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President Biden In Good Spirits Despite Plummeting Approval Ratings (1 Viewer)


USN Veteran
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Mar 3, 2019
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Earlier today, President Biden announced that he will waive a restriction on ethanol content for summer blend gasoline. Currently there is a limit on ethanol additive for "summer blend" gas: 10%.


Biden's waiver will allow E15 fuel (15% ethanol mix) to be sold during the summer months between June 1st and Sept. 15th. High ethanol content causes gasoline engines to run less efficiently and dumps extra CO2 into the atmosphere, which is a greenhouse gas. Not cool, Joe.

“Your family budget, your ability to fill up your tank, none of it should hinge on whether a dictator declares war and commits genocide a half a world away." said Biden.

What a dope. LOL.

“Homegrown Iowa biofuels provide a quick and clean solution for lowering prices at the pump, and bolstering production would help us become energy independent once again.″ said Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley.

Grassley was among 16 senators from Midwestern states who demanded that Biden allow year-round E15 sales so corn farmers will get more subsidies from the government. Ka-ching!!!

The Biden puppet dances, of course. These people in Washington are corrupt to the core. 😞

source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/poli...sedgntp&cvid=8c02650b6cd041e7bd7152bd55997d9d
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Earlier today, President Biden announced that he will waive a restriction on ethanol content for summer blend gasoline. Currently there is a limit on ethanol additive for "summer blend" gas: 10%.


Biden's waiver will allow E15 fuel (15% ethanol mix) to be sold during the summer months between June 1st and Sept. 15th. High ethanol content causes gasoline engines to run less efficiently and dumps extra CO2 into the atmosphere, which is a greenhouse gas. Not cool, Joe.

“Your family budget, your ability to fill up your tank, none of it should hinge on whether a dictator declares war and commits genocide a half a world away." said Biden.

What a dope. LOL.

“Homegrown Iowa biofuels provide a quick and clean solution for lowering prices at the pump, and bolstering production would help us become energy independent once again.″ said Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley.

Grassley was among 16 senators from Midwestern states who demanded that Biden allow year-round E15 sales so corn farmers will get more subsidies from the government. Ka-ching!!!

The Biden puppet dances, of course. These people in Washington are corrupt to the core. 😞

source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/poli...sedgntp&cvid=8c02650b6cd041e7bd7152bd55997d9d
it's also not great for your car's engine. If you burn a tank you better burn two tanks of regular gasoline behind it.
He wants to bring the cost of gasoline down which could help his party in the Fall and if successful, move more on environmental matters next year. But you can't play if you don't win.
Do we have a choice?

It is generally available, the waiver just covers a brief time period when it has not been available, due to concerns about smog during high temperatures.
Earlier today, President Biden announced that he will waive a restriction on ethanol content for summer blend gasoline. Currently there is a limit on ethanol additive for "summer blend" gas: 10%.


Biden's waiver will allow E15 fuel (15% ethanol mix) to be sold during the summer months between June 1st and Sept. 15th. High ethanol content causes gasoline engines to run less efficiently and dumps extra CO2 into the atmosphere, which is a greenhouse gas. Not cool, Joe.

“Your family budget, your ability to fill up your tank, none of it should hinge on whether a dictator declares war and commits genocide a half a world away." said Biden.

What a dope. LOL.

No wonder a bird pooped on him today. :giggle:
Ugh, more carbon emissons just to save a few bucks isn't a good thing. Find a way to fight inflation that doesn't destroy the planet, please.
Earlier today, President Biden announced that he will waive a restriction on ethanol content for summer blend gasoline. Currently there is a limit on ethanol additive for "summer blend" gas: 10%.


Biden's waiver will allow E15 fuel (15% ethanol mix) to be sold during the summer months between June 1st and Sept. 15th. High ethanol content causes gasoline engines to run less efficiently and dumps extra CO2 into the atmosphere, which is a greenhouse gas. Not cool, Joe.

“Your family budget, your ability to fill up your tank, none of it should hinge on whether a dictator declares war and commits genocide a half a world away." said Biden.

What a dope. LOL.

“Homegrown Iowa biofuels provide a quick and clean solution for lowering prices at the pump, and bolstering production would help us become energy independent once again.″ said Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley.

Grassley was among 16 senators from Midwestern states who demanded that Biden allow year-round E15 sales so corn farmers will get more subsidies from the government. Ka-ching!!!

The Biden puppet dances, of course. These people in Washington are corrupt to the core. 😞

source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/poli...sedgntp&cvid=8c02650b6cd041e7bd7152bd55997d9d

Well look at it from his (diminished) point of view.

1. He's made his lifetime goal of being elected President of the United States, with the highest voter turnout in U.S. History. He could die tomorrow and that will still be part of his legacy.

2. He is obviously showing signs of diminished mental capacity, so with everyone around him probably telling him "Good job, you're doing great," he believes them.
Why do so many Democratic Party purposed solutions in reality simply cause more problems. There only solution to a problem is create more problem
Why do so many Democratic Party purposed solutions in reality simply cause more problems. There only solution to a problem is create more problem
Absolutely. This so-called "solution" is going to do almost literally nothing to the price of gas. Refineries aren't tooled up to just switch over. This fuel also has to be transported differently (i.e. not in pipelines). Lastly, what will this do to the price of corn?

But it does get a couple of headlines and talking points for the democrats and their ignorant voters, so there is that.

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