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Pressure Cookers Help Make Good Bombs ... and Clues (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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Political Leaning
News from The Associated Press

Pressure cooker bombs are more often used in Afghanistan, Pakistan India, and Nepal - where the pots are more commonly used for cooking. But they have also been prominent in bombings and attempts in the United States, especially in New York in Times Square in 2010 and Grand Central Terminal in 1976.

Home made bombs are the tools of radical Islamists world wide and American extremists on the left and right, among others.
I guess they'll be using balloons once regulations on pressure cookers are in place.
Don't pressure cookers being carried into a crowd arouse suspicion? Where was the security? Supposedly they were in black bags but really, a pressure cooker in a black bag over your shoulder should have got someones attention.
Don't pressure cookers being carried into a crowd arouse suspicion? Where was the security? Supposedly they were in black bags but really, a pressure cooker in a black bag over your shoulder should have got someones attention.

When you can't see the cooker it's just a dude with a bag.
It is time Congress banned Pressure Cookers.

I hope so.

I have three.

You know what pre-ban presure cookers are going to go for after our Constitutional right to cook with steam is infringed upon?
Don't pressure cookers being carried into a crowd arouse suspicion? Where was the security? Supposedly they were in black bags but really, a pressure cooker in a black bag over your shoulder should have got someones attention.

A backpack is hardly enough "suspicion" for a search.
A pressure cooker full of explosives and nails has to be fairly heavy and would not look like a spare coat. IMO security was not there.

Wow.....I have no response other than just, wow.....

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