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People Witness Rape in Public (1 Viewer)


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Apr 16, 2005
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Florida, USA
People Witness Rape in Public

North China- A 32-year-old trash collector followed a 19-year-old female into the public restroom and proceeded to rape her while a crowd of 40 people watched and did absolutely nothing.

Two police officers arrived at the scene while the rape was in progress and noticed a large crowd standing by the toilet. One of the officers questioned a bystander and was told that a woman was being raped inside the bathroom.

No help was offered to the woman as 20 minutes went by. The man was arrested as the crime was in progress.

source: http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,15102623-23109,00.html

Not sure where else to post this but it really got my blood boiling, how can people just stand there and watch?
Kyle said:
Not sure where else to post this but it really got my blood boiling, how can people just stand there and watch?

You know what this means? This just means that these people are inhumane.

I just hope retribution will come back to them. (not that i want them to be raped too..)
They all should have been arrested for failure to render aid.

This is the type of BS this world is coming to!
This type of act happens every day especially in the African countries subjected to revolution. Our country and our President doesn't feel that these atrocities are worth our intervention when hundreds of thousands of black Africans are getting killed and raped, it deserves less attention than Sadam Hussein in Iraq.... yea Vauge, it make me sick. As does the selective enforcement of human rights of that lizard brain from Texas.

BY the way, how sick are you from the pervert Priests who raped children under the protection of their church and Cardinals? Did it make you upset enough to express outrage? That this conduct was covered up by the holy RC Church and their political connections? You didn't have to look to China for outrage... so what do you say?
Contrarian said:
BY the way, how sick are you from the pervert Priests who raped children under the protection of their church and Cardinals? Did it make you upset enough to express outrage? That this conduct was covered up by the holy RC Church and their political connections? You didn't have to look to China for outrage... so what do you say?

Quoting from one of my posts about the new pope:

"Then, put all those sicko priests behind bars and throw away the key that molested the young children.

Forgive them on a spiritual level (as a priest should) and then remove thier collar."

I am not catholic and think those f*ckers need to be lessed a particular part of thier anatomies and then rot in jail. I think a true investigation needs to be made into the catholic church. I can only imagine the issues these gentlemen had mentally growing up.

Did it make you upset enough to express outrage?
I will not share my letter to my congress persons (one of the mods might send me a PM and I could get banned ;) ). To date I have not recieved another letter from any of them. I used to get them at least quarterly. We had a townhall meeting a couple of months ago and I had to resort to the invitation from the city - not the normal personal invitation. There were no censored words and to be honest I should have thought about it a bit more before I clicked send.

Come to think of it - it is time for a better letter and a thumbs up or something. Maybe I will get put back on the good list.

Of course the short answer to the question is - yes.
The problem is these sicko's got a free pass because of relgion and the political connections that go along with their belief system. The fact that very few of these perverts ended up being criminally prosecuted shows me that the religious community got special treatment under the law. The fact that the church payed out millions of dollars in civil settlements with Cardinals who covered it all up....makes me realize that we watched RAPE take place under our noses and didn't do sh*t about it.

We don't need to look at China... it happened right HERE
Contrarian said:
The problem is these sicko's got a free pass because of relgion and the political connections that go along with their belief system. The fact that very few of these perverts ended up being criminally prosecuted shows me that the religious community got special treatment under the law. The fact that the church payed out millions of dollars in civil settlements with Cardinals who covered it all up....makes me realize that we watched RAPE take place under our noses and didn't do sh*t about it.

We don't need to look at China... it happened right HERE

I could not agree more.
Phil Ochs wrote a song called "Outside of a Small Circle of Friends" about the 1964 murder in New York City of a woman named Kitty Genovese.

“Oh my God! He stabbed me!” she screamed. “Please help me! Please help me!” Some apartment lights went on in nearby buildings. Irene Frost at 82-68 Austin Street heard Catherine’s screams plainly. “There was another shriek,” she later testified in court, “and she was lying down crying out.” Up on the seventh floor of the same building, Robert Mozer slid open his window and observed the struggle below.

“Hey, let that girl alone!” he yelled down into the street. The attacker heard Mozer and immediately walked away. There was quiet once again in the dark. The only sound was the sobbing of the victim, struggling to her feet. The lights in the apartment went out again. Catherine, bleeding badly from several stab wounds, managed to reach the side of her building and held onto the concrete wall. She staggered over to a locked door and tried to stay conscious. Within five minutes, the assailant returned. He stabbed her again.

“I’m dying! I’m dying!” she cried to no one. But several people in her building heard her screams. Lights went on once again and some windows opened. Tenants tried to see what was happening from the safety of their apartments. The attacker then ran to a white Chevy Corvair at the edge of the railroad parking lot and seemed to drive away. On the sixth floor of 82-40 Austin Street, Marjorie and Samuel Koshkin witnessed the attack from their window. “I saw a man hurry to a car under my window,” he said later. “He left and came back five minutes later and was looking around the area.” Mr. Koshkin wanted to call the police, but Mrs. Koshkin thought otherwise. “I didn’t let him,” she later said to the press. “I told him there must have been 30 calls already.” Miss Andre Picq, a French girl, who lived on the second floor, heard the commotion from her window. “I heard a scream for help, three times,“ she later told the court, “I saw a girl lying down on the pavement with a man bending down over her, beating her.”

At about 3:25 a.m., Catherine, bleeding badly, stumbled to the rear of her apartment building and attempted to enter through a back entrance. The door was locked. She slid along the wall until she reached a hallway leading to the 2nd floor of 82-62 Austin Street but she fell to the vestibule floor. In the meantime, the man had returned again. “I came back because I knew I’d not finished what I set out to do,” he told cops later. He walked along the row of doors and calmly searched for the woman. He checked the first door and didn’t find her. He followed the trail of blood to the doorway where Catherine lay bleeding on the tiled floor. And there, while the defenseless victim lay semiconscious, incoherent from pain and loss of blood, he cut off her bra and underwear and sexually assaulted her. He then took $49 in cash from her wallet. “Why would I throw money away?” he asked the court at his trial. As Catherine moaned at his feet, probably unable to comprehend what had happened to her, the man viciously stabbed her again and killed her.

The man, who had selected his victim purely at random, ran to his car still parked where he left it. The entire event lasted at least 32 minutes. He said later that murder “was an idea that came into my mind, just as an idea might come into your mind, but I couldn’t put mine aside.” He jumped into his white sedan and fled the scene. A few blocks away, he came to a red light. He glanced over at the car idling next to him and saw that a man was asleep behind the wheel. The killer got out of his car and awakened the sleeping driver. He told the man he should go home. Then the killer, full of himself, $49 richer and not at all ashamed of what he had done, got back into his own car and drove off into the night.

Catherine was his third murder.

A verse from Phil Ochs:
Oh look outside the window, there's a woman being grabbed
They've dragged her to the bushes and now she's being stabbed
Maybe we should call the cops and try to stop the pain
But Monopoly is so much fun, I'd hate to blow the game
And I'm sure it wouldn't interest anybody
Outside of a small circle of friends
shuamort said:
A verse from Phil Ochs:
Oh look outside the window, there's a woman being grabbed
They've dragged her to the bushes and now she's being stabbed
Maybe we should call the cops and try to stop the pain
But Monopoly is so much fun, I'd hate to blow the game
And I'm sure it wouldn't interest anybody
Outside of a small circle of friends

$*!@*#*!@*#! is all i can say. My heart goes all out to these people. And the curses just goes to those who barely did anything but look outside the window.
#*^@$^##^@##! What she said. There are truly some uncaring people in the world.

I know this is off subject but you people against the death penalty. Case and point right above.

Ok, I didn't know that Bush was supposed to be Superman. Everytime something bad happens in a thired world country, Bush is supposed to be there. What about clinton? Did that of sort of thing not happen under his administration, or did he come to the rescue everytime someone got rapped in China? Ya know, Liberals (not to call you one) say that the world hates us because we get involved in too much foriegn affairs, but they also want us to police the world. Well, I don't think we can do both.
pwo said:
#*^@$^##^@##! What she said. There are truly some uncaring people in the world.

I know this is off subject but you people against the death penalty. Case and point right above.

Ok, I didn't know that Bush was supposed to be Superman. Everytime something bad happens in a thired world country, Bush is supposed to be there. What about clinton? Did that of sort of thing not happen under his administration, or did he come to the rescue everytime someone got rapped in China? Ya know, Liberals (not to call you one) say that the world hates us because we get involved in too much foriegn affairs, but they also want us to police the world. Well, I don't think we can do both.

Well said ! :rock
carolyn- said:
Well said ! :rock
There is a movie that deals with this staring Jodie Foster called The Accused. Excellent movie that deals with this. And it takes place within the United States. If you get the chance to rent it, it will really open your eyes and stir your soul to such issues.
pwo said:
#*^@$^##^@##! What she said. There are truly some uncaring people in the world.

I know this is off subject but you people against the death penalty. Case and point right above.

Ok, I didn't know that Bush was supposed to be Superman. Everytime something bad happens in a thired world country, Bush is supposed to be there. What about clinton? Did that of sort of thing not happen under his administration, or did he come to the rescue everytime someone got rapped in China? Ya know, Liberals (not to call you one) say that the world hates us because we get involved in too much foriegn affairs, but they also want us to police the world. Well, I don't think we can do both.

No I don't want us to police the world, I just want us to stop (cease) from attacking countries under false accusations.

I'm sure if any other President (besides Bush) would have attacked Sudan instead of Iraq (under false accusations) that's both politically and morally correct.

Yeah I totally agree.. throw all those people of the apartment on the electric chair just because they were scared.. fear[/end sarcaism]
pwo said:
Liberals (not to call you one) say that the world hates us because we get involved in too much foriegn affairs

Right, he invaded two (2) countries in a span of 4 years. That's getting too much involved.
Arch Enemy said:
Right, he invaded two (2) countries in a span of 4 years. That's getting too much involved.

[sarcasm on]
Yeah, that would have sucked if Clinton invaded or used military action against Serbia, Haiti, Yugoslavia, or even Iraq. Or what about Panama - wow that would have really been a little much. To really go over the top, we would have had to invade or use military action in more than just these countries even.

Especially if it were all for terrorism - that wasn't even defined as we currently know it.
Then again - we would quickly forget if he was a Democrat President. Right?
[/sarcasm off]
I wasn't talking about the death penalty for the onlookers, I was talking about the murderer. Duh.

What can we do in the Sudan (or other hot spots) that doesn't involve the military? Then liberals (maybe not you) would say, "Oh, look at that, I can't believe our stupid president is wasting our tax dollars and american lives to help those people out. That's their problem. If they want to be free from oppresion they should fight for it. Stop trying to police the world." And so on. Sadam was oppresing his own people too, and we saved them. And liberals would say, "Well Sadam wasn't a threat so why attack him?" Hmmm...Is Sudan a threat?

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