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Palestinian-Israeli peace talks - developments as they occur [remember ML applies] (1 Viewer)


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Dec 22, 2005
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was hoping this thread could serve as an on-going place to discuss the nine-month saga of the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks

a reason for hope:
Skeptics see Palestinians as committed to violent resistance and unwilling to recognize the state of Israel. In fact, more than 20 years of polling data strongly refute these perceptions, and give leaders in Ramallah substantial room to maneuver in the ongoing peace talks.
... a majority of Palestinians reject using violence against Israelis. In a recent poll, 59 percent opposed returning to armed intifada, and 61 percent endorsed non-violent resistance and international adjudication.
... Perhaps most encouragingly, most Palestinians support the two-state solution – Israel and its Jewish majority living side-by-side in peace with the yet-to-be founded Palestine. Asked about the two-state solution, 53 percent of Palestinians are in favor and 46 percent opposed.
Under conditions of permanent peace, an overwhelming majority of Palestinians endorses genuine and full reconciliation between the two peoples. Even during the worst days of the second intifada, findings consistently showed about three quarters (73 percent) supporting reconciliation between the two peoples once the conflict ended and a Palestinian state established alongside Israel. ... Overall, Palestinians widely endorse non-violent resistance to the occupation and a negotiated settlement leading to statehood. ...

Views of Palestinians give reason for hope in Mideast peace talks - CSMonitor.com

this surprised me
i would have thought a long oppressed people would object to a negotiated settlement, given the decades of hardship they have had to endure
let's hope this ripe opportunity for a resolution is not now wasted
Re: Palestinian-Israeli peace talks - developments as they occur [remember ML applies

Just as we have the problem in America of an MIC and career military that involve us in constant wars are unreasonable positions, the same applies to both Israel and the Palestinians. Israel has a real MIC and you'll notice that anytime a "peace" prospect appears, no matter how dim, there will immediately be an announcement of more settlements to be built insuring the collapse of the efforts.

Now, the Palestinians don't have a very large MIC beyond the bomb-makers. But they are an ignorant people, easily led, and their Hamas and other groups have no real life purpose beyond war. So, at the first prospect of "peace", again, no matter how remote, someone will fire a few rockets into Israel, quashing any hope.
Re: Palestinian-Israeli peace talks - developments as they occur [remember ML applies

Israel cannot accept any solution that will split her in half. Like connecting Gaza and the West bank. And the Jews cannot give in on the fact that Jerusalem, home of the Israelites, is their capital.

I'm for the 3 state solution. Israel, Jordan, and Egypt.

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