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Onion Gets Bought - Still Not Funny. (1 Viewer)

Trump hate, gufaw.....

I take it you think the Hate Night shows like Jimmy Kibbles and Bits are funny,,,,,
Awww, poor baby. People making fun of the malignant narcissist scumbag piece of shit liar grifter rapist and seditionist. Would you like some cheese with that whine?
If you go to the site, you'll be bombarded with desperate please to give them money. They say if you like the site - give them $1.
Checked out your claim and found it to be false although you did succeed in driving more traffic there. Here's the only humorous pitch for donations,
Checked out your claim and found it to be false although you did succeed in driving more traffic there. Here's the only humorous pitch for donations,

^^^ - Claims it false while proving it true - you just can't make this up...

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MSNBC Activist Ben Collins is new lead writer for the far left satire site, The Onion. And it's going pretty much as anyone would have guessed. If you go to the site, you'll be bombarded with desperate please to give them money. They say if you like the site - give them $1.

Thing is, I think everyone who finds the Onion funny DID send the $1 - leaving Jeff Lawson to contemplate what to do with the $37 windfall. My suggestion is for the staff of the Onion to log on to the Babylon Bee to see what "funny" looks like.

So its just like a Trump site now?
^^^ - Claims it false while proving it true - you just can't make this up...

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View attachment 67506888
If you go to the site, you'll be bombarded with desperate please to give them money. They say if you like the site - give them $1.
^Your post is an exaggeration. One article that no one has to read or has to read in its entirety does not qualify as being bombarded with desperate "please" (the correct word is pleas) for money.
FYI: bombard: attack (a place or person) continuously.

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