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Poll: Voters Viewing Occupy Wall St. Unfavorably (1 Viewer)

Even harder to forget that the Republicans controlled the WH, House and Senate for six years leading up to the worst recession since WWII, coupled with disastrous tax cuts that blew up the budget, and an idiotic war that cost us a trillion dollars and running. Pretty hard to ignore that those same Republicans have been fighting tooth and nail to prevent absolutely every proposed measure designed to address the aftermath of that devastation. And it's REALLY hard to ignore the completely mendacious attempts to pawn this disaster off on a powerless Democratic Congress that stepped in after the die was cast. That last part is particularly laughable.

More excuses! Even after saying George Bush was responsible for every bad thing that has happened to the United States during his administration, you still cannot accept responsibility for what the Democrats have done, or haven't done, since then.

Despite all the campaign promises made, Barrack Obama and his administration have demonstrated that Liberals simply cannot be trusted to run an economy and should never be taken seriously anywhere. It's time to put adults in charge or the downward spiral will be unstoppable.
More excuses! Even after saying George Bush was responsible for every bad thing that has happened to the United States during his administration, you still cannot accept responsibility for what the Democrats have done, or haven't done, since then.

Despite all the campaign promises made, Barrack Obama and his administration have demonstrated that Liberals simply cannot be trusted to run an economy and should never be taken seriously anywhere. It's time to put adults in charge or the downward spiral will be unstoppable.

Obama has done about as much as he can do, given the Republicans' absolute unwillingness to compromise. If the Republicans have any better ideas I have yet to hear them. They ran in '10 on the platform of JOBS JOBS JOBS and they haven't proposed a single f*cking thing that wouldn't actually make the jobs picture worse if implemented. I wish I could say that I'm astonished by the degree of incompetence and irresponsibility they've exhibited, but I'm pretty numb to it after the last 10 years.
Obama has done about as much as he can do, given the Republicans' absolute unwillingness to compromise. If the Republicans have any better ideas I have yet to hear them. They ran in '10 on the platform of JOBS JOBS JOBS and they haven't proposed a single f*cking thing that wouldn't actually make the jobs picture worse if implemented. I wish I could say that I'm astonished by the degree of incompetence and irresponsibility they've exhibited, but I'm pretty numb to it after the last 10 years.

As Sheik would say, don't you ever get tired of lying and looking foolish. You just don't pay any attention to non partisan news. I have been called a partisan hack but you take the cake.

15 House bills not considered by Senate
Senate and House in a Blame Game Over Stalled Jobs Legislation - ABC News
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Okay, I searched for it myself because I needed a laugh.

Job creating measure No. 1? Address the crucial insecticide, fungicide and rodenticide problem!! :2rofll: :2rofll: :2rofll: :2rofll:
1) H.R. 872—Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act: The bill would amend the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) to clarify that the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or a state may not require a permit under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act for the application of pesticides regulated under FIFRA. By removing duplicative requirements, the bill would reduce overlapping and unnecessary regulation on pesticides that are already regulated, thereby reducing costs to both farmers and small business owners.
A quick revue of the other massive job creating measures reveals that the vast majority of them are designed to kiss the a$$ of the oil and coal industries, and of course to reduce environmental protection in a myriad of ways. Wow. Really. Just wow!!
I see where they mention the Republican talking point. Any chance you have any information about these supposed job creating measures?

Do you ever admit that you are wrong on any issue?

The Forgotten Fifteen

1) H.R. 872—Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act

2) H.R. 910—Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011

3) H.J.Res. 37—Disapproving the rule submitted by the Federal Communications Commission with respect to regulating the Internet and broadband industry practices

4) H.R. 1230—Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act

5) H.R. 1229—Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act

6) H.R. 1231—Reversing President Obama's Offshore Moratorium Act

7) H.R. 2021—The Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011

8) H.R. 2018—Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act of 2011

9) H.R. 1315—Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act

10) H.R. 1938— North American-Made Energy Security Act

11) H.R. 2587—Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act

12) H.R. 2401—Transparency In Regulatory Analysis Of Impacts On The Nation

13) H.R. 2681—Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act

14) H.R. 2250—EPA Regulatory Relief Act

15) H.R. 2273—Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act


16) H.R. 2433—Veterans Opportunity to Work Act

17) H.R. 674—To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the imposition of 3 percent withholding on certain payments made to vendors by government entities
A quick revue of the other massive job creating measures reveals that the vast majority of them are designed to kiss the a$$ of the oil and coal industries, and of course to reduce environmental protection in a myriad of ways. Wow. Really. Just wow!!

So you now care where jobs are created? Maybe Democrats can get Solyndra back on track and hiring again so we can add more debt
So you now care where jobs are created? Maybe Democrats can get Solyndra back on track and hiring again so we can add more debt

I care THAT jobs are created, and it strains credulity to imagine that any serious job creation would result even if all 15 of the Republicans' screw-the-environment proposals were passed as written.

And btw, the last two were bipartisan proposals that passed with the support of President Obama. :roll:
So you now care where jobs are created? Maybe Democrats can get Solyndra back on track and hiring again so we can add more debt

Maybe Republicans can stop jerking each other off over penny ante sh*t like Solyndra and actually get around to dealing with the serious unemployment and debt problems this country faces?
Maybe Republicans can stop jerking each other off over penny ante sh*t like Solyndra and actually get around to dealing with the serious unemployment and debt problems this country faces?

Remember their number one goal is to stop Obama from getting re-elected. Their number one goal is not to do what is right and help out this country but instead is to get Obama out of the white house..

In McConnell's own words: McConnell: Stopping Obama's re-election still 'single most important' goal | Video Cafe
I thought about this post all day yesterday Joe, as I was driving back home from Indy. The way you framed this really bothered me for a number of reasons.

You lay the premise that the game is rigged which is simply not so. The wealth in this country is not static, nor is it limited. So to say that the pursuit of financial success is limited, and your socio-economic status is etched in stone where you are at in any point in time is pure Bull.

For there to be a truly fair, and free market that has propelled this country to be the greatest engine of wealth creation in the worlds history, the dream of success on your own merits and hard work have to be in place.

What you advocate is a tenant of Marx where redistribution has to be equal which has never worked to advance anyone.


To be rigged, it does not have to be staticor limited. You start from a false premise. because of this, you're not likley to like any answer. but I will try.

First, the market has never been truely free. We'rehad regulations that limit from the beginning in one way or another. So, again, you start with a false premise. Nor is anyone advocating Marx. This is too often the fallback position for someone who really hasn't thought enough.

You can look up coporate welfare as well as the next person. These are rules that help those with the most. Can you really argue otherwise? Sure, there is some chance that some will move up. The beauty of our system was always that enough could move far enough that the illusion of equality kept most happy. When you see unrest, under any system, is when the illusion becomes all too clearly a lie. As you watch the middle class shrink, even with the wealhy class growing some, fewer are willing to suspend their disbeleif. For any country, this is a problem.

Do you ever play with odds? In a fair game, there's a fairly even chance that everyone playing can be successful. Casinos are not fair. The house owns the odds. If they didn't, they couldn't stay in business. My uncle was a gambler and used to tell me one never bets on chance. If the game isn't rigged, don't play. Business is much this way. They gamble, but only when the odds are in their favor, especially big business. Everyone else, is like th high roller at the local casino. Once and awhile one wins. It's good for business overall. But the games rigged so that more lose than win, and the house always ranks in the lions share.

No Marxism is involved here. No one is asking anything other than realization that if the house gets too many wins, the clientale becomes angry. We need the middle class, and the illsuion. Without it, the entire system crashes. Remember, is a real competative game, someone wins it all. What happens once that this done? If we don't have one winner, the competition isn't entirely real.
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Not those living in reality Land. If there are you should quote them.

See the every promise made about trickle down economics and deregulation over the last 3 decades. That is the reality of the 99%.

We have more than enough people "addressing the cause of the debt" and it's always the political opponents. What isn't possible at the moment, it seems, is finding leadership capable of fixing the debt.

Oh........tell me the last time we raised tax rates on the rich to the level they were before Reagan??? Hell, tell me the last time tax rates on the rich were raised to the level under Reagan???

Also, please tell me the last time we cut wasteful spending on the military industrial complex to just half what the rest of the world spends combined on military?

If we are not prepared to stop the things that created our debt over the last 30 years, then we are not serious about reducing the debt.

Next time the American people go to the polls they should consider a candidate who has some experience in financial matters, not an unqualified poster boy designed to demonstrate how advanced a nation they have become.

All the Republican candidates are promising to continue the same failed trickle down economics of the last 30 years, more tax cuts for the rich and less regulations for the rich, and to enable that, they are prepared to throw the middle class under the bus. That is what the American people will be considering when they go to the polls.
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I care THAT jobs are created, and it strains credulity to imagine that any serious job creation would result even if all 15 of the Republicans' screw-the-environment proposals were passed as written.

And btw, the last two were bipartisan proposals that passed with the support of President Obama. :roll:

So, because you, without any explanation, don't believe that these acts would create jobs (or at a minimum save the job growth rate/save jobs in areas where environmental protection is putting people out of work) then it doesn't exist?

Wow, You are a genius!!!!
Obama has done about as much as he can do, given the Republicans' absolute unwillingness to compromise.

The Republicans refused to compromise during his first two years in office?

If the Republicans have any better ideas I have yet to hear them.

The Republicans have offered ideas but it seems you are listening only to the Democrats.
They ran in '10 on the platform of JOBS JOBS JOBS and they haven't proposed a single f*cking thing that wouldn't actually make the jobs picture worse if implemented.

You think Keystone wouldn't create jobs?

Review & Outlook: The Non-Green Jobs Boom - WSJ.com

Instead a greenhorn investor like Barrack Obama, with no experience in the business world whatsoever, takes billions in taxpayer money and throws it away on his pet ideas.

wish I could say that I'm astonished by the degree of incompetence and irresponsibility they've exhibited, but I'm pretty numb to it after the last 10 years.

That could explain your support of the Barrack Obama policies.
Maybe Republicans can stop jerking each other off over penny ante sh*t like Solyndra and actually get around to dealing with the serious unemployment and debt problems this country faces?

Solyndra is "penny ante"??

It's "penny ante" when the American people lose $535 billion in a crooked scheme while the original investors (political supporters of the Democrats) get their money back?

If the OWS protesters had any brains (they do not) they would be marching in front of the White House. Or wherever BHO raised his goofy head.
See the every promise made about trickle down economics and deregulation over the last 3 decades. That is the reality of the 99%.

It seems you don't quite get it. You are a Liberal and therefore not well acquainted with reality. You see reality must be based on facts, on the real world, where political and personal decisions have real consequences.

Thus a liberal would say something like "See the every promise made about trickle down economics and deregulation over the last 3 decades. That is the reality of the 99%".

Why not say the past 80 years or the past three centuries. You supply no proof for anything.

This is why the Liberals live in a parallel, but markedly different, universe. Just saying whatever pops into the liberal head, slogans, chanting, faithfully repeating whatever you're told by your mindless gurus, forming political opinions from bumpers stickers, etc. makes it all true for you. Nothing more is required. And this of course is why you cannot be trusted with any form of leadership in Reality World.
I care THAT jobs are created, and it strains credulity to imagine that any serious job creation would result even if all 15 of the Republicans' screw-the-environment proposals were passed as written.

And btw, the last two were bipartisan proposals that passed with the support of President Obama. :roll:

You asked for the bills, I gave them to you. The bills are being stonewalled by the DEMOCRAT Controlled Senate. Bring the bills to the floor, debate the bills, and add amendments, but no, you want to be dishonest and blame Republicans. Then you want to ignore the failure of this Administration the first two years in office and believe that Stimulus 2 will be more successful than stimulus one. That is nothing more than partisan bs..
Maybe Republicans can stop jerking each other off over penny ante sh*t like Solyndra and actually get around to dealing with the serious unemployment and debt problems this country faces?

Yeah, right, it was only hundreds of millions of dollars that did nothing but reward campaign contributors. When are you going to wake up?
Nor is anyone advocating Marx. This is too often the fallback position for someone who really hasn't thought enough.
. . .

No Marxism is involved here.
Actually there is quite a bit of Marxist philosophy involved. Or, if you prefer Marxism-Leninism.

The progressive income tax is Marxist. Most of this nation has embraced it, knowing nothing else. In the long run it is the way to move the nation from individual responsibility toward central planning, small scale socialism, then European style socialism, then European style economic collapse.
Its funny to watch the liberals who were just OUTRAGED...OUTRAGED I tells ya!!! over Bush's connection to oil companies (while the conveniently ignore democrats investment with oil...banks...brokers...and having unions balls deep in those democrats) now easily dismissing the Obama connection to campaign contributions and the different loans to the failed green companies. Funny...comical...and yet...pathetic...all at the same time.
For Vets Returning to US, Green Energy Jobs Await

By ANDY BROWNFIELD Associated Press

COLUMBUS, Ohio November 26, 2011 (AP)

Ben Noland served in the U.S. Marine Corps for eight years, then spent 18 months looking for a job.

"I've probably put my resume in to 300 places in the past year," the 33-year-old Kenton resident said.

"The farthest I've ever got was a phone interview."

Noland finally landed a job installing solar panels at Tipping Point Renewable Energy, a Columbus-based solar power company that is hiring only military veterans for its installation crews at a time when unemployment among former service members is outpacing that of civilians.

Tipping Point's efforts echo those of companies and groups nationwide to hire veterans in the green energy industry. Denver-based nonprofit Veterans Green Jobs is one of the largest, having trained or placed 370 veterans in the last four years.

For Vets Returning to US, Green Energy Jobs Await - ABC News

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