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Paul McCartney died in 1966 (1 Viewer)


Just waiting for my set...
DP Veteran
Sep 29, 2007
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It is all a cover up. He died and the Beatles hired a look alike in order to produce and sell records. It is about money.
Money is also known as bread. The Beatles originally had four members, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. In 1968, the Beatles traveled to Rishikesh, India. It is likely that they ate pita bread while they were there. "Pita" has four letters in it. Coincidence? I think not. Sliced bread also has four edges. Pita bread is circular, it has two sides and one edge. One plus two is three.
Money is also known as bread. The Beatles originally had four members, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. In 1968, the Beatles traveled to Rishikesh, India. It is likely that they ate pita bread while they were there. "Pita" has four letters in it. Coincidence? I think not. Sliced bread also has four edges. Pita bread is circular, it has two sides and one edge. One plus two is three.

You're really on to something here.
It is all a cover up. He died and the Beatles hired a look alike in order to produce and sell records. It is about money.

Yeah...it's true.

I think I saw the real him hanging out with Elvis at some diner in Las Vegas.... :cuckoo:
Yes because as well all well know, record sales never increase when a famous pop star dies. Just look at what happened with Elvis, Michael Jackson, Prince and David Bowie.
It is all a cover up. He died and the Beatles hired a look alike in order to produce and sell records. It is about money.

Yeah, while recording Sgt Pepper's he got pissed, left the studio and was killed in a car accident. He was then replaced by another guy nicknamed "Walrus". The proof is here-

Yes because as well all well know, record sales never increase when a famous pop star dies. Just look at what happened with Elvis, Michael Jackson, Prince and David Bowie.

Those were all individual acts... try again.
Yeah, while recording Sgt Pepper's he got pissed, left the studio and was killed in a car accident. He was then replaced by another guy nicknamed "Walrus". The proof is here-

Lyrics from A Day In A Life

"He blew his mind out in a car" and the famous "Paul is Dead" when played backwards...
Money is also known as bread. The Beatles originally had four members, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. In 1968, the Beatles traveled to Rishikesh, India. It is likely that they ate pita bread while they were there. "Pita" has four letters in it. Coincidence? I think not. Sliced bread also has four edges. Pita bread is circular, it has two sides and one edge. One plus two is three.

That is not a right angle...
I prefer Donnie and Marie...

Both Donnie and Marie are still alive, I mean, Cher's album sales increased following her tour following the death of Sonny (in regards to the previous comment).
Both Donnie and Marie are still alive, I mean, Cher's album sales increased following her tour following the death of Sonny (in regards to the previous comment).

Oh, I had no idea where you were going... they were just a duet though.
Yeah, while recording Sgt Pepper's he got pissed, left the studio and was killed in a car accident. He was then replaced by another guy nicknamed "Walrus". The proof is here-

"The song 'Glass Onion' contains the lyric 'looking through a glass onion.' The DJ Russ Gibb claims that 'glass onion' was old British slang for the handle of a casket, because in the nineteenth century caskets had round glass handles that looked like glass onions. Paul is looking through a glass onion because he's in a casket." Paul is Dead (1969)

Paul McCartney Admits Beatles Planned Death Hoax – beatle.net
"The song 'Glass Onion' contains the lyric 'looking through a glass onion.' The DJ Russ Gibb claims that 'glass onion' was old British slang for the handle of a casket, because in the nineteenth century caskets had round glass handles that looked like glass onions. Paul is looking through a glass onion because he's in a casket." Paul is Dead (1969)

Paul McCartney Admits Beatles Planned Death Hoax – beatle.net

A glass onion was a liquor bottle, not the handle on a coffin.


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