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Planned parenthood's baby killer t-shirst: ‘I HAD AN ABORTION’ (1 Viewer)


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May 31, 2005
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By: J. Grant Swank, Jr.
RightConservative.com 06-02-05

The devil gets more brazen as the times grow thicker and thicker with weeds from hell.

I HAD AN ABORTION is now being worn on T-shirts provided by Planned Parenthood, according to LifeSiteNews.com.

The international baby killeries are burning night and day while the females who once carried those real-live human beings brag to anyone who dares to read that their wombs scraped out infants. That’s the "gospel from the pit" that’s being broadcast by PP as well as those female enthusiasts who claim to be equipped for motherhood but instead choose to murder their young.

PP has a whole line-up of other toys-for-murdering advertising. There are coffee mugs, bumper stickers and condoms-ready-for-clip-on. Now they’ve added the T-shirts to their slaying farms.

It’s a part of their "social fashion. . .Post-abortive women (can now) assert a powerful message in support of women’s right."

It’s not a complicated message. Just a few words. So now to counter What Would Jesus Do regalia, the public can gaze upon four words: "I had an abortion." Imagine that facing you while meandering through the mall.

Read the full article
RightConservative said:
The devil gets more brazen as the times grow thicker and thicker with weeds from hell.

The devil? Hell? Are you joking? hahahaha!

So now to counter What Would Jesus Do regalia, the public can gaze upon four words: "I had an abortion." Imagine that facing you while meandering through the mall.

Actually, I'd rather not have to look upon either type while meandering through the mall. I don't like the ones of the aborted fetuses, either.

Arthur Fonzarelli http://www.cafepress.com/rightwingstuff/133386
there are several clever sayings there

Clever sayings? I found them to be kind of revolting, actually. Lemme guess... ya'll are from the bible belt states, aren't ya?
The peace sign is the footprint of the American Chicken...?

That's terrible.
shh! said:
Clever sayings? I found them to be kind of revolting, actually. Lemme guess... ya'll are from the bible belt states, aren't ya?
I dissagree with at least half of the messages of the shirts, but I can still appreciate the humor behind them. Don't let yourself be offended by such things... that sort of worry only leads to high blood pressure.
I support the institution of abortion, but these shirts are a safety risk. There are nut-jobs who attack abortion clinics, and if the women were to wear these shirts or men for that matter, then they could easily be attacked. It is their right to say what they want through wearing a t-shirt, but honestly, I would be afraid for them.
there is a t-shirts from hell website my old high school friend showed me 6 years ago. Crazy.

I liked the Michael Moore spoons make him fat t-shirt.
First of all, freedom of speech is protected in the Constitution. That's why we're allowed to say what we want on this forum and that's why those women can wear those shirts.

Second of all, have any of you known someone who has had an abortion? Do you realize that abortion is often necessary to save the mother's life? Are you aware of rape victims who have gotten pregnant and wanted to abort the fetus? I'd like to see more people walk two moons in their shoes. Imagine being raped and aborting the fetus your attacker fertilized. Then imagine the mental and emotional anguish you go through from not only being raped, but having an abortion and being targeted and threatened and called a baby killer by people like you. Maybe these tee shirts are a way for women to come to terms with their experiences. Maybe they're just trying to seek security in their decision. Maybe it is a way to help them get through their rape experiences. We jump too fast and assume that the decision to abort is made in the blink of an eye. Well it's not, and women deliberate over it long and hard. Maybe we should all stand back and leave people to their personal lives. It's really none of our business to interefere in a woman's right to choice. And no matter how many women wear these tee shirts, it's not going to force you to have an abortion. So their freedom of expression really has nothing to do with any of us.

And finally, how can you call yourselves pro-life and liberals baby killers when you support the war in Iraq, which has killed thousands of babies and children?
loverofpeace said:
First of all, freedom of speech is protected in the Constitution. That's why we're allowed to say what we want on this forum and that's why those women can wear those shirts.

Second of all, have any of you known someone who has had an abortion? Do you realize that abortion is often necessary to save the mother's life? Are you aware of rape victims who have gotten pregnant and wanted to abort the fetus? I'd like to see more people walk two moons in their shoes. Imagine being raped and aborting the fetus your attacker fertilized. Then imagine the mental and emotional anguish you go through from not only being raped, but having an abortion and being targeted and threatened and called a baby killer by people like you. Maybe these tee shirts are a way for women to come to terms with their experiences. Maybe they're just trying to seek security in their decision. Maybe it is a way to help them get through their rape experiences. We jump too fast and assume that the decision to abort is made in the blink of an eye. Well it's not, and women deliberate over it long and hard. Maybe we should all stand back and leave people to their personal lives. It's really none of our business to interefere in a woman's right to choice. And no matter how many women wear these tee shirts, it's not going to force you to have an abortion. So their freedom of expression really has nothing to do with any of us.

And finally, how can you call yourselves pro-life and liberals baby killers when you support the war in Iraq, which has killed thousands of babies and children?
Are you aware that rape and mother's health fall under less than one percent of abortion cases?
sebastiansdreams said:
Are you aware that rape and mother's health fall under less than one percent of abortion cases?

It is true that rape (combined with incest) makes up 1% of abortion cases. And actually, mothers' health makes up 3% of abortion cases. But your statistics are mostly right. However, that does not mean that these cases should not count at all.

I'm willing to bet that the percentage of women who had abortions that are wearing the tee shirts is extremely small. But regardless of why those particular women got abortions, it is still their right to express themselves through tee shirts. And it is still really none of our business.

Thanks for the comment though!
loverofpeace said:
It is true that rape (combined with incest) makes up 1% of abortion cases. And actually, mothers' health makes up 3% of abortion cases. But your statistics are mostly right. However, that does not mean that these cases should not count at all.

I'm willing to bet that the percentage of women who had abortions that are wearing the tee shirts is extremely small. But regardless of why those particular women got abortions, it is still their right to express themselves through tee shirts. And it is still really none of our business.

Thanks for the comment though!
I would be interested in knowing how broad the specifications are in these statistics regarding "woman's health." But either way, that is free game to me. And they do count. They count three perccent of the number of abortions. So that means three in every one hundred children that are aborted are done so for the reasons that you specified. I certainly would not consider that as "often necessary." I would say that would fall under "is in rare occasion necessary."

Interesting they are exhibiting their rights to express themselves, but then it is none of our business. So then why make it public knowledge if you don't want other people in your business?
sebastiansdreams said:
Interesting they are exhibiting their rights to express themselves, but then it is none of our business. So then why make it public knowledge if you don't want other people in your business?

Ooh.. good point. However, I think that in saying "I had an abortion" is making only the fact that they had an abortion public. They do not have to specify their reasons for having an abortion. Just like when people are getting birth control from a pharmacy, they do not have to say WHY they are getting it, only that they need it. As far as we know, all the women wearing these shirts could have been raped. They may be wearing the shirts not as a way of sending a message to everyone who sees them, but maybe as a way of coming to terms with themselves. Who knows? I just don't think it's our place to judge someone else based on their clothing or on one event in their life. I think we should accept others' views and agree to disagree. You may think abortion is wrong, which is fine, but it's not your place to enforce your beliefs on other people. And as long as we are all free to express what we want, we should be tolerant of the same rights of others.
loverofpeace said:
Ooh.. good point. However, I think that in saying "I had an abortion" is making only the fact that they had an abortion public. They do not have to specify their reasons for having an abortion. Just like when people are getting birth control from a pharmacy, they do not have to say WHY they are getting it, only that they need it. As far as we know, all the women wearing these shirts could have been raped. They may be wearing the shirts not as a way of sending a message to everyone who sees them, but maybe as a way of coming to terms with themselves. Who knows? I just don't think it's our place to judge someone else based on their clothing or on one event in their life. I think we should accept others' views and agree to disagree. You may think abortion is wrong, which is fine, but it's not your place to enforce your beliefs on other people. And as long as we are all free to express what we want, we should be tolerant of the same rights of others.

And that in itself is an opinion and belief, and one shouldn't enforce your beliefs on other people, as well. Ahh, same token, no?
flip2 said:
And that in itself is an opinion and belief, and one shouldn't enforce your beliefs on other people, as well. Ahh, same token, no?

I apologize, for I think you've misunderstood me. I never accused sebastiandreams of enforcing his beliefs on others, I merely made the statement that we should all be allowed to express our opinions, women who have had an abortion included. And I am not trying to convince you that abortion is justified. I'm only representing my side of the debate. I appreciate you noticing that, though.

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