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Pat Robertson to Town: "God Hates You" (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
On Tuesday, all 8 members of the school board of Dover, PA, were sacked by the voters because they tried to force intelligent design into the science curriculum. Today, Pat Robertson told the town not to be surprised if God causes a disaster to strike the people there.

This, my friends, is the mindset of Roberton and his followers. Screw the Bible, screw the words of Christ, screw ethics in general, and keep mining those diamonds and gold with your collection money instead of using it for its intended purpose - feeding the hungry.

Robertson is a false teacher. Absolutely. Positively. No two ways about it. But I wont wish any harm on him. I will pray that God forgives him for what he is doing.

Article is here.
The disaster had already happened. The people cleaned up after it a couple days ago ;)
Oh man, I just read this story...

"I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: if there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God, you just rejected Him from your city"

"And don't wonder why He hasn't helped you when problems begin, if they begin. I'm not saying they will, but if they do, just remember, you just voted God out of your city. And if that's the case, don't ask for His help because he might not be there,"
- Pat Robertson
scottyz said:
Oh man, I just read this story...

- Pat Robertson

Next thing you know Robertson will be calling for the assassination of Dover School Board members.

Does anyone out there take this guy seriously?
hipsterdufus said:
Next thing you know Robertson will be calling for the assassination of Dover School Board members.

Does anyone out there take this guy seriously?
He has 1 million listeners. I assume the majority of them are ready for Jihad.
hipsterdufus said:
Next thing you know Robertson will be calling for the assassination of Dover School Board members.

Does anyone out there take this guy seriously?

Sadly yes. There are many god-fearing people who just don't know any better.

Pat Robertson's problem is he uses the God's vengence as a fear tactic to convert people. I think when he read the bible he stopped after the OT so he has this vision of God as vengeful and fierce, he never continued to the NT.
hipsterdufus said:
Next thing you know Robertson will be calling for the assassination of Dover School Board members.

Does anyone out there take this guy seriously?
Our President does, the man has had dinner with the president at the whitehouse on several occasions.

Don't get me wrong, both parties have their share of crazies in them. However, in the Democratic Party, Sharpton does not get consulted on policy issues or gets personal dinners with Democratic Presidents.

Guys like Falwell and Robertson on the other hand enjoy inside Whitehouse access to Republican Presidents being that they represent one of the core consituencies of the Republican Party.
danarhea said:
On Tuesday, all 8 members of the school board of Dover, PA, were sacked by the voters because they tried to force intelligent design into the science curriculum. Today, Pat Robertson told the town not to be surprised if God causes a disaster to strike the people there.

This, my friends, is the mindset of Roberton and his followers. Screw the Bible, screw the words of Christ, screw ethics in general, and keep mining those diamonds and gold with your collection money instead of using it for its intended purpose - feeding the hungry.

Robertson is a false teacher. Absolutely. Positively. No two ways about it. But I wont wish any harm on him. I will pray that God forgives him for what he is doing.

Article is here.

I live in the Orlando, Florida metropolitan area, and I guess I'm one of the many here on Robertson's hit list. We got three hurricanes last year, one directly through this area, the other two close. Had another storm 3 weeks ago, had some rain.

Pat Robertson, is this all you've got? You killed a lot more folks in New Orleans. What did they do to you? Maybe that's your Sodom.

As far as Orlando, buddy, bring 'em on. We don't have ID here, and damn if we're going to start 'progressing' backwards, if I have anything to do with it. Better hurry up, hurricane season ends November 30.

Mr. Robertson, you are a vengeful... Wait a minute. I see you on TV. You're just a man. Just a hateful, spiteful, vindictive old man. You quit threatening people in this country and calling for assassinations. And don't you presume to tell others that God will abondon them in their time of need because something didn't go your way.

Any Christians who might read this: I think the Christian faith is a good, true path and most of its followers are decent, wonderful people, just like most people who follow the other faiths. The angry words above are directed at one man, who I think deserves them.
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I'm not a big Robertson fan, but Dana's thread title is very misleading. Robertson never said God hates you. Never. This is the kind of posting that got Dana tossed from another forum. Pathetic.
KCConservative said:
I'm not a big Robertson fan, but Dana's thread title is very misleading. Robertson never said God hates you. Never. This is the kind of posting that got Dana tossed from another forum. Pathetic.

To correct what the guy said, I was never tossed from the other forum. My account is still active. I just chose to come here because trolling and personal attacks are not permitted. Which reminds me to report his post.
danarhea said:
To correct what the guy said, I was never tossed from the other forum. My account is still active. I just chose to come here because trolling and personal attacks are not permitted. Which reminds me to report his post.
Would you give us the quote of Robertson saying God hates you? And trolling is not permitted over there....that's why you were banned.
KCConservative said:
Would you give us the quote of Robertson saying God hates you? And trolling is not permitted over there....that's why you were banned.

Another correction to this guy's post. I was not banned. My account is still active over there. As I stated before, I choose not to use that account at this time. The forum he is talking about is political crossfire, and anyone can verify what I am saying by messaging an administrator there. I hope this clears up the lie.
danarhea said:
Another correction to this guy's post. I was not banned. My account is still active over there. As I stated before, I choose not to use that account at this time. The forum he is talking about is political crossfire, and anyone can verify what I am saying by messaging an administrator there. I hope this clears up the lie.
Will you be providing that quote of Robertson saying it or not?
KCConservative said:
Will you be providing that quote of Robertson saying it or not?

Since you did not read my post, nor the link, and since you have lied about my status at the other forum, it is apparent that you are just attempting to bait me into a flame war, JamesKC. Since I have no wish to be in one, I will simply log off for the night, and let the wheels of justice in this forum take its own course.
[Moderator Mode]

Please keep discussions based on the current topic and not on a person's past history with another political forum.

This usually occurs when two people are at opposite ends of the political spectrum and wind up in the same new forum.

But past biases shouldn't be used against a forum member to portray them in a "bad light"...There is no validation, but much more important...we don't care...

Whether or not someone wants to be part of our family for good or evil, we will go by their current actions and not by the accusations of another member...We would know soon enough...

Thank You,
Moderator Team

[/Moderator mode]
danarhea said:
Since you did not read my post, nor the link, and since you have lied about my status at the other forum, it is apparent that you are just attempting to bait me into a flame war, JamesKC. Since I have no wish to be in one, I will simply log off for the night, and let the wheels of justice in this forum take its own course.
Actually, I did read your post and the link. That's why I was compelled to reply. Nowhere does Robertson say that God hates ayone. Tell us why you chose to misquote him.
Pat Robertson said:
"I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: if there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God, you just rejected Him from your city,"
Ah, so we've got a little bit of proof now that Intelligent Design is a Xtian movement (unlike what they've been claiming). Thanks Pat!
shuamort said:
Ah, so we've got a little bit of proof now that Intelligent Design is a Xtian movement (unlike what they've been claiming). Thanks Pat!
No doubt Robertson goes overboard with his beliefs and assertions. So does Dana. He thinks Pat told the city that God hates them.
KCConservative said:
No doubt Robertson goes overboard with his beliefs and assertions. So does Dana. He thinks Pat told the city that God hates them.
Yeah. The quote in the title suggest that Pat Robertson said something when he actually didn't. However, in paraphrase, it's pretty close.
shuamort said:
Yeah. The quote in the title suggest that Pat Robertson said something when he actually didn't. However, in paraphrase, it's pretty close.
No, it's not close at all. Robertson never said that God hates the city of Dover. That is proposterous!

From experience, I can tell you that this is Dana's MO. Attributing false quotes is disingenuous and dishonest.
KCConservative said:
No, it's not close at all. Robertson never said that God hates the city of Dover. That is proposterous!
Actually, you're right... in retrospect a better paraphrase would be Pat Robertson: "Dover hates God".
shuamort said:
Actually, you're right... in retrospect a better paraphrase would be Pat Robertson: "Dover hates God".
If there is a quote of someone saying that, then yes. Otherwise, it is equally as false.
KCConservative said:
If there is a quote of someone saying that, then yes. Otherwise, it is equally as false.
Ugh, my point being that it would be a more accurate paraphrase not quote.
Pat Robertson, I hate that man.

I do not understand why people listen to him, I am a Christian.. my church has a SLAVE DOOR, and I think he's a phoney. How I connected my Church door to Pat Robertson is beyond me. I love how Pat Robertson automatically considers everyone in Dover "god haters" and he wishes tragedy to occur. There's got to be at least 1 Church in Dover.

Pat Robertson is just mad that he is not being taken seriously, as he used to be.

I hope someone punches him in the face, on national television.
Be grateful for people like Robberson and Foulwell. They are the key to the ultimate destruction-from-within of the religious far right. Every time they say something stupid, a few more of their smarter followers fall away.
Bush is still attached, tho, but for political reasons. He hopes to keep the more ignorant voters on the side of the Republicans.
I predict that the only Republican that has a chance in 2008 is McCain. If he is not nominated, we will likely have a Dammocrat in office. :(

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