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"Peaceful" protesters strike again... This time in Hollywood. (1 Viewer)


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Jul 29, 2009
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Southwestern U.S.
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A mob of BLM/ANTIFA idiots who were blocking the street attacked a guy in his car for driving slowly through them. After they inflicted thousands in damage and the driver continued on his way, a few of the rioters jumped into their vehicles (likely the only losers in the bunch who actually owned one), chased the guy down, pulled in front of him and behind him boxing him in. They then proceeded to take a baseball bat to his car, physically attack him, and attempted to pull him out of his car before he again managed to get away.

Here's the part that boggles the mind... The police didn't arrest the attackers, they arrested the guy who was attacked.

Each time an attack like this happens, more and more people across the country realize that both ANTIFA and BLM aren't protesters, they're street thugs and domestic terrorists... aka, scum bags.

And each time the police in these democrat run cities are told to stand down and to allow these scum bags to riot and attack innocent people at will, droves of independent, undecided and even democratic voters across the nation realize they have no other choice but to jump on the Trump train for the upcoming election.

Guy in the Prius got lucky. Lucky because everyone in the truck that blocked him including the driver got out, so eventually he was able to skirt past.

Blocking streets, intimidating drivers, threatening drivers, is NOT peaceful protesting. As soon as people block or take over a street, law enforcement should come in and start with tear gas and rubber bullets.

Any protestor threatens me when I am in my car and seeks to block me in, I am running over them-- no hesitation. Throtttle down and steer right through them. They will either move or I will use them as traction. You lose your ability to get away, and they can drag you out of your car and kill you.
Looks like the prius could have easily made a right turn but instead decided to drive through a crowd of people.

Funny how conservatives are claiming violence isn't the answer while running people over if they block the road.
Looks like the prius could have easily made a right turn but instead decided to drive through a crowd of people.

Funny how conservatives are claiming violence isn't the answer while running people over if they block the road.

Are your beliefs really that weak that you have to lie to prop them up by saying that the Prius ran people over?

When you have to lie like that, that should be your first clue that something's wrong with the things you support and believe in.
A mob of BLM/ANTIFA idiots who were blocking the street attacked a guy in his car for driving slowly through them. After they inflicted thousands in damage and the driver continued on his way, a few of the rioters jumped into their vehicles (likely the only losers in the bunch who actually owned one), chased the guy down, pulled in front of him and behind him boxing him in. They then proceeded to take a baseball bat to his car, physically attack him, and attempted to pull him out of his car before he again managed to get away.

Here's the part that boggles the mind... The police didn't arrest the attackers, they arrested the guy who was attacked.

Each time an attack like this happens, more and more people across the country realize that both ANTIFA and BLM aren't protesters, they're street thugs and domestic terrorists... aka, scum bags.

And each time the police in these democrat run cities are told to stand down and to allow these scum bags to riot and attack innocent people at will, droves of independent, undecided and even democratic voters across the nation realize they have no other choice but to jump on the Trump train for the upcoming election.


Prius driver was either so panicked he could not react fast, or so calm he has nerves of steel. I would have floored it when they were reaching in the window and attacking. He backs into that mustang, and then Gently pulls away slowly.

But yea it’s disgusting that he is pulled over and not the vioent criminals attacking him if that is true.
Interesting how the Trumpist isn't saying we need to see what happened before the video started so we can have "context" for what the protesters did, as he would if this were a thread about a police officer beating up a black man.

From where I'm sitting, it looks like he drove to the protesters, made a deliberate choice to make a show of force by driving through them, and really this is at best for him a case of two wrongs make two wrongs.

I say "best case" because driving into someone is use of force. And what entitles a person to react by using force? Why, having forced used against them first.

But these are protesters, so naturally anyone attacking them in any way must be cheered on.
Looks like the prius could have easily made a right turn but instead decided to drive through a crowd of people.

Funny how conservatives are claiming violence isn't the answer while running people over if they block the road.

You must understand: violence is only wrong if it is aimed at a target they see as pro-Trump, with the opposite result in the opposite situation. End result: it's ok to drive into people if they are protesters, but it's not OK for someone who has been driven into to bang on the hood of the car that drove into them. The protesters were unlawfully blocking a street, so in Trumpist world, it is not unlawful for a private citizen to do something unlawful to them in revenge.

Gee, y'know, maybe don't block streets AND maybe don't deliberately drive into a crowd of people to make a point.
Looks like the prius could have easily made a right turn but instead decided to drive through a crowd of people.

Funny how conservatives are claiming violence isn't the answer while running people over if they block the road.
Protesters shouldn't be blocking roads.
Protesters shouldn't be blocking roads.
Let's say 100% of the protests were 100% peaceful. Everyone quietly standing on the sidewalk, holding signs. Not even shouting, wouldn't want to disturb anyone. Politely stepping aside so pedestrians could easily get past.

Would you change your mind on police reform?
Let's say 100% of the protests were 100% peaceful. Everyone quietly standing on the sidewalk, holding signs. Not even shouting, wouldn't want to disturb anyone. Politely stepping aside so pedestrians could easily get past.

Would you change your mind on police reform?
How do you know what my opinion of police reform is? Are you trying to say that if protesters aren't listened to then they should become violent and that that's ok?
Let's say 100% of the protests were 100% peaceful. Everyone quietly standing on the sidewalk, holding signs. Not even shouting, wouldn't want to disturb anyone. Politely stepping aside so pedestrians could easily get past.

Would you change your mind on police reform?

So, you think that pounding on someone's car because they used the roadway is perfectly fine then? How about chasing them down, taking a baseball bat to their car, physically assaulting them and trying to rip them out of their car in order to put them in the hospital... Is all that perfectly justified behavior by those "peaceful" protesters?

Looks like the prius could have easily made a right turn but instead decided to drive through a crowd of people.

You lefties always make excuses for bad behavior as long as you agree with the politics of the CRIMINALS.

The Prius was only trying to get out of that area, probably a very fearful moment for the driver suddenly finding himself surrounded by a mob of angry people. In a mob situation, anyone would want to get out of there. The protestors create these situations by illegally blocking traffic and intimidating drivers. They create the fear, then wonder why people react in fear?

Funny how conservatives are claiming violence isn't the answer while running people over if they block the road.

Allow me to help you out:

Blocking traffic, intimidating drivers, creating fear, is NOT peaceful behavior. It may not rise to the level of violence, but it is FORCE. When you prevent someone from freely moving then that is a use of FORCE. A dumb use of force in my view to put your body in front of large object capable of driving over you. But it is an attempt to use force, fear, and intimidation, which then may quickly turn violent when the reaction to that illegal use of force ends up with someone else using MORE force to escape from the situation they feel threatened by.

If someone tried to grab hold of the leg of tiger and the tiger ends up biting them, who created the violent result? Are liberals that entitled, or are they that stupid? Probably both.

Refer to Newton's 2nd and 3rd laws of motion.
#2 In an inertial frame of reference, the vector sum of the forces F on an object is equal to the mass m of that object multiplied by the acceleration a of the object: F = ma. (It is assumed here that the mass m is constant.
#3 When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body.

In laymen's terms
2) Force equals mass time acceleration
3) For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

A mob of BLM/ANTIFA idiots who were blocking the street attacked a guy in his car for driving slowly through them. After they inflicted thousands in damage and the driver continued on his way, a few of the rioters jumped into their vehicles (likely the only losers in the bunch who actually owned one), chased the guy down, pulled in front of him and behind him boxing him in. They then proceeded to take a baseball bat to his car, physically attack him, and attempted to pull him out of his car before he again managed to get away.

Here's the part that boggles the mind... The police didn't arrest the attackers, they arrested the guy who was attacked.

Each time an attack like this happens, more and more people across the country realize that both ANTIFA and BLM aren't protesters, they're street thugs and domestic terrorists... aka, scum bags.

And each time the police in these democrat run cities are told to stand down and to allow these scum bags to riot and attack innocent people at will, droves of independent, undecided and even democratic voters across the nation realize they have no other choice but to jump on the Trump train for the upcoming election.


LOR AND ORDER from the guy who promises violence if he doesnt win.
You must understand: violence is only wrong if it is aimed at a target they see as pro-Trump, with the opposite result in the opposite situation. End result: it's ok to drive into people if they are protesters, but it's not OK for someone who has been driven into to bang on the hood of the car that drove into them. The protesters were unlawfully blocking a street, so in Trumpist world, it is not unlawful for a private citizen to do something unlawful to them in revenge.

Gee, y'know, maybe don't block streets AND maybe don't deliberately drive into a crowd of people to make a point.

Peaceful political protests are a protected 1st Amendment right. Blocking traffic, intimidating drivers or others with threats and fear, is NOT protected by the 1st Amendment.

When the level of fear and intimidation rises to the point where a citizen takes action to escape from the perceived threat to them, that is not always illegal. Your premise is contingent upon a unproven belief that for the driver of that car, he was not in fear for his life or his safety. That he is necessarily assured that whatever mob scene happening around him with people wearing mask, helmets, goggles, sticks/clubs disguised as sign staffs, that the driver is supposed to submit to some guarantee that he cannot be harmed.

These kinds of protests didn't just start. We see how signs, helmets, skateboards, bottles of water (frozen), or just about anything else may be quickly weaponized in a moment by these so called "protestors". In fact, we see that happen in this video, the use of signs, skateboards, and bicycles as weapons.

Why did the protesters chase and attack the car after it squeezed through and was leaving? The driver during that action had not injured anyone, people moved out of his way, and then he was on his way, so just let the Prius go. However, what we see happen is EXACTLY what that driver was in fear of and should be in fear of. The way these so called "peaceful protestors" can become a violent army in a moments notice.

Peacfull protestors would be on the sidewalk making their point. They would not be taking over the street, would not be creating fear and intimidation.
Why didn't the police proactively arrest anyone blocking traffic? Then this could never have happened.

BLM/Antifa doesn't have a Judge signed Warrant to stop traffic? They have not been Deputized by the local Sheriff and given the commands to stop traffic?

Under what authority are they imprisoning people in their vehicles?

Isn't false imprisonment a serious felony? Doesn't a citizen have a right to use force, up to lethal force, to break out of False Imprisonment?

The protests will continue. Impotent whining from all of the old white keyboard commandos in the world won't stop them.

The injustice and perpetual forgiveness of racist policing will be addressed and remedied.

That is all.

Let the squealing continue. It accompanies my coffee quite well.

By the way--upset much? Has it clicked yet that that's one of the purposes of the protests?

They are achieving some of their goals already.

Old white people didn't like the Civil Rights marches either.
Conservatives say violence isn't the answer yet they will run you over if you block the road.

That is all you need to know about them, they will kill you for merely blocking traffic.

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