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President Obama Calls for Religious Tolerance (1 Viewer)


Retired Navy Commander
DP Veteran
Sep 3, 2014
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Pacific NW
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Funny that in 2016 the President of the United States feels that he has to speak out for religious tolerance in America. But that's what some Christian zealots (and Republican politicians who pander to them) have brought us to.

If we’re serious about freedom of religion — and I’m speaking now to my fellow Christians who remain the majority in this country — we have to understand an attack on one faith is an attack on all our faiths. And when any religious group is targeted, we all have a responsibility to speak up. And we have to reject a politics that seeks to manipulate prejudice or bias, and targets people because of religion.

And here, I want to speak directly to the young people who may be listening. In our lives, we all have many identities. We are sons and daughters, and brothers and sisters. We’re classmates; Cub Scout troop members. We’re followers of our faith. We’re citizens of our country. And today, there are voices in this world, particularly over the Internet, who are constantly claiming that you have to choose between your identities -- as a Muslim, for example, or an American. Do not believe them. If you’re ever wondering whether you fit in here, let me say it as clearly as I can, as President of the United States: You fit in here -- right here. (Applause.) You’re right where you belong. You’re part of America, too. (Applause.) You’re not Muslim or American. You’re Muslim and American. (Applause.)

Don’t grow cynical. Don’t respond to ignorance by embracing a world view that suggests you must choose between your faith and your patriotism. Don’t believe that you have to choose between your best impulses and somehow embrace a world view that pits us against each other -- or, even worse, glorifies violence. Understand your power to bring about change. Stay engaged in your community. Help move our country forward -- your country forward. (Applause.)

And how did Republicans respond to this high-minded message of tolerance?
Marco Rubio: "This is yet another example of Obama's "constant pitting people against each other. I can't stand that."
Actually surprised this is the first time Obama has visited a Mosque within the US as president.

The last one to do so was someone I think many of you will be familiar with... George W. Bush.


Six days after 9/11...

What was his visit about you ask... Well I'll let him do the talking:

"Islam is Peace" Says President

The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war.


America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens, and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads. And they need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect.

Women who cover their heads in this country must feel comfortable going outside their homes. Moms who wear cover must be not intimidated in America. That's not the America I know. That's not the America I value.
I grew up around Muslims in Chicago and have a lot of Muslim friends. They're normal people with normal beliefs, two of my best friends in fact are Muslim and both stoners.

When raised in a western secular society like America, you're likely to pick up some if not most of the culture, even while retaining your beliefs. It's not right to unfairly demonize these people who have done nothing wrong just because of a small minority of bad apples.
Just think about the fact a front running Republicans felt it necessary to make a rebuttal to the President 's call for unity. Why is that?
I grew up around Muslims in Chicago and have a lot of Muslim friends. They're normal people with normal beliefs, two of my best friends in fact are Muslim and both stoners.

When raised in a western secular society like America, you're likely to pick up some if not most of the culture, even while retaining your beliefs. It's not right to unfairly demonize these people who have done nothing wrong just because of a small minority of bad apples.

Agreed. Including the OP and comments about republicans and Christians.
Just think about the fact a front running Republicans felt it necessary to make a rebuttal to the President 's call for unity. Why is that?

:lol: Barack Obama making a call for unity is like Donald Trump making a call for civil discourse. The man spends 7 years dividing and then complains at the lack of unity. :roll:
:lol: Barack Obama making a call for unity is like Donald Trump making a call for civil discourse. The man spends 7 years dividing and then complains at the lack of unity. :roll:

What exactly about his statement in the OP is devisive?
What exactly about his statement in the OP is devisive?

You know, I was actually too busy Punishing My Enemies and accusing my political opposition of Wanting Grandmothers To Starve to read the OP. :)

Donald Trump calls for Civil Discourse, Hillary Clinton calls for Honesty and Transparency, Barack Obama calls for Unity.
Funny that in 2016 the President of the United States feels that he has to speak out for religious tolerance in America. But that's what some Christian zealots (and Republican politicians who pander to them) have brought us to.

And how did Republicans respond to this high-minded message of tolerance?
Marco Rubio: "This is yet another example of Obama's "constant pitting people against each other. I can't stand that."

The president was addressing a non issue. The man is so divisive that he is now inventing division. There is no bigotry between Christians and Muslims in America. The Divider in Chief never misses an opportunity to pit one American against another.
The president was addressing a non issue. The man is so divisive that he is now inventing division. There is no bigotry between Christians and Muslims in America. The Divider in Chief never misses an opportunity to pit one American against another.

Lets see...it seems to me one of the front runners for nomination this year said something about not letting a certain religious group into the US...who was that?
Lets see...it seems to me one of the front runners for nomination this year said something about not letting a certain religious group into the US...who was that?

So? Nothing I said is altered by what Trump said.
The president was addressing a non issue. The man is so divisive that he is now inventing division. There is no bigotry between Christians and Muslims in America. The Divider in Chief never misses an opportunity to pit one American against another.

Really? So when the leading candidate in the GOP field called for Masques to be closed, and for registering Muslims, that was an 'invention'? Trump said that but Obama is causing the division?

Honest to God!!! is there ANYTHING bad that you people with ODS won't blame on Obama? Anything?
Tolerance is a two way street. I find it interesting in the Presidents remarks. "If we’re serious about freedom of religion — and I’m speaking now to my fellow Christians who remain the majority in this country — we have to understand an attack on one faith is an attack on all our faiths. And when any religious group is targeted, we all have a responsibility to speak up".

he found it necessary to single out Christians. I understand to attack one faith is an attack on all. The question is do people of other faith feel the same way? I know groups like ISIS is not the norm, but I highly doubt those who follow that line of radical faith are tolerant of other faiths.
Tolerance is a two way street. I find it interesting in the Presidents remarks. "If we’re serious about freedom of religion — and I’m speaking now to my fellow Christians who remain the majority in this country — we have to understand an attack on one faith is an attack on all our faiths. And when any religious group is targeted, we all have a responsibility to speak up".

he found it necessary to single out Christians. I understand to attack one faith is an attack on all. The question is do people of other faith feel the same way? I know groups like ISIS is not the norm, but I highly doubt those who follow that line of radical faith are tolerant of other faiths.

What difference does ISIS standards make to us? I cant think of anyway I want to be like them.
It points out that there is division and it is not from Obama.

No, it points out that Trump says stupid things not that there is religious intolerance in American that has to be addressed by the president. The president is manufacturing division. The truth is, it is Islam that is intolerant of other religions. The president, mindlessly following liberal orthodoxy, is simply pandering to the phony victimology that he thrives upon.
So Obama appeals for religious tolerance by visiting a Mosque with radical Islamic ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
No, it points out that Trump says stupid things

And when he was saying those stupid things about closing Mosques, and registering people he had about 35% of the Republican base agreeing with him.. He was leading the field when he said that. Doesn't say much for Republicans, does it?
Really? So when the leading candidate in the GOP field called for Masques to be closed, and for registering Muslims, that was an 'invention'? Trump said that but Obama is causing the division?
Why don't you do yourself a favor and actually read the presidents speech before you look anymore foolish than you already do.

Honest to God!!! is there ANYTHING bad that you people with ODS won't blame on Obama? Anything?
Aw. Poor baby. Whats the matter? Someone attacking your Messiah? Go cry to mommy and daddy.
And when he was saying those stupid things about closing Mosques, and registering people he had about 35% of the Republican base agreeing with him.. He was leading the field when he said that. Doesn't say much for Republicans, does it?

I have to disagree, it says a lot about Republicans. An awful lot.
Why don't you do yourself a favor and actually read the presidents speech before you look anymore foolish than you already do.

Aw. Poor baby. Whats the matter? Someone attacking your Messiah? Go cry to mommy and daddy.

Ah someone pointing out that you Republicans pick and choose what Amendments mean anything to you pisses you off? Freedom of religion? When it comes to Islam. To hell with that. Right? Lock em up, mark em, close the Mosques. You're a good German.
And when he was saying those stupid things about closing Mosques, and registering people he had about 35% of the Republican base agreeing with him.. He was leading the field when he said that. Doesn't say much for Republicans, does it?

The speech wasn't about Trump. There is no intolerance of Islam in America that needed to be addressed by the president. He was pandering. He just knows he can get away with it because liberals aren't bright enough to call him on it.
Ah someone pointing out that you that you Republicans pick and choose what Amendments mean anything to you pisses you off? Freedom of religion? When it comes to Islam. To hell with that. Right? Lock em up, mark em, close the Mosques. You're a good German.

Lol. Nice rant. Take your meds before your head explodes.

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