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One of the Women's march keynote speakers was a sexual sadist (1 Viewer)

I thought the hats was the coolest part. LOL!

It was amazing you could get that many women to agree on wearing matching accessories. I wonder how often "Does this ***** hat make my ass look fat?" was asked
Are you serious, Turtle? She has an active page on Facebook re the Woman's March, and I'm not finding a MSM source for this... ? Is this credible, in your opinion? Wouldn't seem to be.

THE CITY - 7 Held in Slaying Of Man in Trunk - NYTimes.com

Has she served her allotted time?

If so, then she has paid the debt society imposed for the crime.

Now, she should be viewed for the character of her deeds since being released.

Isn't that how it's supposed to work? :yes:

No, society did not impose the sentence she deserved. She deserved the death penalty. Her voice is forever tainted by her involvement in the prolonged torture, and murder of another human being. She deserves to be shunned by civilized society, for the rest of her days.
Isn't that how it's supposed to work?

Serving a sentence doesn't undo the crime. Nor does it obligate people to accept you or what you've done. Some people forgive, some don't. Some people deserve to be forgiven, some don't.

This doesn't have anything to do with a legal system. This is just...life.
I wonder where that attitude was when Bush was president and people whined about him once being a drunk?

There's no such thing as "once being a drunk". There are many recovering sober drunks. 'Tis for another thread and time.

I don't agree with the noble concept part, you're right about them ficking the dog on this one.

And Ashley Judd? There isn't much that disturbs me, but her tirade disturbed me.
She's served her sentence, paid for the crime and now her debt to society's expunged.

If you can't argue the principle, attack the messenger. :roll:

That's funny coming from any Liberal. :lamo
I don't agree with the noble concept part, you're right about them ficking the dog on this one.

And Ashley Judd? There isn't much that disturbs me, but her tirade disturbed me.

She was pathetic. Don't wanna hear about her bloody panties. Yuck. Revolting.

She was that actress that was famous for being a shoplifter, right? LOL!
Has she served her allotted time?

If so, then she has paid the debt society imposed for the crime.

Now, she should be viewed for the character of her deeds since being released.

Isn't that how it's supposed to work? :yes:

No. Because the Republicans, who were disproportionately voted in by Christians, really don't believe in the whole forgiveness and second-chance thing. Unless it's "one of their own."
She was pathetic. Don't wanna hear about her bloody panties. Yuck. Revolting.

She was that actress that was famous for being a shoplifter, right? LOL!

How about the part about President Trump having wet dreams about daughter? Just, damn!
No. Because the Republicans, who were disproportionately voted in by Christians, really don't believe in the whole forgiveness and second-chance thing. Unless it's "one of their own."

Yeah and the Libbos NEVER bring up President Trump being 4F...ever!
She's served her sentence, paid for the crime and now her debt to society's expunged.

If you can't argue the principle, attack the messenger. :roll:

Exactly what the left does to Trump!
Meh. Makes sense. This sadistic ****

drugged and raped a 12 year old child and celebrities fawn over him. Oh...they literally shriek in horror at an admittedly despicable comment made by Trump 10 years AGO...BUT this GUY...they cheer him...celebrate him...fete him.

****ing piece of **** hypocrites...the lot of them.
No. Because the Republicans, who were disproportionately voted in by Christians, really don't believe in the whole forgiveness and second-chance thing. Unless it's "one of their own."

Give a sadist and psychopath a 'second chance' and you will live to regret it .... um ... or die to regret it.
Give a sadist and psychopath a 'second chance' and you will live to regret it .... um ... or die to regret it.

If there exists a better-stated justification for standing up to Trump, I have yet to hear it.
She's served her sentence, paid for the crime and now her debt to society's expunged.

If you can't argue the principle, attack the messenger. :roll:

Nah you don't get it. President Trump could afford a bribe to avoid jail time so he's better than these lowlifes who didn't have the money to do that.
She's served her sentence, paid for the crime and now her debt to society's expunged.

If you can't argue the principle, attack the messenger. :roll:

She doesn't really have any place to lecture anybody on how they treat the opposite sex when she sexually assaulted and murdered a member of the opposite sex.

I once worked with a fellow that served a sentence for armed robbery. I never held that against him nobody should. But if he started talking about how bad thieves were, I'd find that a bit hypocritical and I'd have let him know.


She organised a march. You want to dredge up her past in the faint hope that it somehow damages and counteracts what millions of wmomen around the planet say.
She's served her sentence, paid for the crime and now her debt to society's expunged.

If you can't argue the principle, attack the messenger. :roll:

Puh-leese. You and yours have NO room to talk about tarring people for things from the past.
Puh-leese. You and yours have NO room to talk about tarring people for things from the past.

Excellent point. Anytime you mention islamic barbarism poeple bring up the crusades. It's the same with slavery, and women's suffrage

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