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Politics Girl: The GOP is broken...... (1 Viewer)

My ears hurt now. Is she on ADHD drugs or something?
has been for a very long time. Preach!

All good points, and true. The only morons who refuse to pay attention to what she is saying are trump traitor cultists, racists, fascists who are brainwashed or just brain dead. The problem with America, the Trump Cult Party/GQP gullible suckers who are anti-American, trump licking trash. 🤡
....so broken that the GOP will thrash the left in this falls elections. Maybe you libs out to worry about your own broken party.
has been for a very long time. Preach!

Yeah....the GOP are the only ones that care about power, rofl. And, no Kavanaugh was not credibly accused of sexual assault. "Politics girl" needs to stay outta politics.
Yeah....the GOP are the only ones that care about power, rofl. And, no Kavanaugh was not credibly accused of sexual assault. "Politics girl" needs to stay outta politics.
They are. Their only platform for 2022 and beyond is doing everything they can to stay in power, with no policies to offer Americans that would actually help them.
....so broken that the GOP will thrash the left in this falls elections. Maybe you libs out to worry about your own broken party.
unlike the GOP the Dem.s which I am not have not got a broken party or one that fell off a cliff years ago. You can do better.
has been for a very long time. Preach!

She's fast, hits all the salient points, good macro & micro understanding, a full vocabulary that's direct & not superfluous, and she's emotive - but not to the point of emotionality. What a great combination! I like her! I bet she'd be a blast to hang with.

She reminds me in some ways of some of the girls from my old neighborhood!
has been for a very long time. Preach!

She forgot the only two criteria Biden set: she's a woman and she's black. It' not like no other person has the same qualifications as her.
They are. Their only platform for 2022 and beyond is doing everything they can to stay in power, with no policies to offer Americans that would actually help them.
Yup...ONLY those dirty GOPers do that kinda thing.
Is politics girl the new diamond and silk looking for a spot in the sun? Never heard of her.
At least we know the difference between men and women. That's a start.
If trans people don't know the difference then they would not be MtF or FtM. They know the difference and they also understand gender identity.

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