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Postal Service tells 46 states that mail-in ballots may not arrive in time to be counted (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 29, 2012
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On an island. Not that one!
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What will Americans do if their votes aren't counted and Trump claims he is the "biggliest winner ever!!"? Nevermind the fact that Trump and others in his flock have requested absentee ballots.

Postal Service tells 46 states that mail-in ballots may not arrive in time to be counted

Anticipating an avalanche of absentee ballots, the U.S. Postal Service recently sent detailed letters to 46 states and D.C. warning that it cannot guarantee all ballots cast by mail for the November election will arrive in time to be counted — adding another layer of uncertainty ahead of the high-stakes presidential contest.

The letters sketch a grim possibility for the tens of millions of Americans eligible for a mail-in ballot this fall: Even if people follow all of their state’s election rules, the pace of Postal Service delivery may disqualify their votes.

The Postal Service’s warnings of potential disenfranchisement came as the agency undergoes a sweeping organizational and policy overhaul amid dire financial conditions. Cost-cutting moves have already delayed mail delivery by as much as a week in some places, and a new decision to decommission 10 percent of the Postal Service’s sorting machines sparked widespread concern the slowdowns will only worsen. Rank-and-file postal workers say the move is ill-timed and could sharply diminish the speedy processing of flat mail, including letters and ballots.
I'm seeing a big push on social media to hand deliver your ballot to the election office.
What will Americans do if their votes aren't counted and Trump claims he is the "biggliest winner ever!!"? Nevermind the fact that Trump and others in his flock have requested absentee ballots.

The solution to the problem would be to start printing and mailing out ballots now. Granted, all those people that jet their ballot in early September but choose not to mail it in until November 3rd will be screwed but that will be THEIR choice, not the system's fault.
I'm seeing a big push on social media to hand deliver your ballot to the election office.

People drop them at the polling locations all the time out here.
i suppose that the best strategy is to make sure that it isn't close enough for Republican cheating and sabotage to flip the election.
People drop them at the polling locations all the time out here.

Oh I know. I've done that myself. As you know they have relaxed the when and where to vote requirements here in Arizona. I've generally liked how they handle election here other than a few elections ago where Purcel screwed up.
What will Americans do if their votes aren't counted and Trump claims he is the "biggliest winner ever!!"? Nevermind the fact that Trump and others in his flock have requested absentee ballots.

I guess youll just have to go to the polls and vote like we have always done.
Wait ! Wouldn't that potentially expose them to COVID?:hammer:

Not necessarily. Consider the difference to standing in line at a polling place then use a booth that has been used by hundreds of people right before you as opposed to walking in alone to the election office and dropping your ballot into a secure ballot box.
What will Americans do if their votes aren't counted and Trump claims he is the "biggliest winner ever!!"? Nevermind the fact that Trump and others in his flock have requested absentee ballots.

Maybe lay off the dope and fill it out and mail it instead of sitting around waiting for it to fill itself out.
The solution to the problem would be to start printing and mailing out ballots now. Granted, all those people that jet their ballot in early September but choose not to mail it in until November 3rd will be screwed but that will be THEIR choice, not the system's fault.

Not all the states have had primaries, or they haven't been certified.

In AZ, there are still 2 propositions that have been challenged in court (bogus challenges)
I guess youll just have to go to the polls and vote like we have always done.

Nope, I vote by mail, and I track my ballot.

And I am not worried about contracting Covid, I've already had it. (spoiler alert: its not fun)
Nope, I vote by mail, and I track my ballot.

And I am not worried about contracting Covid, I've already had it. (spoiler alert: its not fun)

I had it as well. It wasnt much fun but I have had worse colds.
The unacknowledged problem for those claiming that people just request their mail=in ballots earlier and then there won't be a problem, either don't know or refuse to accept that every state has laws which stipulate just when a citizen is allowed to request a mail-in ballot and when the state is allowed to send out those ballots. PBS Newshour tonight noted that people saying, "Oh, those states should just change the laws", don't understand that carrying out such changes simply isn't possible in every state. It's not like the state legislatures are in action 365 days a year.
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What will Americans do if their votes aren't counted and Trump claims he is the "biggliest winner ever!!"? Nevermind the fact that Trump and others in his flock have requested absentee ballots.

So democrats control many of those states. Use their blue dollars and blue powers to make their blue employees mail out the ballots earlier so people have more time to return them.
So democrats control many of those states. Use their blue dollars and blue powers to make their blue employees mail out the ballots earlier so people have more time to return them.

The unacknowledged problem for those claiming that people just request their mail=in ballots earlier and then there won't be a problem, either don't know or refuse to accept that every state has laws which stipulate just when a citizen is allowed to request a mail-in ballot and when the state is allowed to send out those ballots.
The unacknowledged problem for those claiming that people just request their mail=in ballots earlier and then there won't be a problem, either don't know or refuse to accept that every state has laws which stipulate just when a citizen is allowed to request a mail-in ballot and when the state is allowed to send out those ballots.

Oh well. I guess if they don't get back in time those state laws will have to be obeyed.
:lamo Like I give a **** what you think.

and yet you probably think your posts are important. Can't think of a descriptive word you can post? Maybe it wasn't a physical illness you suffered from...
So Trump has finally gone postal.

Sorry about that, couldn't resist.
The unacknowledged problem for those claiming that people just request their mail=in ballots earlier and then there won't be a problem, either don't know or refuse to accept that every state has laws which stipulate just when a citizen is allowed to request a mail-in ballot and when the state is allowed to send out those ballots.

Early voting by absentee ballot in all states is 45 days before the election and starts Sept. 19. Request your ballot online early, or visit your registrar's office early for a ballot.
That defeats the whole purpose of mail-in voting.

If you can't track your vote like you would a package in your state that would be a good idea. Or just use a drop box at specified locations. Just VOTE.

When I said drop box I didn't mean a mail box I meant a registrar's office drop box . Or you can hand deliver it in the office.
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and yet you probably think your posts are important. Can't think of a descriptive word you can post? Maybe it wasn't a physical illness you suffered from...

I dont recall ever having a conversation with you before. That should tell you how unimportant your posts are to me. Obviously there was an encounter that meant enough to you to make this thread about me. I, on the other hand, still dont give a **** what you think.

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