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One Small Step For Mankind. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 12, 2005
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Apr 23, 12:47 AM (ET)

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration said Friday that it would enforce a nearly 3-year-old federal law that requires doctors to attempt to keep alive a fetus that survives an abortion.
In making the announcement, the Department of Health and Human Services Department said it was an attempt to educate the public about the little-known law. Officials said they didn't know how often a fetus survives an abortion and would not say whether there have been any complaints about a lack of enforcement.
"As a matter of law and policy, the (department) will investigate all circumstances where individuals and entities are reported to be withholding medical care from an infant born alive in potential violation of federal statutes for which we are responsible," HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt said in a statement.
"We will also take proactive steps to educate state officials, health care providers, hospitals and child protection agencies about their obligation to born-alive infants under federal law," Leavitt said.
The Born-Alive Infant Protection Act of 2002 amends the legal definitions of "person,""human being,""child" and "individual" to include any fetus that survives an abortion procedure.
Those who meet the definition of "individual" are entitled to certain protections under federal law. In particular, hospitals can't refuse to treat them.
HHS spokesman Kevin Keane said the department's action was not politically motivated. He said Leavitt had been asked about the issue at his confirmation hearing.
The National Right to Life Committee welcomed the department's move.
"The 2002 law and today's actions by the agency were both badly needed, because there are those in our society who have convinced themselves that some newborn infants - particularly those born alive during abortions, or with handicaps - are not really legal persons," said Douglas Johnson, legislative director for the group.
A spokesman for NARAL Pro-Choice America said the group had no comment and that it did not oppose the 2002 legislation because it did not impede on a woman's right to have an abortion.

I have always wondered how Doctors who take an oath to save lives, justify aborting a fetus in the first place. It seems like such a barbaric practice to kill a perfectly good human being.
I have always wondered how Doctors who take an oath to save lives, justify aborting a fetus in the first place. It seems like such a barbaric practice to kill a perfectly good human being.

If I got what you meant correctly,you are asking why doctors who are suppose to save lives,did the abortion in the first place.Yes,it is a barbaric practice to kill a perfect human being.However its nothing wrong with doctors doing the abortion.Take for example,there are lawyers who help to defend murderers.Should we blame these lawyers?No,because its their job.On accord of money and fame,they chose to help those who are wrong.Its a service they are providing here.Whats important right now is that this law is applied which helps to improve the condition.Nothings fair in this society,but in a comical way,just take a look at how the society works.Without crime, unjust, there won't be much job created.Without thief there won't be police,lawyers and judge.This is just a thought,though it seems quite off the topic :2razz:
If I got what you meant correctly,you are asking why doctors who are suppose to save lives,did the abortion in the first place.Yes,it is a barbaric practice to kill a perfect human being.However its nothing wrong with doctors doing the abortion.Take for example,there are lawyers who help to defend murderers.Should we blame these lawyers?No,because its their job.On accord of money and fame,they chose to help those who are wrong.Its a service they are providing here.Whats important right now is that this law is applied which helps to improve the condition.Nothings fair in this society,but in a comical way,just take a look at how the society works.Without crime, unjust, there won't be much job created.Without thief there won't be police,lawyers and judge.This is just a thought,though it seems quite off the topic :2razz:
I don’t know if it is quite the same, is it? I just answered my own question. Doctors taking a Hippocratic Oath is a joke. Classical Version Modern Version The oath has changed so much over the years, it doesn’t mean anything anymore. That’s a shame. :doh Political correctness knows no bounds.
But, these kids aren't alive or human - right?
vauge said:
But, these kids aren't alive or human - right?

Fetus are once alive,if they are not aborted by their cruel mothers,just think of their future.You are once a fetus too. :lol:
ianrufford said:
Fetus are once alive,if they are not aborted by their cruel mothers,just think of their future.You are once a fetus too. :lol:
Just because you were a fetus does not make it a human being. It may be life, but so is skin.
Squawker said:
I have always wondered how Doctors who take an oath to save lives, justify aborting a fetus in the first place. It seems like such a barbaric practice to kill a perfectly good human being.
It's a matter of economics.

Since Roe v. Wade, a huge industry has grown up. Nearly fifty million abortions have produced many thousands of jobs and the need for much medical equipment, supplies, and the like. Lots of millionaire abortionists, too.
Squawker said:
I don’t know if it is quite the same, is it? I just answered my own question. Doctors taking a Hippocratic Oath is a joke. Classical Version Modern Version The oath has changed so much over the years, it doesn’t mean anything anymore. That’s a shame. :doh Political correctness knows no bounds.
From that same source:

According to a 1993 survey of 150 U.S. and Canadian medical schools, for example, only 14 percent of modern oaths prohibit euthanasia, 11 percent hold covenant with a deity, 8 percent foreswear abortion, and a mere 3 percent forbid sexual contact with patients

No, the most popular modern version was not written by Bill Clinton. Its author is Dr. Louie Lasagna.

No, Dr. Lasagna is not the partner of the late Rodney Dangerfield's physician, Dr. Vinnie Boombatts. He was, at the time, the Academic Dean of the School of Medicine at Tufts University.

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