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Outed Calif. state senator apologizes (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
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Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
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Senator Roy Ashburn, the California state senator who was arrested for driving under the influence after leaving a gay bar in March apologized on Monday for the harm he has caused the LGBT community.

There is even more in the link. Does anyone have any idea of what an openly gay Republican can do for the Conservative movement? I think a lot. And now that Ashburn has apologized for being a hypocrite, and is now in the open, without any feelings of guilt or remorse for who his really is, I strongly believe that he now becomes a strong asset in the Republican party, instead of a liability. One thing for sure - Unlike Larry Craig and others, he has my respect, and if I lived in his district, I would vote for him. Well done, Senator!!

Article is here.
There is even more in the link. Does anyone have any idea of what an openly gay Republican can do for the Conservative movement? I think a lot. And now that Ashburn has apologized for being a hypocrite, and is now in the open, without any feelings of guilt or remorse for who his really is, I strongly believe that he now becomes a strong asset in the Republican party, instead of a liability. One thing for sure - Unlike Larry Craig and others, he has my respect, and if I lived in his district, I would vote for him. Well done, Senator!!

Article is here.

I have a difficult time believing that the conservative constituency will vote for him, to be honest. I think his days in the state senate are pretty much over come next election, especially if he is going to be supporting things like gay marriage.

I also agree with the person who made the comment that it would have read so much better had he not been FORCED into reticence, but instead have gotten there on his own. It isn’t bravery or courage or integrity when you have no choice in the matter, but I supposed there isn’t much else he could do – except continue to deceive and work against marriage equality while living a lie in private.
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Let it be known that a conservative has been forgiven after seeing the error of his ways.
I'm conservative and would vote for a gay person. However, I would only vote for one who was honest from the beginning.
In all honesty I could not force myself to vote either for a Lesbian or a homosexual.

I was raised by a society that saw this behaviour as deviant however much i rationalize my feelings as I have traveled along life's path, my initial education continues to decide my thoughts.

I fail to see how people who choose to behave in these ways can possibly or even reasonably be described as 'GAY'.

When it happens that a politician is caught out as being a Homosexual and then is also found to have committed an offense, then that politician should upon being found guilty of a crime, be automatically thrown out of whatever office he or she holds and barred from ever holding Public office again.
Perhaps by this single act some degree of respect and dignity can be brought back to the US world of politics.
In all honesty I could not force myself to vote either for a Lesbian or a homosexual.

I was raised by a society that saw this behaviour as deviant however much i rationalize my feelings as I have traveled along life's path, my initial education continues to decide my thoughts.

I fail to see how people who choose to behave in these ways can possibly or even reasonably be described as 'GAY'.

When it happens that a politician is caught out as being a Homosexual and then is also found to have committed an offense, then that politician should upon being found guilty of a crime, be automatically thrown out of whatever office he or she holds and barred from ever holding Public office again.
Perhaps by this single act some degree of respect and dignity can be brought back to the US world of politics.

But it is exactly that kind of an attitude that keeps many gays in the closet. What is important to me is the Senator's effectiveness. To be blunt, his DWI is more important to me in considering him than his being gay is.
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You Liberals might be surprised because I could vote for a gay candidate if I agreed with him on the issues (gay ones excluded)
I'm conservative and would vote for a gay person.

I'm a conservative and I have voted for a gay person.

Woo, I win. :mrgreen:
You Liberals might be surprised because I could vote for a gay candidate if I agreed with him on the issues (gay ones excluded)

Given the last three words of your sentence, oh no, my right wing friend -- we are not surprised at all.
I'm conservative and would vote for a gay person. However, I would only vote for one who was honest from the beginning.

I would vote for a gay conservative. I would vote a Liberal for all the tea in China.
There is even more in the link. Does anyone have any idea of what an openly gay Republican can do for the Conservative movement? I think a lot. And now that Ashburn has apologized for being a hypocrite, and is now in the open, without any feelings of guilt or remorse for who his really is, I strongly believe that he now becomes a strong asset in the Republican party, instead of a liability. One thing for sure - Unlike Larry Craig and others, he has my respect, and if I lived in his district, I would vote for him. Well done, Senator!!

Article is here.

The reason you'd vote for him is that he's gay? Why on earth would that be your main criterion? Tell us you like his politics, what he stands for, his voting record. Don't tell us it's because he's gay......?
I believe there are some constituencies within the conservative movement that could never accept a gay candidate such as the religious right an other social conservatives.

The Three G's - Gays, God and Guns.
Call me crazy but I'd be more inclined not to vote for him because of the DUI charge. How can I respect a politician who is breaking the very laws he has sworn to uphold?
I have a difficult time believing that the conservative constituency will vote for him, to be honest. I think his days in the state senate are pretty much over come next election, especially if he is going to be supporting things like gay marriage.


For the record... I'd vote for an openly gay congressman IF, he was fiscally and politically conservative, pro-gun, anti-illegal immigration, pro-security, pro-death penalty, supported the war on terror and flat out said that his sex life was his business, he wasn't going to flaunt it and he wasn't trying to convert anyone.

But I can't stand someone who is a hypocrite. Married, sneaking around banging pages and trolling for sex in bathrooms. The guy is a security risk. Who knows what secrets he'd give up to keep his from hitting the public?

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