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Presidential Debate #1 (September 29, 2020) (1 Viewer)


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Sep 24, 2020
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IMO, it would be setting an elevated tone if Chris Wallace opened requesting a statement from each candidate. For instance:

In your own words, describe what democracy means to you and what you'd do as President to further it.

Ya think?
I think the debates should be held over a friendly game of chess. Whenever it is their turn to talk, it is also their turn to move.
IMO, it would be setting an elevated tone if Chris Wallace opened requesting a statement from each candidate. For instance:

In your own words, describe what democracy means to you and what you'd do as President to further it.

Ya think?
How stupid. The trouble with politics is that no one ever answers the questions. Trump would deflect completely and Biden would go into the left's talking points accusing Trump of everything under the sun, all of which have never been proven.
How stupid. The trouble with politics is that no one ever answers the questions. Trump would deflect completely and Biden would go into the left's talking points accusing Trump of everything under the sun, all of which have never been proven.

I agree completely (except that many of Trump's faults have been well proven). I for one am not at all interested in hearing either candidate rehash partisan talking points with contrived pathos.

I would like to see them put on the spot to demonstrate their knowledge and ability to reason. They should be quizzed on world history, economic theory, and relevant case law surrounding the issues. They should be given a blank world map and be asked to label the countries. They should be quizzed on the contents of the Federalist papers. They should know what the nuclear triad is.

Give them questions with concrete, easily verifiable answers, and give them 10 seconds to answer each one.
I agree completely (except that many of Trump's faults have been well proven). I for one am not at all interested in hearing either candidate rehash partisan talking points with contrived pathos.

I would like to see them put on the spot to demonstrate their knowledge and ability to reason. They should be quizzed on world history, economic theory, and relevant case law surrounding the issues. They should be given a blank world map and be asked to label the countries. They should be quizzed on the contents of the Federalist papers. They should know what the nuclear triad is.

Give them questions with concrete, easily verifiable answers, and give them 10 seconds to answer each one.
And the right can easily offer up proof of Obama's and the left's corruption. If you try hard enough, you can prove anything you want. It's like beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. If you see it, then it is there, whether it is there or not. You seem like a fair person but to think that somehow you can force a politician in a debate to answer questions is, well, I probably can't say without getting a warning from the moderators. You're asking politicians to not be politicians or assuming that someone can force them to answer a question. In the end, they will say what they want to say. I will say this though, I could give a rat's ass about when the debates first start out and each candidate has to spend five mintues thanking everyone down to their kindergarten teachers. Get on with the debate already.
And the right can easily offer up proof of Obama's and the left's corruption. If you try hard enough, you can prove anything you want. It's like beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. If you see it, then it is there, whether it is there or not. You seem like a fair person but to think that somehow you can force a politician in a debate to answer questions is, well, I probably can't say without getting a warning from the moderators. You're asking politicians to not be politicians or assuming that someone can force them to answer a question. In the end, they will say what they want to say. I will say this though, I could give a rat's ass about when the debates first start out and each candidate has to spend five mintues thanking everyone down to their kindergarten teachers. Get on with the debate already.

Of course you can't force them to answer a question, but you can ask them the question and judge them by their response.

Chris Wallace: "Our next question is for President Trump. Mr. President, what are the three components of our nuclear triad?"

President Trump: "Well, you know Chris, I think, and I say this all the time, you look at what happened with Hillary Clinton's emails, 33,000 emails Chris. 33,000. Some reports I heard as high as 73,000, I don't know, that's what I heard. 73,000, and you're hearing it more and m-"

Chis Wallace: "And that's time. Mr. Biden, would you like to catch the rebound?"

Joe Biden: "Land based missiles, submarine-launched missiles, and aerial bombers Chris."
Of course you can't force them to answer a question, but you can ask them the question and judge them by their response.

Chris Wallace: "Our next question is for President Trump. Mr. President, what are the three components of our nuclear triad?"

President Trump: "Well, you know Chris, I think, and I say this all the time, you look at what happened with Hillary Clinton's emails, 33,000 emails Chris. 33,000. Some reports I heard as high as 73,000, I don't know, that's what I heard. 73,000, and you're hearing it more and m-"

Chis Wallace: "And that's time. Mr. Biden, would you like to catch the rebound?"

Joe Biden: "Land based missiles, submarine-launched missiles, and aerial bombers Chris."
You are a good writer of fiction. You really think Biden would answer that question? How about this question from Wallace: Mr. Biden, given that Republicans are filling the current SC vacancy and have every constitutional right to do so, will you commit to not packing the SC by adding positions if you are elected? Watch Biden start dancing around like he has ants in his pants.
I think the debates should be held over a friendly game of chess. Whenever it is their turn to talk, it is also their turn to move.

Better yet, have them play a game of Jeopardy. Categories include the Constitution, US history, the Supreme Court, COVID-19, and world geography.
The debates are just a dog and pony show for the most part. They should invite the 3rd parties to have an actual debate and present all the available platforms to the People.
The debates are just a dog and pony show for the most part. They should invite the 3rd parties to have an actual debate and present all the available platforms to the People.

Only if they had a real chance to win.

Either Biden-Harris or Trump-Pence will win the election.
Only if they had a real chance to win.

Either Biden-Harris or Trump-Pence will win the election.
It's a convenient Oligarch argument. But if they're on all the ballots, they should be invited to the debates. The People should be presented with all the options and make decisions for themselves.
It really doesn't matter what the moderator asks or what the other candidate says. Trump is too ignorant and emotionally retarded to take part in a real debate. He interrupts, insults and lies, all he's capable of doing, been practicing all his worthless life.

You are a good writer of fiction. You really think Biden would answer that question? How about this question from Wallace: Mr. Biden, given that Republicans are filling the current SC vacancy and have every constitutional right to do so, will you commit to not packing the SC by adding positions if you are elected? Watch Biden start dancing around like he has ants in his pants.

You missed the point of the game. Asking a politician whether they will commit to this course of action or that course of action is just inviting more rehearsed partisan talking points. I would take this though:

Chris Wallace: Which article, section and clause of the Constitution provides for the president to nominate, and the Senate to confirm, the appointment of Supreme Court Justices?

Joe Biden: Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 Chris.

President Trump: I knew that one too. Believe me. I know the constitution better than the framers ok? No President has ever known the constitution as much as I do. None.
Of course you can't force them to answer a question, but you can ask them the question and judge them by their response.

Chris Wallace: "Our next question is for President Trump. Mr. President, what are the three components of our nuclear triad?"

President Trump: "Well, you know Chris, I think, and I say this all the time, you look at what happened with Hillary Clinton's emails, 33,000 emails Chris. 33,000. Some reports I heard as high as 73,000, I don't know, that's what I heard. 73,000, and you're hearing it more and m-"

Chis Wallace: "And that's time. Mr. Biden, would you like to catch the rebound?"

Joe Biden: "Land based missiles, submarine-launched missiles, and aerial bombers Chris."
More l
Of course you can't force them to answer a question, but you can ask them the question and judge them by their response.

Chris Wallace: "Our next question is for President Trump. Mr. President, what are the three components of our nuclear triad?"

President Trump: "Well, you know Chris, I think, and I say this all the time, you look at what happened with Hillary Clinton's emails, 33,000 emails Chris. 33,000. Some reports I heard as high as 73,000, I don't know, that's what I heard. 73,000, and you're hearing it more and m-"

Chis Wallace: "And that's time. Mr. Biden, would you like to catch the rebound?"

Joe Biden: "Land based missiles, submarine-launched missiles, and aerial bombers Chris."
More likely Biden's answer would be "You know that thing".
More l

More likely Biden's answer would be "You know that thing".

Well, we probably will never find out, because the debates will just be a platform for both candidates to rehash their rehearsed talking points. I think Biden would be the clear winner if the debates were focused on revealing the candidates' actual knowledge.

I would think that the Trump supporters who buy into the idea that he is some kind of genius who knows the military better than the Generals, knows science better than the scientists, and knows virology better than actual medical professionals would welcome a chance for him to show off his knowledge.
Well, we probably will never find out, because the debates will just be a platform for both candidates to rehash their rehearsed talking points. I think Biden would be the clear winner if the debates were focused on revealing the candidates' actual knowledge.

I would think that the Trump supporters who buy into the idea that he is some kind of genius who knows the military better than the Generals, knows science better than the scientists, and knows virology better than actual medical professionals would welcome a chance for him to show off his knowledge.

President Trump is not all that bad a debater. To get to Hillary, he participated in debates with 20 or so other candidates, and he's the one that lives at 1600 Penn.

Or, alternatively, the debates are not that important. It's possible that most people have already made up their minds.
President Trump is not all that bad a debater. To get to Hillary, he participated in debates with 20 or so other candidates, and he's the one that lives at 1600 Penn.

Or, alternatively, the debates are not that important. It's possible that most people have already made up their minds.

Sure, he is great at firing up his base. Lots of people would murder their own mother if it would make a liberal cry. So naturally they vote for the guy that the liberals like the least. He doesn't have any actual knowledge though, and if pressed for facts rather than given a platform to further fire up his base, his ignorance would be readily apparent to even more people.
You missed the point of the game. Asking a politician whether they will commit to this course of action or that course of action is just inviting more rehearsed partisan talking points. I would take this though:

Chris Wallace: Which article, section and clause of the Constitution provides for the president to nominate, and the Senate to confirm, the appointment of Supreme Court Justices?

Joe Biden: Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 Chris.

President Trump: I knew that one too. Believe me. I know the constitution better than the framers ok? No President has ever known the constitution as much as I do. None.
Hate to burst your bubble but both Trump and Biden fail at your game. Why do you only provide partisan examples? And, I really don't care if the nominees know the nuts and bolts of facts as you ask.
Hate to burst your bubble but both Trump and Biden fail at your game. Why do you only provide partisan examples? And, I really don't care if the nominees know the nuts and bolts of facts as you ask.

What is partisan about asking which article, section and clause of the Constitution provides for the president to nominate, and the Senate to confirm, the appointment of Supreme Court Justices? How is that a remotely partisan question?
What is partisan about asking which article, section and clause of the Constitution provides for the president to nominate, and the Senate to confirm, the appointment of Supreme Court Justices? How is that a remotely partisan question?
Both times you asked a question you purposely phrased them as if you thought Trump wouldn't know the answers but Biden would. When you show your bias you can't be taken seriously. I actually don't think Biden would know the answers to either one of the questions you asked and yet your role playing game acted as if you thought Biden would be able to answer them. Personally, I don't care if any nominee could answer your stupid questions. Running the country is more important than answering those two stupid questions. With everything going on in the world, those are the questions you would ask?

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