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President Obama now says the Constitution protects same-sex marriage (1 Viewer)

thats no answer... you agree with obama, but you cannot answer a simple question of "how it can be a right", so therefore you accept what is being told to you without thinking in your own right.

You might as well try and nail Jello to the wall. The left avoids getting nailed down at all cost, though the claims they make come fast and furious.
You might as well try and nail Jello to the wall. The left avoids getting nailed down at all cost, though the claims they make come fast and furious.

Are you jealous because you didn't get a coupon?
He's also decided not to enforce our immigration laws. I didn't know the president could just pick and choose what laws to enforce.


For some reason, to this day, conservatives cannot tell the difference between "not enforced" and "not defended in court against a constitutional challenge."

For some reason, to this day, conservatives cannot tell the difference between "not enforced" and "not defended in court against a constitutional challenge."

Big deal. And immigration laws?
sorry ....i dont deal in stupidity.

That's demonstrably untrue. If you were serious about your feelings on gay marriage you would attempt to find arguments that actually work, or by writing your congressman, writing a Federal Judge...something that might conceivably mean something. Instead you troll internet forums, asking the same tired questions that have been answered a thousand times before, and what does that get you? Even when people refuse to answer your same old questions, as I have done, what did that ultimately gain for you? I'll give you a hint: the answer is nothing. I'd go so far as to say that for those who oppose same sex marriage stupidity has been reduced to their sole currency.
That's demonstrably untrue. If you were serious about your feelings on gay marriage you would attempt to find arguments that actually work, or by writing your congressman, writing a Federal Judge...something that might conceivably mean something. Instead you troll internet forums, asking the same tired questions that have been answered a thousand times before, and what does that get you? I'd go so far as to say that stupidity is your sole currency. Even when people refuse to answer your same old questions, as I have done, what did that ultimately gain for you? I'll give you a hint: the answer is nothing.

wrong, i asked questions of you ...how?, can something be......which you will not answer but instead accept what is told to you.

then you return with stupid images.
wrong, i asked questions of you ...how?, can something be......which you will not answer but instead accept what is told to you.

And that makes what difference to your successful opposition to same sex marriage?
And that makes what difference to your successful opposition to same sex marriage?

i dont have an opposition to it.

its a privilege, and if other Citizens get the privilege, then gay people should get the same privilege.

i was stating it not a right........because its not possible to be a right.
i dont have an opposition to it.

its a privilege, and if other Citizens get the privilege, then gay people should get the same privilege.

i was stating it not a right........because its not possible to be a right.

So what difference if any would that make to what's going on right now? Not on a debate forum, but in the real world.
So what difference if any would that make to what's going on right now? Not on a debate forum, but in the real world.

first Obama is wrong, marriage cannot be a right......because it requires and other person outside of the two being joined together to render the service...... no right can lay a cost or burden on another Citizen.

if we could have rights, which lay a cost or burden on other people, ...then 1 person can lay claim to property and another citizens labor which is not theirs....that is tyranny.
first Obama is wrong, marriage cannot be a right......because it requires and other person outside of the two being joined together to render the service...... no right can lay a cost or burden on another Citizen.

if we could have rights, which lay a cost or burden on other people, ...then 1 person can lay claim to property and another citizens labor which is not theirs....that is tyranny.

Well hold on, it's not just Obama. It's every Federal judge who's ruled on the issue.
Well hold on, it's not just Obama. It's every Federal judge who's ruled on the issue.

you have a natural right to............ be with any person you chose.

there is no natural right to have a license, or another citizen compelled to do anything for you

rights do not require action .. all they require this that a right not be hindered in any way.

a privilege requires an action ...something must be done for it to be fulfilled.
you have a natural right to............ be with any person you chose.

there is no natural right to have a license, or another citizen compelled to do anything for you

rights do not require action .. all they require this that a right not be hindered in any way.

a privilege requires an action ...something must be done for it to be fulfilled.

Non-sequitur. You know it's not just Obama, right? That it's every judge who's ruled on the issue?
Non-sequitur. You know it's not just Obama, right? That it's every judge who's ruled on the issue?

the OP is Obama

if you say i have a right to get married......then of coarse in ordered to be married another person is going to have to preform some kind of service for you to get married.

how can you say, i have a right to be married, ......and demand another person ...........do something for you to see your right is fulfilled....that illogical.

rights do not impose force on other people.
the OP is Obama

if you say i have a right to get married......then of coarse in ordered to be married another person is going to have to preform some kind of service for you to get married.

how can you say, i have a right to be married, ......and demand another person ...........do something for you to see your right is fulfilled....that illogical.

rights do not impose force on other people.

Tell it to a Federal judge.
Tell it to a Federal judge.

i am asking a question of you......how can you exercise a right, and make demands on another person...that's not possible.

here is the problem....privileges under the Constitution were being called civil rights because of the civl rights act........today civil is being dropped and they are being called rights.........they are not rights but privileges.

the Constitution is very clear there are only rights and privileges in constitutional law.
i am asking a question of you......how can you exercise a right, and make demands on another person...that's not possible.

here is the problem....privileges under the Constitution were being called civil rights because of the civl rights act........today civil is being dropped and they are being called rights.........they are not rights but privileges.

the Constitution is very clear there are only rights and privileges in constitutional law.

Is this something you're genuinely curious to know?
again.... I am asking how can you declare you have a right...and demand ,threaten other people,.... So it can be fulfilled?

And...I'm...asking...you...is this something you're genuinely curious to know the answer to?
Read more @: President Obama now says the Constitution protects same-sex marriage

I agree 100%! :applaud:applaud [/FONT][/COLOR]

Guess his being a "Presidential Scholar" back when he was running for Presidency didn't mean much?

Guess this also means that his scholarship when he declared that it should be handled by the states in order to win the 2012 election is similarly suspect?

It's nice to see him implicitly admit that he subordinates what he perceives as the natural rights of American citizens to his desire to be President.
question with a question.

You cannot answer and do not want to...ok, later.

You've been a champ of the "question with a question" tactic every step of the way. And as I thought, you don't really want to know anything. Adieu.
I still can't fathom why anyone would care that two people of the same sex would want to marry. It doesn't affect me one iota, and gays have the right along with everyone else to be miserable, so let them get hitched.

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