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People and Artificial Brains (1 Viewer)


Does All Things in Spite
DP Veteran
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
Political Leaning
I'm going to present a hypothetical.

A person has an accident and is on the brink of death and we have the technology to take everything about that person and transfer it to an artificial brain that has the capacity to learn and has every trait that a human brain does. So, this family has the procedure done and everything is successful and the person is just as they were before.

The question is, what rights would this person have? Would it/they have human rights? Would it/they have a "soul"?
For the soul...I don't believe anything has one, so, no. As far as rights, regardless of laws, I believe they should have full rights. After all, the main separation we humans have when compared to animals is our minds.
I'm going to present a hypothetical.

A person has an accident and is on the brink of death and we have the technology to take everything about that person and transfer it to an artificial brain that has the capacity to learn and has every trait that a human brain does. So, this family has the procedure done and everything is successful and the person is just as they were before.

The question is, what rights would this person have? Would it/they have human rights? Would it/they have a "soul"?

Not sure if I understand. So it would just be an artificial brian or would the brain be placed in a body??
Not sure if I understand. So it would just be an artificial brian or would the brain be placed in a body??

I apologize, the brain would be placed in the original body, if viable. If not, into an android body.
I apologize, the brain would be placed in the original body, if viable. If not, into an android body.

Okay now let me respond. If they were considered dead for some time then I would have to say they wouldn't have a soul. But if they could have it be like someone flat lining and have it be quick then there is a possibility they would have a soul. As to the human rights I would have to believe that they should have every right just as if they were like anyone of us.
I'm going to present a hypothetical.

A person has an accident and is on the brink of death and we have the technology to take everything about that person and transfer it to an artificial brain that has the capacity to learn and has every trait that a human brain does. So, this family has the procedure done and everything is successful and the person is just as they were before.

The question is, what rights would this person have? Would it/they have human rights? Would it/they have a "soul"?

Does a prosthetic limb have a soul? Does a pace maker have a soul? Would we adjust their rights for having less of a soul? How could we make such adjustments to what is a theological proposition yet to be proven in science or court?

It is not physical organs that matter when we speak of the soul.

What gives people a 'soul' or makes us human goes further than any organic body part. The heart does not matter so why should the brain if it acts as a human organ.
No such thing as a soul, if said mind is still sentient then freedom is its right.

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings." - Optimus Prime
The Turing Test is all thats required to establish identity and "soul". So, even a complete AI should be viewed as human and of equal rights.

Cats also.

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