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Panic buying sets in as "russians" feel impact of sanctions (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Political Leaning
Muscovites are feeling the impact of international sanctions as inflation pushes the cost of household staples up. CNN's Anna Stewart reports some supermarkets have placed limits on how much customers can buy of certain products.


Yes, the Muscovites are having a rough time because of the sanctions (looks like year 1991 visited them again ;)but they are not being killed or bombed out of their homes, schools and hospitals. My heart goes to the Ukrainians and there is only one solution :

Muscovites are feeling the impact of international sanctions as inflation pushes the cost of household staples up. CNN's Anna Stewart reports some supermarkets have placed limits on how much customers can buy of certain products.


Yes, the Muscovites are having a rough time because of the sanctions (looks like year 1991 visited them again ;)but they are not being killed or bombed out of their homes, schools and hospitals. My heart goes to the Ukrainians and there is only one solution :

View attachment 67383059

Your “solution” would lead to nuclear war.

no. already happened 2 times in 20c. but this time we will be smarter 😉
View attachment 67383064


Except no, it didn’t. The Russian civil war frontlines were never intended as borders, and it showed as most of those regimes were promptly reannexed.

Meanwhile, Russia retained just about all its own land when the USSR fell.

Anyone who thinks Russia is “about to end” is either overly melodramatic or utterly clueless
I love to see how Moscow´´s PROPAGANDACONDOMS have changed the language )))

I love to see how Moscow´´s PROPAGANDACONDOMS have changed the language )))

Anyone who thinks Russia is “about to end” is either overly melodramatic or utterly clueless

lol , too late IVANS )))
“won the war” weeks ago
yes, we won the war, now we finish of Juchi project , something what I have been telling you many years already . by the way did you read this book ? The Autumn of the Patriarch

yes, we won the war, now we finish of Juchi project , something what I have been telling you many years already . by the way did you read this book ? The Autumn of the Patriarch

There won’t be any rebound because once Ukraine is under an occupation government all the sanctions against Russia will apply to Ukraine
Anyone who thinks Russia is “about to end” is either overly melodramatic or utterly clueless

Russia might not end, but it could sure go through a period of tumult. Russia wasn't exactly the most equitable and economically vibrant spot on earth before sanctions, and average Russian household is now feeling distressed. I suspect Putin's initial response will be totalitarianism, but that can only go so far. Russians will remember when they had more money than they do now and when they didn't have to watch every word they say, and there's going to be a point when they really begin to resent it. And history tells us, Russians don't put up with bullshit for too long.
Russia might not end, but it could sure go through a period of tumult. Russia wasn't exactly the most equitable and economically vibrant spot on earth before sanctions, and average Russian household is now feeling distressed. I suspect Putin's initial response will be totalitarianism, but that can only go so far. Russians will remember when they had more money than they do now and when they didn't have to watch every word they say, and there's going to be a point when they really begin to resent it. And history tells us, Russians don't put up with bullshit for too long.

Which is hardly anything new. If regimes like Iran and Cuba can survive literal decades under extremely harsh sanctions, the idea that Russia will suddenly fracture seems like a laughably blatant case of wishful thinking.
yes, we won the war, now we finish of Juchi project , something what I have been telling you many years already . by the way did you read this book ? The Autumn of the Patriarch

If you “won the war” then why is there still fighting bud?

Lithuania can conduct its crusade alone, because Americans aren’t going through a nuclear war for your wet dream bud.
you represent here only your Kremlin buddies , L. has full NATO&US support so stop lying old man

Not for invading Russia. Duh.

Which is the only way your laughable plan would even have the tiniest chance of coming true.
with the salaries lower than in 1978, can Nigerians with snow survive on 1978 ussr - salaries (25 $) the long long Muscovite winters ? i dont think so...

Again, considering Cuba has survived for more than fifty years of sanctions rather well, assuming Russia will collapse is delusional
Again, considering Cuba has survived for more than fifty years of sanctions rather well, assuming Russia will collapse is delusional
And this is nothing compared to the 1998 Russian financial crisis which they weathered

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