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Patriot!? Says who!? (1 Viewer)


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Sep 3, 2005
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I wasn't completely sure where to put this thread, but I figured it fit best in History.

The point of this thread is very simple. Define Patriot. Identify past "Patriots", and why they deserve to be deemed so. The word is thrown around so much anymore, I believe it's losing its true meaning and is evolving into a synonym for nationalist (especially in this country). Anyone agree/disagree?

RecoveringPunk said:
I wasn't completely sure where to put this thread, but I figured it fit best in History.

The point of this thread is very simple. Define Patriot. Identify past "Patriots", and why they deserve to be deemed so. The word is thrown around so much anymore, I believe it's losing its true meaning and is evolving into a synonym for nationalist (especially in this country). Anyone agree/disagree?


***Ever see the movie, "The Patriot" starring Mel Gibson? I look to how our founding fathers' represented pride and honor in serving this country by fighting for our independence. Likewise, I am a Vietnam veteran (having fought in combat) and securing an honorable discharge; a discharge depicting my honor of country, and thus, a true patriot.
Theoretically a patriot loves his country but, unlike the nationalist, he doesn't hate other countries.

In practical use (at least in German language), patriotism and nationalism is the same thing, I guess. Pick someone, who claims to be a patriot and chances are good he or she is a nationalist.
In my opinion, a TRUE Patriot <trademark> is one who puts country above politics and is dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal and would never intentionally deprive any person of life, liberty, or property or deny to any person the equal protection of the laws.

But you could ask that question to a dozen people and get a dozen answers. I know people who claim to be patriots that are against just about everything I mentioned above.
ptsdkid said:
Likewise, I am a Vietnam veteran (having fought in combat) and securing an honorable discharge; a discharge depicting my honor of country, and thus, a true patriot.
Just like John Kerry. He was Vietnam Veteran and got an honorable discharge. He is thusly a true patriot by your standards then.

(ducks and runs)
The definition has been perverted so that by not supporting everything the government does you can be labeled "not a patriot." Which is perfect because we love being controlled by the government :p
Captain America said:
In my opinion, a TRUE Patriot <trademark> is one who puts country above politics and is dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal and would never intentionally deprive any person of life, liberty, or property or deny to any person the equal protection of the laws.

Well said....:bravo:
Why thankee Cherokee:3oops:

Some folks confuse patriotism with facism.....

I'm here to set them straight.
I think the real definition of a patriot is someone who works for what he thinks is best for his or her nation. Now adays if you don't believe in war your deemed unpatriotic, while if follow your president blindly you're deemed patriotic. 'tis not so in truth.

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