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Pineapple Salsa (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 2, 2015
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Political Leaning
Pineapple Salsa:

I make this often during the summer months, not so much as a dip but for a topping or garnish for grilled fish or a topper for fish tacos. It goes best with white flesh fish, not so much with the darker such as salmon, tuna or sword fish. When grilling the Pineapple you are looking for the caramelization and grill marks.


1- Pineapple
1- medium red onion
1-red bell pepper
1- 1/4 cup chopped cilantro
1-jalapeno pepper de-seeded and chopped fine (Note) I typically substitute, 1-poblano pepper same mild heat but added color with the salsa.

Skin and core the pineapple, cut into strips about an inch wide and 1/2 inch thick. Brush strips with olive oil and season with S&P. On a hot grill cook the pineapple until you see some blackened grill marks, don’t over do this the pineapple will fall apart.

Once done let the pineapple cool, while cooling dice the onion, red bell pepper, cilantro,hot pepper of your choice and half the limes. I keep the chop of things to medium/chunky except for the hot pepper. Once all is chopped including the pineapple mix well and add the juice of the two limes and mix again. Refrigerate for at least one hour, longer is better, overnight is best.
Pineapple Salsa:

I make this often during the summer months, not so much as a dip but for a topping or garnish for grilled fish or a topper for fish tacos. It goes best with white flesh fish, not so much with the darker such as salmon, tuna or sword fish. When grilling the Pineapple you are looking for the caramelization and grill marks.


1- Pineapple
1- medium red onion
1-red bell pepper
1- 1/4 cup chopped cilantro
1-jalapeno pepper de-seeded and chopped fine (Note) I typically substitute, 1-poblano pepper same mild heat but added color with the salsa.

Skin and core the pineapple, cut into strips about an inch wide and 1/2 inch thick. Brush strips with olive oil and season with S&P. On a hot grill cook the pineapple until you see some blackened grill marks, don’t over do this the pineapple will fall apart.

Once done let the pineapple cool, while cooling dice the onion, red bell pepper, cilantro,hot pepper of your choice and half the limes. I keep the chop of things to medium/chunky except for the hot pepper. Once all is chopped including the pineapple mix well and add the juice of the two limes and mix again. Refrigerate for at least one hour, longer is better, overnight is best.

as soon as you said carmelization and cilantro...I was hooked, just reel me in :mrgreen:
If you want some extra heat, use a few Habanero or Serrano chilies -. The sugar of the fruit will dull the hot while the peppers enhance the flavor.
If you want some extra heat, use a few Habanero or Serrano chilies -. The sugar of the fruit will dull the hot while the peppers enhance the flavor.

Good call, yes, I often offer some fine diced chillies as an addition but try to keep the base family friendly If you know what I mean. I grow my own hot peppers during the summer and I’m always eager to use them.
as soon as you said carmelization and cilantro...I was hooked, just reel me in :mrgreen:

It didn’t take much to reel you in, you must be a foodie. My favorite fish to serve this with is Mahi-Mahi, I pan sear the fish in a puddle of butter. Others are Cod, Haddock or streamTrout.
Pineapple Salsa:

I make this often during the summer months, not so much as a dip but for a topping or garnish for grilled fish or a topper for fish tacos. It goes best with white flesh fish, not so much with the darker such as salmon, tuna or sword fish. When grilling the Pineapple you are looking for the caramelization and grill marks.


1- Pineapple
1- medium red onion
1-red bell pepper
1- 1/4 cup chopped cilantro
1-jalapeno pepper de-seeded and chopped fine (Note) I typically substitute, 1-poblano pepper same mild heat but added color with the salsa.

Skin and core the pineapple, cut into strips about an inch wide and 1/2 inch thick. Brush strips with olive oil and season with S&P. On a hot grill cook the pineapple until you see some blackened grill marks, don’t over do this the pineapple will fall apart.

Once done let the pineapple cool, while cooling dice the onion, red bell pepper, cilantro,hot pepper of your choice and half the limes. I keep the chop of things to medium/chunky except for the hot pepper. Once all is chopped including the pineapple mix well and add the juice of the two limes and mix again. Refrigerate for at least one hour, longer is better, overnight is best.

Damn... I mean damn! I'll be putting this together tonight for tomorrow.
Good call, yes, I often offer some fine diced chillies as an addition but try to keep the base family friendly If you know what I mean. I grow my own hot peppers during the summer and I’m always eager to use them.

Yep, you can always have the spicier peepers on the side for those who like them.
Good call, yes, I often offer some fine diced chillies as an addition but try to keep the base family friendly If you know what I mean. I grow my own hot peppers during the summer and I’m always eager to use them.

Serrano peppers aren't too hot though. you could go a little milder with pablano peppers instead I suppose.

Speaking of that one of the best salsas I ever had was a cactus salsa... I it was very mild but quite flavorful , I'm going to have to come come up with something similar and add a little heat.

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