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Proof Matthews is a clown (1 Viewer)

I'm sure your proud of him SB.

I tell yah Grim.

What Chris Matthews said was Stupid.

And it must be absolutely awful to be painted with such a broad brush.

Absolutely sickening when people do it.

What a scumbag.

Thing is though I've heard something like this before... just couldn't remember who it was fr...

Progressives are nothing but a bunch of racists.

Ah there it is.

Tell me again how that was a "joke".
I tell yah Grim.

What Chris Matthews said was Stupid.

And it must be absolutely awful to be painted with such a broad brush.

Absolutely sickening when people do it.

What a scumbag.

Thing is though I've heard something like this before... just couldn't remember who it was fr...

Ah there it is.

Tell me again how that was a "joke".

It was sarcasm... If it weren't, then you would be able to find other posts of mine to substanciate that it was in fact a serious post... Go ahead and search... I have over 9300 for you to choose from. Get back to me with the results if you would.

In the mean time, Here's an example of what real racism looks like:

Why do white people continue to struggle to tell the difference between Japanese and Chinese/Taiwanese?

Oh, that's right, you've not only seen this racism, you gave it your approval.
It was sarcasm.

Yeah that would be more convincing if it didn't come from someone who thinks youtube videos make the case that Liberals and Union workers are violent... or that youtube videos and isolated incidents make the case that everyone involved in the OCCUPY movement are rapists and druggies.

Your comment is only sarcastic in hindsight ;)
Yeah that would be more convincing if it didn't come from someone who thinks youtube videos make the case that Liberals and Union workers are violent... or that youtube videos and isolated incidents make the case that everyone involved in the OCCUPY movement are rapists and druggies.

Your comment is only sarcastic in hindsight ;)

Still waiting on those post of mine that substanciate your assertion...

But hey, I already know if you thought I really meant that, you would have given it your approval just like you did with SB's post that wasn't sarcasm... Right ol' bean?
Oh, that's right, you've not only seen this racism, you gave it your approval.

How the hell is what he said racist?

White people do tend to not be able to tell the difference between different Asians.

That isn't a racist assertion although it definitely could have been worded better and you're trying to take the heat off yourself.

I'm no longer going to get into a pissing match with you over your comment.

It wasn't sarcastic, you were caught with your pants down and you can wriggle and deny it all you want.

This is sarcastic

Progessives are nothing but a bunch of racists


Progressives are nothing but a bunch of racists


[sarcasm]Progressives are nothing but a bunch of racists[/sarcasm]

Progressives are nothing but a bunch of racists.

Yours was a blunt statement that you honestly believe and your entire history on this site supports it because you do always paint your opposition with a broad brush because of isolated events.

I don't know why you can't just man up and do that whole Conservative personal responsibility thing and either take ownership of your statement or say you were misguided when you said it.
I'm no longer going to get into a pissing match with you over your comment.

It wasn't sarcastic, you were caught with your pants down and you can wriggle and deny it all you want.

That's a smart move on your part, because you would only end up looking foolish. 9300 posts and you can't find 1 that supports your manufactured partisan BS.

See ya.
WTF happend to him. I used to watch him everyday about 12 years ago. They must put something in the coffee over there at MSNBC that solely turns you into a nutbar.
Nail on head. IMHO, if you can't Define by policies why you think Obama has been a baD president, then you're Defining him on the basis of his race.


Yes, because obvoiusly there coulDn't be another DeciDing factor that woulD possibly influence Disatisfied inDiviDuals who may not pay focuseD attention to policy Details.

It must be racism.
So I guess there is no hatred of Obama and none of it is based on race?
So I guess there is no hatred of Obama and none of it is based on race?

So you really buy into that the majority that oppose Obama are only doing so because Obama is black? You really believe that?
So I guess there is no hatred of Obama and none of it is based on race?

You think your absolutist statement wins the argument? Hmmmm?
So you really buy into that the majority that oppose Obama are only doing so because Obama is black? You really believe that?

Would you be good enough - not to mention honest enough - to quote my post where I said that the majority of people who oppose Obama do so because of race?

This is an ugly strawman you have created and you should know better than to try and get away with it.
You think your absolutist statement wins the argument? Hmmmm?

That does not even make sense.

Are you telling us that I am wrong and none of the opposition to Obama is based on race?

How anybody with a functioning brain can pretend to deny that there is opposition to Obama because of his race is astounding.
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Chris Matthew, MSNBC.....

Is there any question as to where the hate and lying is coming from? These people are sick and un-American.
Are you telling us that I am wrong and none of the opposition to Obama is based on race?

Unless someone claims to be a racist, I find it best to address their arguments. Calling people Hitler, as is rampant around here these days, doesn't really work.

Matthews is a misogynist.
So I guess there is no hatred of Obama and none of it is based on race?
As a statement of fact, white supremacists hate Obama because he is black. These people have existed at the fringes of society and, most likely, will continue to exist. So, as long as they do exist, I guess you think that you should be able to project what a few nutbags on the fringe think onto Conservatives in general?

This is the oldest, stalest, lamest tactic in the progressive playbook. And it's so DAMNED ironic that the very people who still use it see themselves as "enlightened".
Would you be good enough - not to mention honest enough - to quote my post where I said that the majority of people who oppose Obama do so because of race?

This is an ugly strawman you have created and you should know better than to try and get away with it.

Seems to be your post is somewhat in defense of Mathew's utterly ignorant rant, so it was an assumption. Then you would agree, that Mathew's idiocy here is pretty damn apparent?
LOL. MSNBC and the WH and all their pundits are just outraged that Romney is not letting them pin him down with another 47% type comment for their final ad buys. MSNBC basically just camped out all night in the DNC spin room. The bayonets and horses comment was not the huge success they think it was IMO--it showed the President of the United States being a condescending butthole during a debate in which one would expect "I can be a diplomat" to be the theme.
So I guess there is no hatred of Obama and none of it is based on race?

Sure, there's some based on race...I don't doubt that at all. Nor did I suggest that none of it was based on race. But nice job building up that strawman and trying to tear it down Haymarket.

Someone suggested that unless you could specifically define policy issues that made you dislike Obama then you are doing it about Race.

That's idiotic. Suggesting that it's idiotic is not the same as saying "none" is based on race. It's suggesting that "you're doing it about Race" is not the defacto only option if one can't cite specific policies.

I would also strongly wager that there are far more people who have a dislike or "hatred" of Obama because he's a Democrat that's President, and they don't like Deomcrats, then because he's black. Those same people would have a dislike or "hatred" for him if he was White, Asian, Hispanic, or anything else.

And that's the ridiculousness of the "They hate him because he's black" suggestions. Ask yourself if those people would have similar hate if it was a Black Republican. If your answer is "no" then guess what...it's not the BLACKness of him that's causing their primary dislike.
How anybody with a functioning brain can pretend to deny that there is opposition to Obama because of his race is astounding.

Oh look, the guy who brags about his "debate" talents in college creates and attacks a strawman...yet again.

Please...show us who is suggesting in this thread that there is not opposition to Obama because of his race?

I see people suggesting that there was race baiting going on...and I see people suggesting someone who actually made an absolute statement that those who don't have specific policy issues they can cite must hate him becuaes of his race...but I see NO ONE suggesting that there is 0 opposition to Obama because of race.

Well...I should say, I see no one suggesting that OTHER than you through your creation of a strawman.
So all the white people who voted for Obama in 2008 were not racists, but now all the white people who change their votes from Obama to Romney are racist.

Is that how it works or am I mistaken?

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