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Police Arrest Suspected 'Boogaloo' Member For Alleged Threats Toward California Health Official (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 30, 2005
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[FONT=&quot]Police arrested a man in Northern California last week for his alleged involvement in a series of threats sent to Santa Clara Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody throughout most of the new coronavirus pandemic.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Alan Viarengo, a 55-year-old statistics teacher at Gavilan College in Gilroy, faces charges for stalking and threatening a public official. According to an incident report filed by the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office and acquired by Newsweek on Tuesday, Viarengo's suspected connection to two dozen concerning letters—mailed to Dr. Cody over a period of five months—also indicated his ties to right-wing extremist group, "Boogaloo."

Police Arrest Suspected 'Boogaloo' Member For Alleged Threats Toward California Health Official

Now this is a dangerous group. [/FONT]
[FONT="]Police arrested a man in Northern California last week for his alleged involvement in a series of threats sent to Santa Clara Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody throughout most of the new coronavirus pandemic.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][FONT="]Alan Viarengo, a 55-year-old statistics teacher at Gavilan College in Gilroy, faces charges for stalking and threatening a public official. According to an incident report filed by the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office and acquired by Newsweek on Tuesday, Viarengo's suspected connection to two dozen concerning letters—mailed to Dr. Cody over a period of five months—also indicated his ties to right-wing extremist group, "Boogaloo."

Police Arrest Suspected 'Boogaloo' Member For Alleged Threats Toward California Health Official

Now this is a dangerous group. [/FONT]

Pieces of human feces; trained up by white grievance culture....
Waiting for the Trump fans to condemn this man.
Patriot Cosprayer

And now the BuggerYou Bois.

Where does the madness end?
Perhaps he would say he was simply engaging in a "mostly peaceful" protest.

Every cop knows black guys are tougher, need at least 6 bullets, a seventh to be safe! They must be really funning that clown though for not putting the bad guy down completely don't ya think? Trump® says a black man with a bag of soup cans is a match for a couple squad cars of cops, didn't ya hear?

Dang protesters got no "real" cause to be uppity anyway huh? It's not a *real* issue like the tyranny of masks, right?

Imagine the audacity of expecting a cirtizen to have regard for others? My gawd what has civilization come to?

When bad "marxists" pols scare ya, with what *might* happen, you need some recourse no? Have to punish lefties somehow! MAGAA™®!!!

Best be off with ya, Tucker and Hannity's issuing the revised talking points, or ya got it on the DVR? :coffeepap
Every cop knows black guys are tougher, need at least 6 bullets, a seventh to be safe! They must be really funning that clown though for not putting the bad guy down completely don't ya think? Trump® says a black man with a bag of soup cans is a match for a couple squad cars of cops, didn't ya hear?

Dang protesters got no "real" cause to be uppity anyway huh? It's not a *real* issue like the tyranny of masks, right?

Imagine the audacity of expecting a cirtizen to have regard for others? My gawd what has civilization come to?

When bad "marxists" pols scare ya, with what *might* happen, you need some recourse no? Have to punish lefties somehow! MAGAA™®!!!

Best be off with ya, Tucker and Hannity's issuing the revised talking points, or ya got it on the DVR? :coffeepap

I stopped listening to Fox News after college, PNW Guy. Everybody has their particular apologetics for wicked people on their side.
I stopped listening to Fox News after college.

Well they recycle them on Breitbart, or Town Hall or Zero Hedge or whatever, best hop to, be updated, they might have to Alternafact™; you wouldn't wanna miss it! Might be exact opposite of the previous excuses, and then woudn't ya sound silly havng not got the memo?
Well they recycle them on Breitbart, or Town Hall or Zero Hedge or whatever, best hop to, be updated, they might have to Alternafact™; you wouldn't wanna miss it! Might be exact opposite of the previous excuses, and then woudn't ya sound silly havng not got the memo?

Close. Drudge Report, Daily Wire, National Review, and Vox Media are my go-to sites. I prefer sites run by people who try to be honest but simultaneously wear their biases on their sleeves.
Pieces of human feces; trained up by white grievance culture....

Entitled white grievance, the very worst kind. There is a radicalization of the right occurring under Trump. I have heard it described as similar to the start of a jihad in the Moslem world. I hope that was hyperbole. It can only be stopped by Trump and I see no reason that he will.

Trump Shut the Countering-Violent-Extremism Program - The Atlantic

The Escalating Terrorism Problem in the United States | Center for Strategic and International Studies
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Entitled white grievance, the very worst kind. There is a radicalization of the right occurring under Trump. I have heard it described as similar to the start of a jihad in the Moslem world. It can only be stopped by Trump and I see no reason that he will.

Trump Shut the Countering-Violent-Extremism Program - The Atlantic

The Escalating Terrorism Problem in the United States | Center for Strategic and International Studies

Do you really think that Donald Trump can somehow stop white supremacists and white nationalists? They predated his arrival into politics. They will remain long after he is gone.
Do you really think that Donald Trump can somehow stop white supremacists and white nationalists? They predated his arrival into politics. They will remain long after he is gone.

Yes, a 1000 times yes. Trump is a symbol to some but a messenger from God to others. That both have united behind him. Only he can fix it and even you know he won't.
Close. Drudge Report, Daily Wire, National Review, and Vox Media are my go-to sites. I prefer sites run by people who try to be honest but simultaneously wear their biases on their sleeves.

I've heard you described as a "reasonable conservative" before round these parts; I don't buy it, those went extinct around the time Slade Gorton retired....
Yes, a 1000 times yes. Trump is a symbol to some but a messenger from God to others. That both have united behind him. Only he can fix it.

Perhaps he can sway a few of them. But the majority? The ones who were dyed-in-the-wool racists and believers that non-white people are out to destroy their lives and are using a demographic shift to create some eventual form of reverse-Apartheid against them? Highly doubtful.
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Do you really think that Donald Trump can somehow stop white supremacists and white nationalists? They predated his arrival into politics. They will remain long after he is gone.

Absolutely not, but he sure could quiet them down, instead he's standing at what he thinks is a safe distance and throwing rocks at the hornet's nest.
I've heard you described as a "reasonable conservative" before round these parts; I don't buy it, those went extinct around the time Slade Gorton retired....

Well, I do not claim to be "reasonable," PNW Guy. I just do my best to be honest and sardonic.
Perhaps he can sway a few of them. But the majority? The ones who were dyed-in-the-wool racists and believers that non-white people are out to destroy their lives and are using a demographic shift to create some eventual reverse form of Apartheid against them? Highly doubtful.

They will crawl back into their holes. It really is a head of the snake situation. But why does it matter when Trump will not lift a finger to stop it?

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[FONT="]Police arrested a man in Northern California last week for his alleged involvement in a series of threats sent to Santa Clara Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody throughout most of the new coronavirus pandemic.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][FONT="]Alan Viarengo, a 55-year-old statistics teacher at Gavilan College in Gilroy, faces charges for stalking and threatening a public official. According to an incident report filed by the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office and acquired by Newsweek on Tuesday, Viarengo's suspected connection to two dozen concerning letters—mailed to Dr. Cody over a period of five months—also indicated his ties to right-wing extremist group, "Boogaloo."

Police Arrest Suspected 'Boogaloo' Member For Alleged Threats Toward California Health Official

Now this is a dangerous group. [/FONT]

If how they've treated violent rioters is any indication of how these things should be handled, he should be released without charges.
Do you really think that Donald Trump can somehow stop white supremacists and white nationalists? They predated his arrival into politics. They will remain long after he is gone.

They predate him indeed but if you're a white supremacist, it's mighty refreshing the day you wake up and your president is signaling his approval of pretty much anything that you do, and his entire inner circle of advisers share your beliefs, even to the point where they are feeding YOUR beliefs to the President and he's retweeting them.

Magma "predated" Pompeii...so what, Pompeiians woke up to lava in their living rooms and certain death and the handful who survived probably didn't wonder how far back the magma "predated" the eruption.

Lots of horrible things predate their most powerful enablers.
That's how it works.
Because he broke the law? Or is that a cause for celebration in Trumpworld?
I dont celebrate any of it but progressives are having a field day breaking the law and I don't see anyone from the left condemning them. Why should conservatives be expected any differently than progressives?

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