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Press Release - 8 Hours Ago - Things are Worse than Expected. Too Late? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
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Miami, FL
Political Leaning
New Report shows that: Things are worse than expected and it may now be too late to fix them.

Climate Change Is Harming the Planet Faster Than We Can Adapt, U.N. Warns

The report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a body of experts convened by the United Nations, is the most detailed look yet at the threats posed by global warming. It concludes that nations aren’t doing nearly enough to protect cities, farms and coastlines from the hazards that climate change has unleashed so far, such as record droughts and rising seas, let alone from the even greater disasters in store as the planet continues to warm.

Written by 270 researchers from 67 countries, the report is “an atlas of human suffering and a damning indictment of failed climate leadership,” said António Guterres, the United Nations secretary general. “With fact upon fact, this report reveals how people and the planet are getting clobbered by climate change.”

Here is the report that just came out today.


It has 270 authors, 34,000+ citations and 62,000+ review comments.

Ignore it at your own (and your family) risk.
How can climate change harm a planet?

It might harm humanity and cause mass extinction, but the planet, no, digging harms the planet, but we know that isn't true either.
Climate controlled housing with built in clean energy .............
New Report shows that: Things are worse than expected and it may now be too late to fix them.

Here is the report that just came out today.


It has 270 authors, 34,000+ citations and 62,000+ review comments.

Ignore it at your own (and your family) risk.

I can't wait for the day that I can tie my boat off to my porch railings.
New Report shows that: Things are worse than expected and it may now be too late to fix them.

Here is the report that just came out today.


It has 270 authors, 34,000+ citations and 62,000+ review comments.

Ignore it at your own (and your family) risk.
So you are saying we have less than 12 years to live? Or is it down to under 10 now?
I've said this before..as have others. We need to quit electing older people. A lot of the leaders/politicians are at least, partially sociopaths.
Their take on global warming is: "Why should I care?...shoot, I'll be dead long before the proverbial shit hits the fan..Har..har...""Show me the money now"
If we started electing people in the 30-50 range, they might consider that they have a stake in the future.
How can climate change harm a planet?

It might harm humanity and cause mass extinction, but the planet, no, digging harms the planet, but we know that isn't true either.

I've said this before..as have others. We need to quit electing older people. A lot of the leaders/politicians are at least, partially sociopaths.
Their take on global warming is: "Why should I care?...shoot, I'll be dead long before the proverbial shit hits the fan..Har..har...""Show me the money now"
If we started electing people in the 30-50 range, they might consider that they have a stake in the future.

Exactly. People who still have young, school-aged children who will be affected by this more.
Climate controlled housing with built in clean energy .............

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How these types of renewable energy work

I've said this before..as have others. We need to quit electing older people. A lot of the leaders/politicians are at least, partially sociopaths.
Their take on global warming is: "Why should I care?...shoot, I'll be dead long before the proverbial shit hits the fan..Har..har...""Show me the money now"
If we started electing people in the 30-50 range, they might consider that they have a stake in the future.

What a load of low info nonsense.

The movement to clean the air and water began back in the 1960's.

Young idiot liberals think it all began with them.
How can climate change harm a planet?

It might harm humanity and cause mass extinction, but the planet, no, digging harms the planet, but we know that isn't true either.

Humans are harming the planet. Humans are causing climate change, not nature. That change is damaging the planet. Mother Nature, though, will survive. Damaged as it may be for human living. Humans and many other species may not survive. But nature will.
So you are saying we have less than 12 years to live? Or is it down to under 10 now?
We all died back in 2012...did you miss it?
The IPCC....


"First of all, developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community. But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole."
Humans are harming the planet. Humans are causing climate change, not nature. That change is damaging the planet. Mother Nature, though, will survive. Damaged as it may be for human living. Humans and many other species may not survive. But nature will.
Come on, it'll be Riza, it'll be the Mecca of the galaxy and riviera of the stars, a total resort town.
I disagree strongly with your words. There's a reason why older men like trump. They don't care plus they see themselves as strong. knowing actually that
they'll be dead soon..and they can't handle that in a logical way. They think kindness is weakness, never learning that that can be a fatal mistake.
Yes, there are people that "Set-up" that kind of scenario. (Appear weak...let the foe's guard down..then...destroy the idiot's fake Bravada..)
How can climate change harm a planet?

It might harm humanity and cause mass extinction, but the planet, no, digging harms the planet, but we know that isn't true either.

Let's call it change then.

It's changing the planet from habitable to unhabitable.

On the way there is pain, suffering and death, along with starvation. Wait till you have a "heat dome". The one here last spring lasted 41 days of over 110 degrees. 800 dead. An entire town was reduced to ashes.

Still to come; water riots, food riots.

Have a watch of a film called Soylent Green with good old pistol pakin' Charleton Heston!

It is surprisingly accurate considering it was made in 1971
Let's call it change then.

It's changing the planet from habitable to unhabitable.

On the way there is pain, suffering and death, along with starvation. Wait till you have a "heat dome". The one here last spring lasted 41 days of over 110 degrees. 800 dead. An entire town was reduced to ashes.

Still to come; water riots, food riots.

Have a watch of a film called Soylent Green with good old pistol pakin' Charleton Heston!

It is surprisingly accurate considering it was made in 1971
I never got into Soylent Green, kind of a dark necro-theme. I have one novel, about several miles of led cylinder lined with gold morgue on its way to a black hole that acts as a tourist trap for some planet, with bodies in led cavity behind the gold wall of sleeping units, bunks, barracks for kids, apartments. It's a dangerous place, I lose my soul when my mind wanders into the spirals that descend from the central cavity.

You wanted it sunny and warm. I bet if we go three days of rain, you'll be crying me to use my potency and shut it off. How many picknicks do I have today? How many parades? How many people have to go to work outside?

So don't cry to me about it being 110 degrees outside, get your garden hose and prove the method.
Wasn't the ipcc caught up in a scandal where they were manipulating data, falsifying information and placing devices near heat sources that generated more heat to get higher numbers?

I think they called it Climategate
How can climate change harm a planet?

It might harm humanity and cause mass extinction, but the planet, no, digging harms the planet, but we know that isn't true either.
You mean that the important thing is that it doesn't harm the planet? That harming humanity is fine as long as the planet survives?
You mean that the important thing is that it doesn't harm the planet? That harming humanity is fine as long as the planet survives?
You wanted it sunny and warm, if you care go use your garden hose.

No sense in trying to cool the Earth if you want it sunny and warm.
So you are saying we have less than 12 years to live? Or is it down to under 10 now?
"I" am not saying nothing. The scientists are saying it. Ask them. All I am doing is giving you the news and info. Do with it what you want.

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