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OK let's out some nazis. (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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Aryan and Lucid (who at first denied to me his bigoted nazi beliefs but has now come out of the closet, as it were) go without saying yet I have noticed that many of the conspiracy theorists in here espouse to the illuminati scenario which is nothing more than recycled nazi propaganda which espouses the protocals of the elders of zion forgery. The worst part is that if you haven't ever read anything by Goebbles before, then you wouldn't even realize that this propaganda about the illuminati and jews is the exact same thing, just replace the word illuminati with the elders of zion and you will realize this, one of the most horrible aspects of this propaganda is that if you don't recognize it for what it is is that it can be totally convincing, so I'm on a mission now to save the hapless masses from themselves by outting the nazis, all I wanna know is who's coming with me? Suggested hunting grounds are the 9-11 is an inside job and the international banking conspiracy threads. So let's out some nazis first on the list:

Aryan Imperium and Lucid Thoughts.
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Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Aryan and Lucid (who at first denied to me his bigoted nazi beliefs but has now come out of the closet, as it were) go without saying yet I have noticed that many of the conspiracy theorists in here espouse to the illuminati scenario which is nothing more than recycled nazi propaganda which espouses the protacals of the elders of zion forgery. The worst part is that if you haven't ever read anything by Goebbles before, then you wouldn't even realize that this propaganda about the illuminati and jews is the exact same thing, just replace the word illuminati with the elders of zion and you will realize this, one of the most horrible aspects of this propaganda is that if you don't recognize it for what it is is that it can be totally convincing, so I'm on a mission now to save the hapless masses from themselves by outting the nazis, all I wanna know is who's coming with me? Suggested hunting grounds are the 9-11 is an inside job and the international banking conspiracy threads. So let's out some nazis first on the list:

Aryan Imperium and Lucid Thoughts.

I'm a little concerned about a newbie called "WinterSun"...

GarzaUK said:

I can't believe two twin 13 year old girls are the popular face of a racism movement in America. Apprantly they have quite a following.

Only in America I guess.
128shot said:
sad isn't it?

I was scanning their blog thingy and some links there, its rather sickening that people like this still exist today...

WTF is racial science anyway? gosh, dumb stuff...
WinterSun said:
Why is it "sickening" and "sad"?
Brigand said:
What do you mean, you don't think it's sad?
WinterSun said:
Well no I don't, because these kids are being raised to understand European culture. What is so sad about that?

Ooo...that's a good one. You might be right. That and she came on to MY veggie thread and started bitching to me that I was shoving my beliefs down her throat. For sure she's a nazi. :lol:
winterSun does sound like some "StormFront" type of name.
Hmm, maybe she just meant something else in that thread about the 13 year old girls. Most of what I've seen from her has been pretty nice. She at least likes Japanese Anime which tells me she probably isn't an actual Nazi, considering many Nazis don't like the Japanese culture and stuff.
cnredd said:
I'm a little concerned about a newbie called "WinterSun"...


It's not the children ... it's their nazi parents who are to be blamed. It's shameful child abuse and should result in their parents losing custody.

Don't judge America by the actions of some nazi scum parents who taught their children to hate.
George_Washington said:
Hmm, maybe she just meant something else in that thread about the 13 year old girls. Most of what I've seen from her has been pretty nice. She at least likes Japanese Anime which tells me she probably isn't an actual Nazi, considering many Nazis don't like the Japanese culture and stuff.

Thats odd ... considering the fact that Japan and Germany were allies during World War II.
I knew canuck was a terrorist sympathizer all along and have long suspected him of anti-semetic nazi/Islamic-fascist ideology and now he has confirmed my suspicions.

To Canuck you've hereby been outted you nazi piece of ****:

Quote by Canuck:

"the neocons are made up almost entirely of jews
that they are zionist extremists is no doubt,that they conspired with evangelist extremists is no doubt
who do you think gains the most with the disposal of iraq , iran and syria
the zionest extremists and the evangelist extremists
one wants nothing more than to quicken the rapture
the other wants nothing more than to be the supreme power of the middle east

that moron in the whithouse intends to attack 2 more countries
will the real REpublican party come to it's senses and put his ass in a sling please
after that happens I promise ill go away ,no more rinse and no more american secret docs!"
Here's the link check it out for yourself:


I'm telling you people that there are quite a few of these nazi propagandists running amuk on this sight so lets bring these people to the forefront by shedding the light of truth on the subject.
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Originally posted by teacher:
On that note...
I'm sure you could prove wood anywhere Tashah goes!
galenrox said:
They're so ****ing exclusive, I get invited to shabbat or whatever the **** its called, and the rabbi just glares at me the whole time and only non jews there will talk to me, and you can't even ****ing talk to them about Israel, the second you mention that maybe Palestine has some rights too they just bite off your ****ing head!

Yeah but dude, come on, you can't equate all Jews with those kind. I've known Jews who have been very tolerant of Christians and of arabs in the middle east. To let you in on a little secret-I'm part middle eastern and when my ancestors originally came over here, they helped us out. They never judged us for being arabic or Christian. I've seriously known nice Jews throughout my life time.
galenrox said:
Dude, come on! When I say things where I write off an entire group of people, you need to take me with a grain of salt, cause I'm not being serious. I don't actually not like the jews, I was just criticizing most of my friends, including my dealer!

lmfao your dealer's Jewish?
galenrox said:
I heard Navy Pride's a racist from someone.

lol, my girlfriend's in a traditionally jewish sorority, so I hang out with a bunch of jews, and I'll tell ya what, I don't like jews.

lol well welcome to the party pal, just kidding, as long as I don't hear anything out of you pertaining to international banking conspiracys or racial superiority of the white man you'll stay off my list. I'm trying to expose this nazi propoganda for what it is; one of the most insidious lies ever layed down upon the hapless masses, see I don't consider Mencia from mind of Mencia(from mind of Mencia) a racist because he's joking when he says these things, I hate P.C. ass holes almost as much as nazis, but it's when these people are dead serious and are trying to prove and convince to others that it's true is when I've got a problem with it.
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galenrox said:
I heard Navy Pride's a racist from someone.

lol, my girlfriend's in a traditionally jewish sorority, so I hang out with a bunch of jews, and I'll tell ya what, I don't like jews.

Can I start calling you "galen Imperium"?...;)
I have not promulgted the idea of a "Jewish" conspiracy.

I have indicated David Rockefeller on multiple occasions as the Kingpin.

People who automatically cry anti-semitism against every one who declares the International Banking Conspiracy is showing their ignorance.

David Rockefeller is not Jewish.

The people involved in the conspiracy against America are simply an immensley wealthy International Organized Crime Syndicate, involved in Banking, Oil, and Opium.

Now, Rocky likes to give the impression that there is Jewish conspiracy because he puts Jews in charge of of his operations while he sits in the shadows.

Paul Wolfowitz, at the World Bank (Jew) works for David Rockefeller.

James Wolfenshohn (Jew) was the former President of Rocky's the World Bank.

Alan Greenspan (Jew) has been the CEO of Rocky's "Federal Reserve Bank."

Henry Kissinger (Jew) has been the personal representative of David Rockefeller since the Johnson Administration.

The Creation of the State of Israel itself was made possible by David Rockefeller via the David Rockefeller Institution known as the U.N.

David Rockefeller has his Rockefeller Museum in Israel.

In order to understand why a Banker would want to establish Israel as a stone in the shoe of the Islamic world, you have to understand the value of war to the Banker in terms of profits on loans for weapons.

This is why the wars we fight never end.

Extended War = Extended Profits.

For the banker it is good for business.

Below are Four pictures.

The first is of Paul and James (Wolfejew)

The next three pictures show the Jewish lapdogs leaving a hotel where they had a meeting with the owner of the Bank they work at: Emperor Rockefeller.


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Lucidthots said:
I have not promulgted the idea of a "Jewish" conspiracy.

I have indicated David Rockefeller on multiple occasions as the Kingpin.

People who automatically cry anti-semitism against every one who declares the International Banking Conspiracy is showing their ignorance.

David Rockefeller is not Jewish.

The people involved in the conspiracy against America are simply an immensley wealthy International Organized Crime Syndicate, involved in Banking, Oil, and Opium.

Now, Rocky likes to give the impression that there is Jewish conspiracy because he puts Jews in charge of of his operations while he sits in the shadows.

Paul Wolfowitz, at the World Bank (Jew) works for David Rockefeller.

James Wolfenshohn (Jew) was the former President of Rocky's the World Bank.

Alan Greenspan (Jew) has been the CEO of Rocky's "Federal Reserve Bank."

Henry Kissinger (Jew) has been the personal representative of David Rockefeller since the Johnson Administration.

The Creation of the State of Israel itself was made possible by David Rockefeller via the David Rockefeller Institution known as the U.N.

David Rockefeller has his Rockefeller Museum in Israel.

In order to understand why a Banker would want to establish Israel as a stone in the shoe of the Islamic world, you have to understand the value of war to the Banker in terms of profits on loans for weapons.

This is why the wars we fight never end.

Extended War = Extended Profits.

For the banker it is good for business.

Below are Four pictures.

The first is of Paul and James (Wolfejew)

The next three pictures show the Jewish lapdogs leaving a hotel where they had a meeting with the owner of the Bank they work at: Emperor Rockefeller.

Your international banking conspiracy is recycled nazi propoganda just replace the word illuminati with protocals of the elders of zion, I see through your bull **** now get the **** off my thread you nazi ****!
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Your international banking conspiracy is recycled nazi propoganda just replace the word illuminati with protocals of the elders of zion, I see through your bull **** now get the **** off my thread you nazi ****!

Are you arguing with me or are you arguing with voices inside your head.

I just pointed out to you that David Rockefeller is not Jewish.

He owns the Federal Reserve.

He owns the World Bank.

Are you aware that the United States of America is in debt to David Rockefeller in the amount of 8 Trillion dollars?

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Lucidthots said:
Are you arguing with me or are you arguing with voices inside your head.

I just pointed out to you that David Rockefeller is not Jewish.

He owns the Federal Reserve.

He owns the World Bank.

Are you aware that the United States of America is in debt to David Rockefeller in the amount of 8 Trillion dollars?


I don't argue with propogandists I tell them to go **** themselves:

Go **** yourself.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I don't argue with propogandists I tell them to go **** themselves:

Go **** yourself.

You are starting to sound like a Mental Patient.
You know this is the one thing that seems to unite both conservatives and liberals. Its their hatred for fascism. Thats pretty cool imo.
Vader said:
It's not the children ... it's their nazi parents who are to be blamed. It's shameful child abuse and should result in their parents losing custody.

Don't judge America by the actions of some nazi scum parents who taught their children to hate.

Who is the true fascist Vader? A person who advocates that children should be allowed to be raised according to the values of their race and culture or a man who advocates that free thinking parents should have their children forced away from them?

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