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Presidential Harrassment (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
DP Veteran
Jan 21, 2013
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Post-Trump America
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The big baby seems to forget that he led a previous movement that was actually presidential harassment:

Trump, naturally, doesn't know what the hell he is talking about. It is the job of the legislative branch to check the executive branch. It's always been that way. Didn't want the job? Then you shouldn't have run for president...
Trump, naturally, doesn't know what the hell he is talking about. It is the job of the legislative branch to check the executive branch. It's always been that way. Didn't want the job? Then you shouldn't have run for president...

I have no idea who his intended audience is and what he's trying to accomplish anymore.
Trump, naturally, doesn't know what the hell he is talking about. It is the job of the legislative branch to check the executive branch. It's always been that way. Didn't want the job? Then you shouldn't have run for president...

Trumps ego is so big that he thought he was elected King. He would have been much happier complaining about President Clinton. Now he will likely go to jail after his term, his family brand in shambles and his family and friends all exposed as the frauds that they are.
Trumps ego is so big that he thought he was elected King. He would have been much happier complaining about President Clinton. Now he will likely go to jail after his term, his family brand in shambles and his family and friends all exposed as the frauds that they are.

In your fantasy world.
It bothers me our President is such a liar. It bothers me even more so many people are okay with that.

Calling what was possibly a fraud, a fraud. Isn't harassment.

:lamo :lamo

Oh wait, you are saying that with a straight face while you support the king of fraud????

:lamo :lamo
The big baby seems to forget that he led a previous movement that was actually presidential harassment:

View attachment 67249921

I would say that the time that he tried to get the postmaster general to harass amazon specifically because he didn't like the reporting of a newspaper that Jeff Bezos owned is a better example of what I'd call "presidential harassment".
The dems need to learn that presidential oversight is not their job, it's harassment. When the republicans did it to Obama and Clinton they were only doing their job of oversight. See the difference? Me neither.
I have no idea who his intended audience is and what he's trying to accomplish anymore.

he's caught in a riptide and unable to swim so he's screaming, kicking and trying to not drown.

He should have never gone into the water so unprepared,
Calling what was possibly a fraud, a fraud. Isn't harassment.

So possibly is ok for the right to go nuts but probably is just trump haters spouting off with presidential harassment. I doubt there has ever been a bigger fraud in the white house in our history. I mean possibly.
it's amazing right wingers continue to defend him. Just constant projection of himself on the other side. That's how deplorable and dumb they are, they actually try to defend his hypocrisy, his incompetence, his lies, his infidelity, his disgusting nature.

Man obama really made these people lose their minds.
it's amazing right wingers continue to defend him. Just constant projection of himself on the other side. That's how deplorable and dumb they are, they actually try to defend his hypocrisy, his incompetence, his lies, his infidelity, his disgusting nature.

Man obama really made these people lose their minds.

Exactly. I'm starting to think they all went so crazy having Obama as president that they actually got together and said "lets elect the guy that accused him of not being an american, and even accused him of having someone killed so no one would find out!"

It bothers me our President is such a liar. It bothers me even more so many people are okay with that.

^^ This. He's always been "Don the Con." Ask anybody from NYC in the last 40 years and they will tell you.

But the people who follow him? That's what gets me. No matter what he says, no matter what he does, they are OK with it.
:lamo :lamo

Oh wait, you are saying that with a straight face while you support the king of fraud????

:lamo :lamo

If spamming emotes is all you really have. Then you came to this thread will very little in the way of ammo.
So possibly is ok for the right to go nuts but probably is just trump haters spouting off with presidential harassment. I doubt there has ever been a bigger fraud in the white house in our history. I mean possibly.

I doubt Trump is he biggest fraud to sit in the white house. But he sure is giving Obama a good run for his money at this point.
Was that one of those times when anonymous sources are credible?

Don't know, don't care. The issue is passed and done by now and the OP is just trying to find something else to bitch about.

We've had sources on the left and right that claim to have information coming from "credible sources" that almost always end up being anonymous and frankly it's getting to be more trouble than it's worth to deal with.

The only reason I believe suspicion about Obama's birth certificate got any traction. Was because getting the damn thing released was such a headache and the fact that people were attacking simple skeptics as racist, or some other pejorative. Pretty much muddied the water beyond return.

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