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One Track Mind (1 Viewer)


Slow 🅖 Hand
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2011
Reaction score
FL - Daytona
Political Leaning
As usual, the media has gone absolutely, ape gaga over ONE topic, "Ukraine/Putin." There's a little bit about unrelated headlines and other stories but mostly just one subject. First, it was police brutality with Floyd, then COVID- ad nauseam, now war drums. Oh, the drama! There are other problems like inflation, supply chain problems and oil.

This kind of hyper-coverage about the Ukrainian conflict bores the shit outta me, how about you? And, YES, I know that "it is what it is," but they could run concurrent news along with top headlines besides looping scenes of Russian aggression.
As usual, the media has gone absolutely, ape gaga over ONE topic, "Ukraine/Putin." There's a little bit about unrelated headlines and other stories but mostly just one subject. First, it was police brutality with Floyd, then COVID- ad nauseam, now war drums. Oh, the drama! There are other problems like inflation, supply chain problems and oil.

This kind of hyper-coverage about the Ukrainian conflict bores the shit outta me, how about you? And, YES, I know that "it is what it is," but they could run concurrent news along with top headlines besides looping scenes of Russian aggression.
"The media" consists of for profit corporations — they run with whatever draws ratings.
I am so old that I remember TV when there was just 15 minutes of national news.

Some man (no woman) would sit at a desk (perhaps with a map on the wall behind him) and read the news.

People usually got the news from thick (100 pages or more, including classified advertising) printed newspapers.
I am so old that I remember TV when there was just 15 minutes of national news.

Some man (no woman) would sit at a desk (perhaps with a map on the wall behind him) and read the news.

People usually got the news from thick (100 pages or more, including classified advertising) printed newspapers.
I still read the NYT — I just do it online now.

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