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Ok, this had gotta hurt. Likely voters see country more divided if Biden wins. (1 Viewer)


All Lives Matter or No Lives Matter
DP Veteran
Mar 18, 2018
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San Diego
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Yeah, you read that right - a poll of LIKELY voters feels the country will become more divided if Biden wins

But wait! There's more:

Voters see a more divided America after four years of the Trump presidency but think the country is less divided than it was when Barack Obama stepped down. They’re also more convinced that a Trump defeat in November will make the division even worse.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 63% of Likely U.S. Voters think America is a more divided nation than it was four years ago. Only nine percent (9%) say the country is less divided, while 23% see the level of division as about the same. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Trump didn't bring the division. The division brought Trump.
Rasmussen Reports... not much of value there, and you have to pay them to find out who all they surveyed.
Rasmussen Reports... not much of value there, and you have to pay them to find out who all they surveyed.

Landline owners.. all 2,000 still left

Can you explain what the first sentence means?

"Voters see a more divided America after four years of the Trump presidency but think the country is less divided than it was when Barack Obama stepped down."

How can the country be more divided after four years of Trump but less divided than it was after Obama stepped down? Please help me make sense of that. Then I can move further into the report.
Trump didn't bring the division. The division brought Trump.

Actually Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and the boys and girls at Faux News brought the division.

Right wing propaganda is very effective
The election of Obama brought division because he was black, because of the color of his skin, and that really pissed off a lot of white folk, especially men. Electing a woman would be divisive because it would piss off a lot of men. And some women. How would you like to be born divisive because of the color of your skin or your gender?
Actually Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and the boys and girls at Faux News brought the division.

Right wing propaganda is very effective

It takes two to fight and two to create division
Trump didn't bring the division. The division brought Trump.

True, and trump has nurtured the division to try to stay in power.
It takes two to fight and two to create division

Nonsense. The right has been preaching division since 1979. Now it's here.
Rasmussen Reports... not much of value there, and you have to pay them to find out who all they surveyed.
"Likely voters" ring a bell?
Last edited:
Still voting against Trump.
You have the right to be as foolish as you wish. Feel free to exercise it.

Hera' Voting Guide for you:

biden v Trump.jpg
Trump didn't bring the division. The division brought Trump.
The division is largely in part to intolerant progressives who are not only unwilling to accept that they lost but also being outright vindictive toward those who won. If Biden wins, it will set a terrible precedent for future elections. If you dont like the election results just behave poorly until the majority of people buckle to your will. Elect my guy, or else...

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Can you explain what the first sentence means?

"Voters see a more divided America after four years of the Trump presidency but think the country is less divided than it was when Barack Obama stepped down."

How can the country be more divided after four years of Trump but less divided than it was after Obama stepped down? Please help me make sense of that. Then I can move further into the report.
I don't work for Rasmussen ask them. possible a typo or word left out.
It would hurt if it wasn’t Rasmussen. His polling hits like a girl.
Yeah, fine. You have a right to have an opinion, that doesn't guarantee that it's correct, however.
I don't work for Rasmussen ask them. possible a typo or word left out.

I tried to figure out how a simple mistake could have happened but it always comes out to be bull****, written by someone who doesn't care because he's sure nobody will read it critically.
Can you explain what the first sentence means?

"Voters see a more divided America after four years of the Trump presidency but think the country is less divided than it was when Barack Obama stepped down."

How can the country be more divided after four years of Trump but less divided than it was after Obama stepped down? Please help me make sense of that. Then I can move further into the report.
Read the next two paragraphs, that should clear it up.
You have the right to be as foolish as you wish. Feel free to exercise it.

Hera' Voting Guide for you:

View attachment 67293571

Yeah, but we already have Trump and everything is on fire now. So why hasn't he gotten a handle on the situation if he's going to bring peace and order?

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