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Percent White by Country (1 Viewer)


May 2, 2016
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Percent White by Country

Do you have a point? Care to share that with us?
This map doesn't include all the aryans at the south pole waiting to take their revenge o.o

Do you have a point? Care to share that with us?

Isn't it obvious from the map? The whitest country in the world is Belarus - the towering bastion of freedom, wealth and human achievement.
Isn't it obvious from the map? The whitest country in the world is Belarus - the towering bastion of freedom, wealth and human achievement.

and you say you're from the Motherland...Bah!
Best thread ever, or bestest thread ever?
What I'd like to know is the percentage of dumps people take per country.

If you don't sh*t you die. That's pretty much universal. 'Course, most people flush it but some smear it in the walls in places like this.
But that also includes ordinary trash though, I want a pure dump map!

That's all you get and you'll like it. :2razz:
Stormfront down, or what?
But that also includes ordinary trash though, I want a pure dump map!

Thats a truism but I am most curious about the countries where they can hold on to it the longest.

North Korea obviously

The official state-issued biography of Kim Jong-Il states that the Dear Leader does not answer to bowel movements like ordinary humans–in fact, he doesn’t defecate or urinate at all.

10 absurd facts about Kim Jong-Il - Matador Network

Or it could be LA

Kim Kardashian Claims She’s Never Pooped, ‘Passed Gas’
Stormfront down, or what?

Been a few here lately. Really low tides hereabouts in the spring, maybe they're crawling up out of the sand like African toads or something.
Isn't it obvious from the map? The whitest country in the world is Belarus - the towering bastion of freedom, wealth and human achievement.

I find interesting that the whitest country in South America is Uruguay, which is one of the better places in South America to live.
Just to show how white the Turks are?

as far as I know they are not black

am I supposed to look like albino to be regarded as white ? as stupid as the thread title

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Isn't it obvious from the map? The whitest country in the world is Belarus - the towering bastion of freedom, wealth and human achievement.

At least it's not Detroit

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