of getting drugs. this is quite common for hookers, but then so is selling drugs themselves.

Personally, i think some women want to be hookers to look cool or impress their friends. this activity starts in lower school, where girls will get gifts from boys to be their girlfriends. i know at some schools girls get rings from their boy friends and wear all of them after school, seeing it as a status symbol or so. this is not out and out sex, but it leads to dating, and, we know during dates men spend money on their women, or, buy their women. this is similar to escorts, where escorts accompany men in exchange for money and then maybe sex for more money.

So, can we get rid of prostitution? i don't think so. can we tax prostitutes for the sake of welfare? yes, i think so. this activity is unbeatable, and, if we accept it we can make other people's lives better from it, yes?

Next time you buy some woman a bouquet of flowers, are you trying to buy sex?

My personal opinion, what two adults do in the privacy of their own space is their business. The government needs to butt out.
This is one of the oldest jobs in the world. ever since the days of the cave men, women have been selling their bodies for the sake of the men to 'have at it,' and then they keep the dividends for themselves. then, the fathers of these women were selling their daughters since i can think of, and that was all fine and good. hell, even in the bible they quote people as selling their daughters to other people - saying that the religion is against prostitution is a fail, as it clearly supports it as 'just the way it was.'

Then, there is the legal aspect of it - women getting into drugs and then selling their bodies for the sake of getting drugs. this is quite common for hookers, but then so is selling drugs themselves.

Personally, i think some women want to be hookers to look cool or impress their friends. this activity starts in lower school, where girls will get gifts from boys to be their girlfriends. i know at some schools girls get rings from their boy friends and wear all of them after school, seeing it as a status symbol or so. this is not out and out sex, but it leads to dating, and, we know during dates men spend money on their women, or, buy their women. this is similar to escorts, where escorts accompany men in exchange for money and then maybe sex for more money.

So, can we get rid of prostitution? i don't think so. can we tax prostitutes for the sake of welfare? yes, i think so. this activity is unbeatable, and, if we accept it we can make other people's lives better from it, yes?

Next time you buy some woman a bouquet of flowers, are you trying to buy sex?

It could be how one looks at these things. When it comes to abortion, it is the woman's body and she has control over it. So the woman should be one who has the only say. I think the same applies to prostitution. It is the woman's body, if she can make some cash out of it, why not. I think the government shouldn't control a woman's body when it comes to abortion and I feel the same about prostitution. Having government condom what a woman can do with his body in one instant and condemn what a woman can do with her body in the next, is the height of hypocrisy.

Either a woman has control of her body or she does not. Make it legal.
I am for legal prostitution.

Zone it to certain areas.

Must be a brick and mortar establishment with routine visits from health inspectors.

No working on the streets.

Mandatory monthly health checks.

No pimps...... no no no no!
I am for legal prostitution.

Zone it to certain areas.

Must be a brick and mortar establishment with routine visits from health inspectors.

No working on the streets.

Mandatory monthly health checks.

No pimps...... no no no no!

"No pimps...... no no no no! "

How do you feel about states that require purchasing cars through dealers (i.e., Tesla issue).

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