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President Trump is bringing peace to the middle east (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
President Trump is bringing peace to the middle east. More and more countries are signing peace deals with Israel.

If Obama had done this, it would be on the MSM hourly, and a whole evening Special would be devote to it. But Since it is President Trump nary a word.

And remember in 2016 the old crone Hillary and the MSM said that if Trump would be elected he would get us in to war?? Hmmmm, no war you lying fools, just peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President Trump is bringing peace to the middle east. More and more countries are signing peace deals with Israel.

If Obama had done this, it would be on the MSM hourly, and a whole evening Special would be devote to it. But Since it is President Trump nary a word.

And remember in 2016 the old crone Hillary and the MSM said that if Trump would be elected he would get us in to war?? Hmmmm, no war you lying fools, just peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When were the UAE and Israel at war? I missed it.
When were the UAE and Israel at war? I missed it.

Clearly. For the past 3 years the UAE and Bahrain have been waging a secret war against Israel. No one but those three nations knew about this terrible conflict, so kudos to them for being able to keep this such a tightly guarded secrets. Many in the region complained about random explosions, but the respective governments attributed them to random acts of violence and mining. It is now that under the immensely powerful, and majestic President Trump, that the secret can be revealed since he singlehandedly stopped the conflict.

President Trump is bringing peace to the middle east. More and more countries are signing peace deals with Israel.

If Obama had done this, it would be on the MSM hourly, and a whole evening Special would be devote to it. But Since it is President Trump nary a word.

And remember in 2016 the old crone Hillary and the MSM said that if Trump would be elected he would get us in to war?? Hmmmm, no war you lying fools, just peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Call me when a state like Jordan or Syria signs on to something like this. Then I will be interested.

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