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Poll: Biden approval rating hits all-time low of 33 percent (1 Viewer)


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Sep 12, 2019
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This can't be true whatsoever. Our usual DP Biden water carrying suspects have been trying to convince themselves and the rest of us that Joey is doing a good job.

This poll contradicts the red herring that Ukraine would lift Biden's poor numbers.


President Biden's approval rating is at an all-time low, according to a new Quinnipiac poll released Wednesday.

When asked if they "approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president," 33 percent of respondents said they approved, 54 percent expressed disapproval, and 13 percent said they didn't know or had no opinion.

Biden's approval rating previously hit 33 percent on Jan. 12, 2022, though his disapproval rating at the time was only 53 percent.

At the same point in his presidency, former President Donald Trump's approval/disapproval spread was 39-55, according to Gallup. In April 2010, former President Barack Obama stood at 48-45. George W. Bush, still riding the wave of post-9/11 unity, had an approval rating of 75 percent, while only 20 percent of respondents disapproved of his job performance.

This was a rough poll for Biden. Down 5 points from a week ago - same poll.
In the same Quinnipiac poll at the same time (April 2018) in Trump's presidency, he was at 41%, just in case anyone else is curious about that, as I was.
It's too late to resuscitate the midterms on Biden's coattails, so these opinion polls are pretty meaningless at this point.

Voters are blaming Biden for inflation, which favors the Republicans. But Republicans want to raise your taxes. Dems are starting to push that message. If they succeed, nobody will care about Biden in November.
It's too late to resuscitate the midterms on Biden's coattails, so these opinion polls are pretty meaningless at this point.

Voters are blaming Biden for inflation, which favors the Republicans. But Republicans want to raise your taxes. Dems are starting to push that message. If they succeed, nobody will care about Biden in November.
Job approval polls for POTUS and never meaningless, IMO. They tell a huge story about the current temperature of the voters in the nation and give a good indication of what to expect in near term elections.
Job approval polls for POTUS and never meaningless, IMO. They tell a huge story about the current temperature of the voters in the nation and give a good indication of what to expect in near term elections.
I believe this poll is totally meaningless. This is a reaction poll to the pain of what is happening worldwide but things are actually better here in the U.S. under Biden that most anywhere else in the world and that is going to start filtering in to the minds of the people over the next few months.

Every economic report that has come out over the past couple of months shows that even with inflation being high that inflation here might be at its peak and that is not the case anywhere else. One thing to realize is the value of the Dollar versus other currencies is much better than it has been for the past 4 years and the Dollar is close to making a "new" all time high (presently at 100.56 and the all-time high is 102.96 - When Trump left office on January 21 2021, the Dollar was at 91.06). Unemployment is at a low point and U.S. companies are making more money than European or Asian companies............a lot more.

People are going to start realizing that we are actually doing well, compared to the rest of the world and it has happened during Biden's administration.

There are all FACTS and not opinion.

It's become an almost monthly exercise in futility for President Joe Biden: He announces yet more cheerful reports on job creation, reduced unemployment and deficit reduction, and Americans still think the economy is terrible and blame the president for it.

On Friday, Biden spoke from the White House with news any occupant of the Oval Office would love to report. The economy added 431,000 jobs in March, and the unemployment rate dropped to 3.6%, close to the pre-pandemic 3.5% – itself a 50-year low. Average wages went up, and about 100,000 more jobs were created in January and February than had been estimated at the time, the government reported.

People will begin to realize these facts are actually occurring.
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Even CNN is acknowledging that Biden is a complete and utter failure:

"This is the lowest for anyone who was elected to the presidency and didn't get there through the vice presidency. Joe Biden at this point, minus 23 points. That is the worst on record since they started asking about economic job approval ratings back in 1978 with Jimmy Carter," said CNN's Harry Enten.


Here is Biden two days ago shaking hands with an imaginary person.

The poor guy. Why do dems insist on allowing this indignity to continue?

It's time to yank Biden. For God's sake - enough is enough.
Even CNN is acknowledging that Biden is a complete and utter failure:

"This is the lowest for anyone who was elected to the presidency and didn't get there through the vice presidency. Joe Biden at this point, minus 23 points. That is the worst on record since they started asking about economic job approval ratings back in 1978 with Jimmy Carter," said CNN's Harry Enten.


Here is Biden two days ago shaking hands with an imaginary person.

The poor guy. Why do dems insist on allowing this indignity to continue?

It's time to yank Biden. For God's sake - enough is enough.
Anyone that makes comments such as you have done without any data/facts to back up their statements is not someone I am willing to pay attention to.

CNN acknowledging Biden is a complete and utter failure?

Biden shaking hands with imaginary person? (this has been explained fully and completely and is not what you say it is)

Democrats allowing this indignity to continue?

You need to back up your statements with facts and data that support your views. Opinions and biased interpretations of events are not worth anything.
Whatever the message problem is from Biden, his administration, and Democrats in Congress we can conclude with ease that things are getting worse.

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