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Politicians taking over our PCs (1 Viewer)



We, the undersigned, are American citizens strongly opposed to the proposed "Security Systems Standards and Certification Act" (SSSCA), which would force all new consumer electronics devices and personal computers to have government-mandated "policeware" built-in.

This proposed policeware would restrict what we can and cannot do with our own personal computers in our own homes and businesses. Any person who disables this policeware would be subject to five years in federal prison and a $500,000 fine.

We believe this proposed bill is a severe threat to the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. The very idea of forcing government policeware into our homes and businesses, and jailing those who tamper with or refuse to run this policeware on their own private computers, is terribly wrong and completely contrary to both the letter and spirit of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

We urge you, our elected representatives, to defeat the proposed SSSCA, and will take your actions regarding this bill into account when you stand for re-election.

This is a current petition going around to help stamp out idiocy in washinton.
My feelings on these politicians are as follows....
Who are these idiots who profess to be our guardians of freedom ..well they are nothing more than frauds who are on the pay rolls of the media hollywood moguls and recording industy kings and anyone who has millions to hand over to these sleaze balls to keep them in power ..if for no other reason than to keep us in our place ...we must not let these ego inflated doo gooders for the wrong reasons continue to take away our freedoms and stiffle the world with there perverted sense of morals are they really trying to protect us or there desks in the white house..its not hard to imagine how they can be pursuaded to go along with such nonesense if not for the plethora of hand me down contributions of dead $presidents$ to keep them interested in putting the rest of the world in technological bondage....wake up america next time you vote tell them what you really think dont be fooled by the propaganda of the big industries who say they are going broke and the whole world is fleecing there poor old bones ..we all know the truth about who gets fleeced...once we let these idiot politicians into our homes and our personal pcs then we mite as well throw them out the door and go back to sending smoke signals because we will not be a free nation no more we will merly be sheep waiting to be sheared and handing out our hard earned money to keep the skids greased for our high and mighty masters...

That is my opinion on the matter ......
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Hollings (D-SC) has been trying to get this bill out there since at least 2001. It seems to pop up here and there every once in a while but it sure isn't practical and really shows the ignorance of its writer.

First off, for the SSSCA to be effective, it'll need to be software. For it to be software, it'll need to be compatible with Windows, Apple's OS, Palm's OS, Linux, Unix, and many more operating systems. Impossible. Moreover, what if there are conflicts with its operating system or the server is in a non-compliant country? It just doesn't make sense.

Two, the bill doesn't clarify if the installation will have to be on every hard drive you buy (independent of a computer system), or even on some RAM too.

Third, there are ways around any copyright protections that have been created. What makes this one secure? Look at the fallibility with Windows' DRM. That was supposed to protect all Napster files with their new "Download as much as you want for $15 a month to your MP3 player". You weren't supposed to be able to burn the songs but the way to circumvent that has already been exposed.

There is a large problem with the accessibility and ease of downloading music/movies/software/games illegally. That does need to stop and the government should step in to protect copyrights. The above solution does not work.
Urethra Franklin said:
The land of the free? Ha :rofl
Yeah, that's a song, not a political directive. Of course, the sun never sets on the British Empire. :rofl
shuamort said:
Yeah, that's a song, not a political directive. Of course, the sun never sets on the British Empire. :rofl

The sun set on the British empire long ago honey. They're part of our EU now. And when the United States of Europe comes into being, you'll have us and China to worry about.
Urethra Franklin said:
And when the United States of Europe comes into being, you'll have us and China to worry about.
Wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which piles up first. The EU has a long way to go as so does China.
shuamort said:
Wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which piles up first. The EU has a long way to go as so does China.

You are already economically dependent on China. She is the dragon rising and is going to be the superpower of the 21st century. All your manufacturing industries are going there, or to India. Like your call centres and everything else.

The EU will be a minor player, but a strong united Europe will no longer be dependant on the US. Like all great civilisations (Greece, Rome, the Ottoman empire, the British empire) it comes to an end one day. Face it - your day is done. Time for you to tighten your belt, learn to live with less and teach your kids Chinese.
Urethra Franklin said:
You are already economically dependent on China. She is the dragon rising and is going to be the superpower of the 21st century. All your manufacturing industries are going there, or to India. Like your call centres and everything else.

The EU will be a minor player, but a strong united Europe will no longer be dependant on the US. Like all great civilisations (Greece, Rome, the Ottoman empire, the British empire) it comes to an end one day. Face it - your day is done. Time for you to tighten your belt, learn to live with less and teach your kids Chinese.
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

China is also econimically dependant on the US. It's called "interdependence". The US is the largest importer for Chinese product. Should we raise tariffs, slow imports, or go elsewhere, the Chinese economy would be severely affected. Welcome to the innerworkings of a global economy. Should China remain a dictatorial communist state, its chance of global domination is going to be hindered. Of course your "teach your kids Chinese" is such a laughable statement. Which Chinese language would that be? (I'm sure you know that there's more than one, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one).

Your binary statements are so hyperbolic that it's impossible to take you seriously. Moreover, if you want to discuss this further, feel free to start a different thread. This one has been hijacked enough by your fantasies.
shuamort said:
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

China is also econimically dependant on the US. It's called "interdependence". The US is the largest importer for Chinese product. Should we raise tariffs, slow imports, or go elsewhere, the Chinese economy would be severely affected. Welcome to the innerworkings of a global economy. Should China remain a dictatorial communist state, its chance of global domination is going to be hindered. Of course your "teach your kids Chinese" is such a laughable statement. Which Chinese language would that be? (I'm sure you know that there's more than one, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one).

Your binary statements are so hyperbolic that it's impossible to take you seriously. Moreover, if you want to discuss this further, feel free to start a different thread. This one has been hijacked enough by your fantasies.

If you were exposed to my fantasies , believe me, you wouldn't be able to cope.

I would suggest you teach your children Cantonese, since much business is done in the industrial South, though of course the major centres of Shanghai and Beijing are Mandarin speaking, so I agree, that's a tricky one.
I won't repeat the amazing, excellent and accurate synopsis which has already been given by Fried Rice on the future and power of China (see the liberalism of George Bush thread) but just to say that your denials are those of a worried man. Evidently, you know the end is nigh.
Urethra Franklin said:
If you were exposed to my fantasies , believe me, you wouldn't be able to cope.
You're right. I'm quite ok not seeing Gerard Depardieu nekkid.

Urethra Franklin said:
I would suggest you teach your children Cantonese, since much business is done in the industrial South, though of course the major centres of Shanghai and Beijing are Mandarin speaking, so I agree, that's a tricky one.
No children for me. Thanks.
I won't repeat the amazing, excellent and accurate synopsis which has already been given by Fried Rice on the future and power of China (see the liberalism of George Bush thread) but just to say that your denials are those of a worried man. Evidently, you know the end is nigh.
What me worry? Nope. What end are you talking about? It's amazing that you claim to be from the EU but think that all of history is happening in this 5 year microcosm under W. Bush rule and that US policy doesn't change president by president. The rule under Carter was much different under Reagan/HW Bush which was much different under Clinton which is much different under W. Bush.
Pacridge said:
And just how are we suppose to do that? We can't seem to teach half our kids English.

They are busy learning Japanese... anime.
What the hell is wrong with our government? Can we not protect the economy and individual freedom at the same time. Has this taken effect yet?

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