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Police thugs wrongly arrest man who called them (1 Viewer)

Drowning Man

DP Veteran
Dec 26, 2019
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Political Leaning

I hope Mr. Hill get's a huge payout. The racist pieces of shit that arrested him immediately claimed he was on probation without cause, and falsely arrested him because he wouldn't say that the officers didn't cause him any injuries for liability reasons. Complete trash officers need to be fired and jailed for kidnapping.
The problem we face in society regarding the police is is multi-faceted. We expect cops to be better than ourselves and yet we know better. Why am I not surprised when anyone crosses the line? Are you? I like Audit the Audit and I hope it continues to provide stories like this. Maybe it will help reduce atrocious behavior like this.
The problem we face in society regarding the police is is multi-faceted. We expect cops to be better than ourselves and yet we know better.

First, we PAY them to be better.
Second, we ENTRUST them with certain privileges and powers such that anyone in a position of authority MUST be expected to act at a higher level.

Why am I not surprised when anyone crosses the line? Are you?

Maybe not surprised...but certainly disappointed.

I like Audit the Audit and I hope it continues to provide stories like this. Maybe it will help reduce atrocious behavior like this.

I like them, too. It's not one-sided and seems to provide the relevant statues and caselaw as it pertains to each situation covered. They don't seem overly biased. I've posted videos from them that showed both officer misconduct, and citizens being dumb and acting unlawfully.

I hope Mr. Hill get's a huge payout. The racist pieces of shit that arrested him immediately claimed he was on probation without cause, and falsely arrested him because he wouldn't say that the officers didn't cause him any injuries for liability reasons. Complete trash officers need to be fired and jailed for kidnapping.

I support our brave Police Officers.

Thanks for all you do! Keep it up!!(y)👮‍♂️🚨👮‍♀️
Is “stepping to” a cop a crime? I notice the officer said “you’re being an [bleeped] to everybody.” As soon as the driver got out of the ambulance he seemed fired up. Is there video of his behavior with the other drivers or the ambulance crew?
The injury part is, in my opinion, is why that officer should be fired.

I hope Mr. Hill get's a huge payout. The racist pieces of shit that arrested him immediately claimed he was on probation without cause, and falsely arrested him because he wouldn't say that the officers didn't cause him any injuries for liability reasons. Complete trash officers need to be fired and jailed for kidnapping.

I agree with everything except the race angle. Those officers should be fired and Hill should get paid.
I support our brave Police Officers.

Thanks for all you do! Keep it up!!(y)👮‍♂️🚨👮‍♀️
Great, but these were not brave officers in this instance, they escalated a situation unnecessarily with the VICTIM of an accident just because he challenged an officer who was searching HIS car for "the smell of pot".
I agree with everything except the race angle. Those officers should be fired and Hill should get paid.
fired no, it is already difficult to find enough officers. But they do need to be reprimanded, punished internally and forced to undergo several courses in the art of deescalation.
Great, but these were not brave officers in this instance, they escalated a situation unnecessarily with the VICTIM of an accident just because he challenged an officer who was searching HIS car for "the smell of pot".

Ah well. Most folks know better than to act like a flaming asshole and "challenge" cops.
And some folks are just too st00pid to get out of their own way heh heh heh.

I just cooperate, and if there are any issues I feel that strongly about, I'll take it up with my attorney later to see if I have a legit case.

These idiot YouTubes are generally assholes that go out looking for confrontation, and in many cases creating the confrontation, so they can then tell us about how those awful Police were mean. I dont buy it.

Act like an asshole --->get treated like an asshole by an asshole cop. Thats life in the big city! You're supposed to use your head for something besides a hat rack, some of these dummies cant seem to grasp that.
Again: AH WELL.🤷‍♂️
fired no, it is already difficult to find enough officers. But they do need to be reprimanded, punished internally and forced to undergo several courses in the art of deescalation.

The "art" of Wood Shampoo, heh heh heh heh. Thats what some folks request: that they be given a Wood Shampoo. I say the Police just give them what they ask for! Seems reasonable.
Ah well. Most folks know better than to act like a flaming asshole and "challenge" cops.
And some folks are just too st00pid to get out of their own way heh heh heh.

I just cooperate, and if there are any issues I feel that strongly about, I'll take it up with my attorney later to see if I have a legit case.

These idiot YouTubes are generally assholes that go out looking for confrontation, and in many cases creating the confrontation, so they can then tell us about how those awful Police were mean. I dont buy it.

Act like an asshole --->get treated like an asshole by an asshole cop. Thats life in the big city! You're supposed to use your head for something besides a hat rack, some of these dummies cant seem to grasp that.
Again: AH WELL.🤷‍♂️
This man did not behave like a flaming asshole. And officers often act like flaming assholes too. But that can never be challenged by the public can it because the courts hardly ever punish piss poor officers and mostly their bosses just let them move on to another force where they are flaming assholes too.

And no, this video channel tells it like it is, if an arrested person acts like an idiot they will tell them and often praise officers too.

Sadly the law does not protect the public from asshole cops, often when the person does absolutely nothing wrong and still gets almost killed by an asshole cop. Sadly both the public and the police have dummies but guess who has the guns, the dogs (often badly controlled, and yes, I do know a bit about that), batons, pepper spray and tasers.

Like the man who had a medical emergency (diabetic shock) and was tazed, beaten terribly and pepper sprayed? It cost the city more than 800,000 dollars. Or the man who had a stroke like episode and clearly was not understanding commands, first he was tazed, then pepper sprayed, pulled out of the car which then ran over his foot and after that they were saying they had to do it. Completely stupidity of course. Or the soldier driving in full military gear who got pepper sprayed? He had dealer tags in the window of his brand new car, he drove to a well lit position and then got treated like scum while actively serving.

Here for example is Gwinnet moron officer head stomping a handcuffed man on the back of his head

He and his fellow officer were both convicted because the other officer was an equal dirtbag, the man was out of the car hands up when the officer Bongiovanni starts beating him in his face

The "art" of Wood Shampoo, heh heh heh heh. Thats what some folks request: that they be given a Wood Shampoo. I say the Police just give them what they ask for! Seems reasonable.
I have no clue what head shampoo is, but the issue is that citizens do not have the right to defend themselves against police violence, so nothing you claim is reasonable.
I have no clue what head shampoo is, but the issue is that citizens do not have the right to defend themselves against police violence, so nothing you claim is reasonable.
Sorry, that should not be head shampoo because I am not bold and do know what it is, I do not know what wood shampoo is.

I hope Mr. Hill get's a huge payout. The racist pieces of shit that arrested him immediately claimed he was on probation without cause, and falsely arrested him because he wouldn't say that the officers didn't cause him any injuries for liability reasons. Complete trash officers need to be fired and jailed for kidnapping.

I posted this video a few weeks ago. It is pretty good but it is also a case, if I remember correctly, where I thought the cops didn't do much wrong at all.
Sorry, that should not be head shampoo because I am not bold and do know what it is, I do not know what wood shampoo is.
A wood shampoo is slang for beating a person in the head with a bat.
A wood shampoo is slang for beating a person in the head with a bat.
Sorry, but if not for trying to save your life, beating people in the head is something that should never or almost never happen.

That is also the ridiculous thing of "stop resisting" when they are beating someone around the head with a baton or have someone in a choke hold. You will try and defend your head or try and stop getting choked, that is natural behavior. Most of the disgusting habits of the police are trained behaviors. So the first thing that needs happening is more police training and better police training.
Sorry, but if not for trying to save your life, beating people in the head is something that should never or almost never happen.
You have some very strict rules...
That is also the ridiculous thing of "stop resisting" when they are beating someone around the head with a baton or have someone in a choke hold. You will try and defend your head or try and stop getting choked, that is natural behavior. Most of the disgusting habits of the police are trained behaviors. So the first thing that needs happening is more police training and better police training.
You have some very strict rules...

Well, striking someone in the arm or the leg to prevent them from obstructing sounds more reasonable.

This is a night arrest of 2 armed suspects, no guns drawn, no batons, no taser, no pepper spray and no beating, stomping or other things. Yes, an officer got on the man's back but that was to prevent him from reaching the gun he had on his leg. And IMO sitting on the back of a suspect for a small period of time so that he could not reach down with his arms to get his gun from his leg holster. The officer only was on his back with his weight long enough for the other officers to remove his weapon and to handcuff him. Then he got off and his weapon was confiscated.

I think the officers were never in real danger (smart criminals know not to use their guns because that increases their punishment many times over. Having a weapon and not using it leads to a way lower jail term than having one and firing it/injuring or killing someone.

I think the officers were never in real danger (smart criminals know not to use their guns because that increases their punishment many times over.


Oh my, that was pretty good shit. Thank you for the side splitting laughs.


Oh my, that was pretty good shit. Thank you for the side splitting laughs.

View attachment 67378757
So you think that does not happen? In my country it does happen. Criminals are given a REAL choice between not using a weapon and using a weapon. If you use a weapon, you get a much higher sentence then when you do not. Having an illegal weapon and fleeing from the police, drugs offenses in the Netherlands will get you a decent sentence, having an illegal weapon, firing it at an officer while fleeing from the police will get you years and years.

In the US having a gun and not shooting after committing a crime when being stopped by an officer or shooting the weapon is not a big difference, between life in jail or life in jail there really isn't a lot of difference now is there? So why not shoot and hopefully get away with it, if it doesn't work you get about the same sentence.

That is why escaping from jail without weapons or violence in the Netherlands only looses you good time deduction. At least when you do not commit new offenses outside of the jail. Now use violence or weapons then you will get a new longer prison sentence.
Ah well. Most folks know better than to act like a flaming asshole and "challenge" cops.
And some folks are just too st00pid to get out of their own way heh heh heh.

I just cooperate, and if there are any issues I feel that strongly about, I'll take it up with my attorney later to see if I have a legit case.

These idiot YouTubes are generally assholes that go out looking for confrontation, and in many cases creating the confrontation, so they can then tell us about how those awful Police were mean. I dont buy it.

Act like an asshole --->get treated like an asshole by an asshole cop. Thats life in the big city! You're supposed to use your head for something besides a hat rack, some of these dummies cant seem to grasp that.
Again: AH WELL.🤷‍♂️

The "art" of Wood Shampoo, heh heh heh heh. Thats what some folks request: that they be given a Wood Shampoo. I say the Police just give them what they ask for! Seems reasonable.
What a surprise... you made a stupid post displaying stupid thinking.
So you think that does not happen? In my country it does happen. Criminals are given a REAL choice between not using a weapon and using a weapon. If you use a weapon, you get a much higher sentence then when you do not. Having an illegal weapon and fleeing from the police, drugs offenses in the Netherlands will get you a decent sentence, having an illegal weapon, firing it at an officer while fleeing from the police will get you years and years.

In the US having a gun and not shooting after committing a crime when being stopped by an officer or shooting the weapon is not a big difference, between life in jail or life in jail there really isn't a lot of difference now is there? So why not shoot and hopefully get away with it, if it doesn't work you get about the same sentence.

That is why escaping from jail without weapons or violence in the Netherlands only looses you good time deduction. At least when you do not commit new offenses outside of the jail. Now use violence or weapons then you will get a new longer prison sentence.
There are very few posters that are as irrelevant as the one you were responding to. His posts are completely idiotic. Don't waste your time. Seriously.
Sadly the law does not protect the public from asshole cops, often when the person does absolutely nothing wrong and still gets almost killed by an asshole cop. -SNIP-

Here for example is Gwinnet(t) moron officer head stomping a handcuffed man on the back of his head

https://www.gwinnettcounty.com › web › gwinnett › Departments › Police › PoliceEmployment › SalaryBenefits
Police Officer Trainee - $42,985 (plus a 3% incentive for a 2-year degree or a 6% incentive for a 4-year college degree) . Police Officer Senior - $48,055 (plus two possible incentives - salary plus 3% incentive for a 2-year degree or 6% incentive for a 4-year college degree and/or salary plus 6% incentive for a designated specialized unit). Police Officer Senior (5 years) - $56,218 base ...

East Point Police Department offering new benefits and ...

https://www.fox5atlanta.com ›
Feb 4, 2022 — According to the department, uncertified police officers will be eligible for a starting salary of $52,000. Meanwhile, a certified officer's .


The Yale University Police Department is accepting applications for certified and entry level police officers. Our ongoing recruitment process is to fill current vacancies. The department is seeking individuals who possess integrity and courage, have a diverse outlook, and are committed to public service, professionalism, and a peaceful community. Yale University police officers are POST certified, approved for appointment by the New Haven Board of Police Commissioners, and carry full jurisdiction within the City of New Haven. The starting salary is $74,084 with a comprehensive benefits package. Applications must be filed online on STARS at your.yale.edu/work-yale/careers/search-jobs-yale. There is no application fee.

Offering $70K salaries, why is Ansonia struggling to hire new ...

https://www.ctpost.com › news › article › Offering-70K...
Jan 8, 2022
“It’s not easy to be finding new recruits for the police department, even though we certainly have a lot to offer with a brand new facility,” Marini said.

Ansonia has made a recent push to hire more cops since December, advertising competitive pay, a new headquarters building, attractive benefits and good work/life balance. The situation is impacted by efforts to diversify the police department, which the city said it has worked to address, and calls by local civil rights organizations to be involved in the process.

Mayor David Casseti said the city is encouraging bilingual candidates to apply..."

With Ranks Slim, 17 Cops Top $200K In Pay​

by PAUL BASS | Jan 20, 2022
(40) Comments |


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Ah well. Most folks know better than to act like a flaming asshole and "challenge" cops.
And some folks are just too st00pid to get out of their own way heh heh heh.

I just cooperate, and if there are any issues I feel that strongly about, I'll take it up with my attorney later to see if I have a legit case.

These idiot YouTubes are generally assholes that go out looking for confrontation, and in many cases creating the confrontation, so they can then tell us about how those awful Police were mean. I dont buy it.

Act like an asshole --->get treated like an asshole by an asshole cop. Thats life in the big city! You're supposed to use your head for something besides a hat rack, some of these dummies cant seem to grasp that.
Again: AH WELL.🤷‍♂️

The "art" of Wood Shampoo, heh heh heh heh. Thats what some folks request: that they be given a Wood Shampoo. I say the Police just give them what they ask for! Seems reasonable.

Everyone just needs to shut up and do what the government agents say or get a beating, right?
Cops still should get canned for this one based on what I see in the video. A couple questions though…
Is there a more complete version of the video? I wonder why the cop said that Hill was being an asshole to everyone. Also, he never resisted and the cops never had to use any kind of force at all. Why would there be any question about him being injured by the cops?

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